>no crazy Parkinson's
Into the trash it goes
they have magic jewish tech
>those comments
HAHAHHAHA, imajun being this butthurt
>buttblasted manchildren in the comments
Retarded portrayal of Hitler
Then why not cure his dementia/syphyllis ?
The tech was mostly just some jewish autists creating tools of mass destruction.
its easy to puppet a retard
He would be a husk if he was alive (daily methamphetamine shots will burn your candle exponentially faster), but I don't know what they have in that game.
He would have been dead long before. He was on heavy drugs and dying by the time he killed himself.
>"hitler is repugnant"
>"because he killed two actors in this movie, right?!"
>"lmao the basement dweller nazis are so triggered over here"
>"you don't know what is being a nazi fuck off!"
>"jooz propaganda!"
fuck off retard, nobody buys on your shit
>lmao he pisse and vomitte!!!!
This has nothing to do with being a Nazi, it's just poor taste. But what can you do, it's the Rick and Morty crowd after all
stormcucks BTFO
He held absolute power for over a decade and never waved a gun around like that. He was flawed but he wasn't Caligula.
He is a decrepit oldman in this movie. Get over it.
>it's just poor taste
;_; WHAAAAAAAAAAA, WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, it's just poor taste to depict a perpetrator of genocide in a gross manner, WHAAAAAAAAAA, WHAAAAAAAAAAa, MUMMY THEY SAID MEEN THINGS ABOUT DER FURHER ON THE 4CHANZ ;_;
>my fantasy videogame about killing nazis is inaccurate because a hypothetical future hitler has dementia
Cry me a fucking river, sweetheart.
What are you, 5?
t. stunted emotional development
For you, honey.
>"it's a fucking game losers"
>"i just want them to stop telling lies!, i only seek the truth!"
>"Why the fuck did they make him an crazy deluded prick? Gooooo propagandaaaa yaaay"
>"jeBish propaganda"
>" Oh, if i could show you who's behind the curtains of pity and poverty. You would become a anti semitist right away and i asumed that you we're calling me a right wing cuck and relating fascism to the right because i was having an anti leftist radical opinion with ya, seems that i cannot underestimate my enemies anymore. Please, further me with more ''evidence'' of Hitler being a jew since it seems that you have the grace of knowledge stating that he was controlled opposition."
>muh disrespectful to Hitler
>muh not realistic
are stormfags forgetting this is the same franchise where Hitler is a final boss in mecha armor dual-wielding miniguns?
Got any proofs that any of the scriptwriters for this game is even a Jewish?
It's not that it's disrespectful to Hitler, it's that surely you can make fun of him and his ideals without toddler humor
>implying Hitler would still be alive by 1961
He would've been dead by '47
>you can't make fun of hitler with x!
Yeah, sure. Face it. Your inferior leader is a loser like you.
>mong misses the point
How do you ridicule Hitler more; disproving him for the fraud he was or having him shit himself? Rub your two brain cells hard before answering this one
>disproving him for the fraud he was
As if the academic and historical record hasn't done this over, and over, and over. All that's left is:
>having him shit himself
But I mean stay [TRIGGERED] snowflake.
Well the evidence suggests this was an unlikely outcome.
Albert Speer was in close contact with Hitler near the end and describes how he ordered violence and was paranoid about the influence of Jews in society at large, however there is no evidence he engaged in it personally or that he arbitrarily accused people who would have been thoroughly screened before being allowed in the same room as him of being jews.
Seriously these Hitler bashing threads are getting annoying. Fuck you, Hitler saved humanity and you in return piss on him and his grave?! WTF people?!
>mfw shitlerposter memed Shitler into reality
Swing and a miss. Your brain cell sure must be lonely.
>As if the academic and historical record hasn't done this over, and over, and over
And you think your regular Joe has the time or interest to go through these records? No, the only way he can know these things is through pop culture, so that's a surefire miss for Bethesda.
I also like how you keep insinuating that I'm a stormfag, even though I've proven I'm not a fan of Hitler. Sure doesn't seem like you're losing the argument or bleeding from your anus.
this just reeks of Jew
>Hitler saved humanity
By destroying Germany? Aight, i can get behind that.
By the way, the scene in OP takes place on Venus
Really to get a historically accurate conjecture of Hitler at 70, one need look no further than the Cuckmander of the US Armed Forces, Lord Cheeto, the Dotard of Covfefe
The Wolfenstein games were never set on historical realism. Go to and whine there.
Mods do your fucking job
My mother died of dementia.
It's not a joke or a trait to be mocked. One would think enlightened social justice warriors in 2017 would have evolved beyond the old trope of giving the villain a club foot or some other deformity as a visible manifestation of his deformed soul but apparently not.
Apparently the mentally ill who deserve to be treated with dignity and respect in 2017 are men that think they should be allowed to use the little girl's room.
Does Hitler remind you of your mother?
>mfw /pol/fags are the new triggered snowflake
Circle of life
Parkinsons and dementia do not turn people into psychopaths, it doesn't work like that.
He actually had a quack doctor Theodor Morell who prescribed him amphetamines and if he had an illness he may have been prescribed high doses. This seems to me a more likely explanation. However it is still pretty unlikely.
Hitler's psychological profile was one of a perfectionist whose anger stemmed from threats to his Aryan Disneyland as opposed to someone who delights in physical aggression, the effects of his aggression had to be external and couldn't affect the bubble he had created. As a child he was constantly going from his father's fists to his mother's arms creating this contrast, he would not take his aggression out on his bubble any more than he would against his mother.
IF only you retards would use it properly.
>this triggers stormcucks
Horseshoe theory is real. The even more ironic thing is that your faggot hero would have sent your mother to an Aktion T4 center to be euthanized the second she was diagnosed.
They are not making fun of Hitler as they are depicting him in agony, because it's Hitler.
So you admit it? If you upset at how they portrayed Hilter in a game where Nazis won WW2 with literal Jewish magitech that BJ got some from the bottom of the ocean then you need to leave Veeky Forums
Wow, it goes downhill suddenly once the acting starts. Was a really good cut-scene but the transition to gameplay is jaring.
To be fair, you have to have fairly high IQ to grasp the subtleties of the scene. The idea is poetic justice. Hitler was a man who thought that the mentally disabled should be thrown into concentration camps and gassed. For him to end up mentally disabled himself is a classic case of karma in action.
I don't care about Hitler, I care about the hypocrisy of people who claim to stand up for vulnerable people using mental illness that afflicts millions of vulnerable people of all races as a way to mock a historical monster.
>I have an idea for a section of our video game where we spend 10 minutes mocking the infirmaties of a mentally ill old person!
>Like, OMG that's so problematic, I can't even right now!
>the old person is Hitler.
How does it feel that more and more people are coming to the conclusion that your kind to literally worse than Hitler?
>people are hypocryte
BOOHOO what a surprise!
Your leader was a loser. Get over it.
There's no "karma" in putting the world at the mercy of a mentally ill person who has power of life and death over millions.
>Haha now Hitler is even MORE likely to commit genocide for arbitrary reasons! Take that Hitler, Karma's a BITCH!
Horseshoe theory the post
Remind me again why I should feel obligated to support people like you over Nazis when you're just as bad as the Nazis?
>supporting an inferior being
Gee...it's hard to choose!
This is my favorite (You) I've ever received.
>kill the Jews
>unite the white race
>invent robots by 1948
>land on the moon by 1951
>colonize the solar system by 1955
What did Bethesda mean by this?
>calling out Bethesda for not being realistic in Wolfenstein
>everyone is SJW in there
Okay user
making fun of hitler is pretty old and lame now. nothing even shocking or surprising.
no, he'd probably be dead by then and even if he did survive and gets rid of that shitty doctor he wasn't a particularly violent man.
>Wolfenstein was made by tumblr users
The thing with you people is that you constantly see everything you don't like as being made by a morbidly obese feminist with purple-dyed hair and hipster glasses. Or a Jew. Or a combination of the two. Simply put, it isn't. Its just a bunch of game coders making a joke about Hitler; something people have been doing since he launched his war of terror and annihilation upon the world. Anyway, why would you expect people to be offended by making fun of a maniac responsible for the deaths of tens of millions of people? Hitler obviously didn't give a fuck about the sensibilities of the people who's nations he pillaged, lives destroyed and families ripped apart. People simply don't feel bad for a genocidal lunatic who believed he had a right to wipe tens of millions of people off the face of the earth because "muh race," and I'm one of them.
>a cutscene from a video game is worse than a man who planned to exterminate the population of Eastern Europe
You people are fucking delusional.
That the Amerindian genocide didn't happen, and history kept going forward.
Anything is possible with Jews
>Horseshoe theory
Yes OP i'm sure the schizophrenic fever dream of a deranged jewish SJW is an accurate depiction of historical reality
>Tumblr users exist solely in a pocket dimension and in no way interact with the rest of the world it's impossible for a person to be both a game developers AND a Tumblr stereotype.
>It's ok to make fun of mentally people if they're Hitler and if you're somehow uncomfortable with the idea of mental illness serving as a punch-line CLEARLY you must be a neo-nazi that thinks Hitler was a great guy.
Hitler is dead. What he fantasized about doing is irrelevant, people like you on the other hand are alive and shaping the world according to your hypocrisy.
So yes, you are worse.
>thinking Hitler's mental capacity by 1961 matters all
Here's the question that really matters:
If Anne Frank was still alive in 1961 and nine months pregnant with twins, would she be able throw a hand grenade into a squad of SS soldiers, do a tactical slide, push BJ Blaskowicz out of the way of a flamethrower, rip her burning clothes off with one swift motion, and while straddling her lover, grab a pair of StG-44s and savagely machine gun a robotic Nazi dog to death?
>2007 it was buttblasted athiests in comments
>2017 its buttblasted nazis
I wonder who the father is?
If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human butt - forever.
I doubt it. People always like to overexaggerate Hitler's shitty qualities in order to belittle or dehumanize him.
>he was gay
>he liked to piss and shit on girls
>he had one testicle
>he was a sociopath
>he was a cannibal
>he was a drug addict
Heard it all before. I'm no alt-rightist but I can see why they would be butthurt over this portrayal.
What the fuck did I just watch?
>Bethesda, anons that argue with you, SJW stereotypes in general, and theoretical SJW stereotypes employed by Bethesda in particular, collectively, through user made fun of an invalid >on the granted provision that it was Hitler
>Portraying ageing Hitler as infirm and demented is so great a betrayal of absolutely everything the aforementioned parties are posited to espouse they are all entirely false in their holding of all ideals attributed to them
>this exception to their posited ideals makes all aforementioned parties hypocrites, for not portraying the ageing megalomaniac as a pillar of youthful vigor
>thus being hypocrites, all aforementioned parties are more ethically despicable than Nazis, not because their transgressions against their fellow men are greater, but because Hitler is deceased and this renders his crimes moot and inadmissible as evidence of his disposition
Am I following you properly?
>don't YOU DARE touch my daddy!!!11
God stormtards are pathetic
>'Hey guys is this a realistic portrayal of Hitler?'
>'No it isn't.'
Hitler, as he is portrayed in the media, has next to nothing to do with the historical person.
because the pulp adventure game about shooting Nazis with lightning and punching Hitler's decrepit face in and has been about that since the 80's chose to make their depiction of hitler unflattering?
I can see why they're buthurt too. Because they want to be.
thank you for your generous addition to the archive of buthurt stormfaggots
>he was a drug addict
But this one is true
The voice doesn't fit Hitler at all. Hitler had a deep voice.
The drugs he was given were considered medicine back then and you can bet that the Allied leadership was given similar things quite regularly. Not to mention that the things he took would have been quite high quality drugs opposed to the stuff that actual drug addicts take thus suffering from the side-effects of contamination.
"Drug addict" is a rhetoric propaganda term.
whoa whoa whoa stop right there... He wasn't a cannibal!
He had a lampshade made of Jewish skin, so that qualifies.
if you look close enough at any major political figure you'll find qualities like that
Pulp adventure is only as cool as your enemy.
If your enemy is pathetic it only makes you look pathetic too.
>Haha I'm so bad ass my ultimate enemy is a crazy old dude that painfully pisses in a bucket and pukes on the floor! (New Colossus)
>Haha I'm so bad ass my ultimate enemy is a psychotic dictator with magical powers a mech suit and super heavy machine guns! (Wolfenstein 3D)
Hitler was just a gag in new colossus, like a cute cameo. No one would take him seriously as a villain baddie after nearly a century of muh 6 gorillion. The real enemy was that nazi grandma.
You aren't even supposed to fight Hitler in the game. Frau Engel is your final boss.
Keep crying
I'm not crying.
Why do you people insist on pulling the "if you think this is retarded you must be a Nazi" card?
Why is Hitler old and BJ the same age?
>that webm
>that could've been Anne Frank if only the writers had browsed Veeky Forums
Thing is like half of that is true. It goes both ways.
I didn't call you a Nazi though.
Fancy yourself a Nazi?
>that comments section
Why is /pol/ so perpetually assblasted?
They're the new SJWs. It's the logical turnout after being exposed to the constant victim mentality their board cherishes.