Is our civilization heading for a collapse?
Information Age Collapse
Kill all eurangutans
Unless we discover a radical new source of energy, yes
The petroleum, coal, and industries are already facing depletion, recent extraction is low grade coal and high sulphur low EROEI crude, natural gas prices are so low the industry is going bankrupt. The nuclear industry has no funding and even you converted all energy use into nuclear you would only have 50 years worth of uranium, green energy remains a meme
What do you mean by "our civilization"? The West? Modern humanity?
>natural gas prices are so low the industry is going bankrupt.
That's a sign that natural gas is abundant, though.
Mankind will become extinct within 500 years, at most 1,000
All the world's nations. Since modern times the whole world is arguably one civilization.
Green energy is not a meme, and it could save us but that means that we should change our lives completely and "be happy" with less, and that sort of change in attitude and general view on life is a "meme" that wont happen.
Maybe if it's forced upon us but that would lead us on another path towards destruction.
Glad I'm travelling and seeing places rather than building a career or some nonesense like that for a "safe future", we all, rich and poor, succsessfull and easy living, like me, will not have a safe future, we will all be in the same misery and horror of the future where food and energy is starting to run out.
At least I didn't spend my youth slaving away while thinking that I can have nice things when I'm older.
We are in an era of weak men that create tough times. Maybe the youth of today will end up being strong.
>Since modern times the whole world is arguably one civilization.
I don't see any specific reason to think, based on currently known factors, that world civilization is headed for collapse. However, it's certainly possible that new factors will emerge that bring about collapse.
For example, it's conceivable that continuing growth and proliferation of technology will eventually lead to a situation in which private individuals or small groups can access civilization-destroying power in the form of bioweapons or some sort of ecosystem-destroying technology.
It's also conceivable that human civilization's impact on the ecosystem reaches a level at which it triggers some sort of cascade of ecological changes that cause apocalyptic levels of destruction.
I don't think it's likely that world civilization would collapse for political or social reasons, though. Humans are tough, smart, and can reproduce rapidly when they feel like it.
Energy supplies could conceivably be a problem, but based on what I know it seems to me that there is at least another 100 years of fossil fuels available, which is probably enough time to develop and spread post-fossil fuel energy technologies.
Modern civilization is fundamentally based around the sum total of human technological knowledge and the organizational habits, skills, and manners that are instilled in children by the childrearing process. There is also no obviously superior form of civilization that would be a competitor (and if there were, that would be a good thing, not a bad thing). There might be large-scale die-offs, but unless something happens that destroys enough people and wealth to endanger the technological knowledge base and critical mass of well-informed people that modern civilization depends on, I don't think the civilization as a whole would collapse.
Doesn't matter, if it's not profitable to extract it stays in the ground, if something is supposedly abundant but you can't even make a business extracting it then you have a problem. Falling prices are a sign of deflation which is what destroyed all civilizations throughout history
>Green energy is not a meme,
How many time before we run out of (rare) materials for the green energy?
Anyway there's a limited amount of energy disponible on Earth. That's physical. The only thing we can control is the consumption, thus our population.
>Runs out of wind
If we could get our shit together for just a minute we would realize that the only way to survive is to adopt planned economies/economy. Even then we will eventually run out of resources. The trick is to make the resources we do have last as long as possible. The problem with capitalism is that everything is for sale. In an ideal economy nothing can be for sale because nothing is actually replenishable. When I buy more than I need I'm not 'wasting' the resource; I'm stealing it from whoever might need it. That can not be allowed to happen if we are to survive.
And if I can go full marxist here for a moment. The person who amasses more than he consumes is commiting the greatest sin of the modern era. These people will be looked back on with disgust and are in no uncertain terms responsible for the deaths of millions if not billions of people. Property rights is a protection racket and that will become very clear in the coming 50 years.
There is a limited amount of wind. Even if you cover the entire world with wind turbines (ignoring the materials...) there's an energetic limit.
>that means that we should change our lives completely and "be happy" with less
So what you're saying is that you have no real scientific, numerical understanding of any "green" energy sources
Once white people are eliminated
Commie scum die
Yeah too much weak men. Hard times soon, fellow strong men.
When our generation should be retiring, which is not going to happen, the world will be in flames.
The sounds of unpunished rape and murder will echo in the streets of our cities
There will be anger and horror
The strong will have to do terrible things for survival
The weak will be enslaved if lucky
And the few young of tomorrow will find torn off magazine pages from the dust, advertising perfume from a time when greatest conern to people was to smell bad when they all knew what kind of a future we were heading towards.
Eurangutans will get wiped out of the earth's surface. It's time to erase this cancer.
Nah this will happen on eurangutan "countries". So it's fine.
>Wants to change the world
>Not willing to stop consuming, for example, meat
You're part of the problem
I hate this ironic anti white meme.
>"Our" lives should consist of nothing more than the meager sustenance necessary to perpetuate an unentertaining reproductive cycle until the planet is no longer hospitable
Insect-tier philosophy
>killing superior beings in America
>spreading subhuman pestilence all over that land
How is this not a tragedy?
Your extinction is near. Face it, it's your turn to get genocided.
It's not ironic, Incas were superior to eurangutans, history demonstrates it.
are you the violent simians guy
Mongrel detected.
What solar? Solar isn't the only type of green energy dipshit. Bacteria can create methane/natural gas and its being experimented with to be productive on a large scale. Problem solved.
The real problem is the price increase of petroleum products like plastics.
Who knows what the Jews have in store
HE DOESN'T KNOW ABOUT ALGAE FEEDSTOCKS (grown strictly on saltwater in the most arid of deserts, of course)
It's 2017, dickweed. Hunger and death are a joke. If you had any scientific basis for your assertions, you'd know that. You just smoked weed a couple times and thought that all the answers you had were right.
>Glad I'm travelling and seeing places rather than building a career or some nonesense like that for a "safe future"
Sounds like you've got lots of free time. Maybe you should commit some of it to studying if you want to make *real* answers
Besides, why should more people even be alive then can sustain the highest quality of life, anyway? Reproduction does nothing but make life worse for everyone, by your logic especially.
>Implying anyone would go and "feed the world" when all the hungry people couldn't pay = no money to be made
>Bacteria can create methane/natural gas and its being experimented with to be productive on a large scale.
>large scale
Ok, cover the world in bacteria... Do you understand the concept of limit, "dipshit"? We"re living on a limited area, with limited energetic resources, and all are natural (wind, sun, uranium, oil, rocks, pig shit, name it). The only control we have is the consumption within these limits: population.
Then maybe you should do something about that, cuckey
If things continue as they are...
For the West, the 21st century will be remembered like the 3rd century for Rome. It will be a century of decline that will take centuries still to recover from. We are probably on the cusp of a Dark Age, where chaos reigns supreme as central governments fall due their corruption and decadence.
You can create a near infinite number of combinations of words. Have conversations with interesting people about interesting things. Create close bonds with other humans. Read millions of electronic 'pages' of literature. There is an endless amount of visual stimuli all around you. Millions of songs to sing and play and many millions more to make.
You pretend like meaning derives from external sources when all evidence suggests that meaning is generated internally.
>The trick is to make the resources we do have last as long as possible.
y tho? Why not just live high on the hog for as many decades/centuries as we have left? What's the point of making more generations of people?
No, we are heading towards transhumanism and singularity, provided some idiots like Trump or Kim Jong-Un don't ruins things for everyone else.
I don't want any of this garbage
>honorary doctorates
lma fucking o
We are going to see the gradual development of many entangled crises including energy, resources, economics, infrastructure, health and ecology. Anyone of these problems on its own may seem solvable, but together in one wave will sink much of the civilized world. I see something akin to feudalism re emerging, with most of the population living in a primitively while elite populations continue to enjoy technological progress, ultimately attempting space colonization, which has a very low chance of preserving our species. We will survive to the 3rd millennium but after that our chances of survival drop dramatically along with inevitable changes to earth's climate and increasing cosmic. Hazards
You want so bad to be an intellectual
Not really. Just my take on the whole thing. You seem annoyed though. What's your take on it?
The world's already covered in bacteria, dipshit. The question is concentration.
It's fucked. Society will reset to late industrial era living standards and be forced to gradually reindustrialize on a sustainable scale as opposed to the mass economic leaps that defined the 19th and 20th centuries. In the mean time many people will die and most of the things you love will get destroyed.
>i would rather continue dying of diseases and have a weak brain
medical advancements will more than likely benefit the richest, just like today. I'll probably only get affordable regular healthcare when the nanobots cause the market to shift.
Why would I want to abandon the real world for a virtual one?
youve already abandoned it if youre posting here
Solar is only a few times more expensive than non-renewable energy. Even if we're already maxed out in that technology, a 3x higher burden isn't the kind of thing that will destroy our standard of living, it will just be a temporary setback until we improve other facets of life to comepnsate.
roasted, but I do actually get out.
fallout resource wars when...already talk of disbanding the UN...which also happens in fallout
fucking Kasakela
>Is our civilization heading for a collapse?
Unironically yes. No way in hell is this sustainable
>he thinks a resource will be depleted
You have no idea how economics works do you?
Enlighten us, user.
He's right you know.
You little spergelings have no idea how bad the ecological reality of it all really is.
Do you think the Bronze Age ended because people had mined all the bronze in the world?
So what you're saying is that you're essentially willing to bet the survival of the human race on a belief that we will be able to innovate our way through any obstacle? Very prudent.
Well we do innovate our way through most obstacles. That's literally the human niche and the reason why we have survived for hundreds of thousands of years. There are hundreds of things in the natural world alone that can kill us, and yet we are still here.
Either way, you need to think about your knowledge of economics. Something that becomes scarce doesn't disappear, it simply becomes more expensive over time. And if your thesis that oil production will soon lessen is true, oil will simply become more expensive, it will never be depleted, just like bronze hasn't depleted, or uranium or gold.
FUCK YEAH! SIGN me up for Slavery Baby! To save the earth and shit hell yeah! I'm sure the elite would gladly give up everything they own to achieve this!
Well we do innovate our way through most obstacles. That's literally the human niche and the reason why we have survived for hundreds of thousands of years. There are hundreds of things in the natural world alone that can kill us, and yet we are still here.
I get where you're coming from. I really do. But I'd like to point out that learning to manage resources in new ways and account for and midigate ecological damage is also a form of innovation. It's much better to innovate with the tools we have available to us in the present rather than try to innovate in order to do damage control.
>Either way, you need to think about your knowledge of economics. Something that becomes scarce doesn't disappear, it simply becomes more expensive over time. And if your thesis that oil production will soon lessen is true, oil will simply become more expensive, it will never be depleted, just like bronze hasn't depleted, or uranium or gold.
But what does that matter? What the user you responded to is saying is basically that as the resource becomes more scarce it will lead to widespread societal upheaval. Oil becoming more scarce and hence more expensive is the problem here; not a solution. What good is an economy based on supply and demand when the supply is so little that the demand can not possibly be met for 99% of the population when the resource in question is essential for the structuring of the society? You could of course answer this qustion by saying that it will push innovation within alternative energy sources but that is quite a leap of faith if you ask me. For all we know there might be some obstacle regarding the extraction of those alternative energy sources we will not be able to overcome; and not just because we're not clever enough but also because the society producing these innovations will crumble too quickly to mend itself. Doesn't seem like a prudent way of thinking if you ask me.