Now that the internet nerd money bubble has popped, where do we put our money next?
Now that the internet nerd money bubble has popped, where do we put our money next?
please leave grandpa
The best is 75% in half a year
I'm just looking for a safer place to make more money
>implying the stock market is any safer
invest in index funds
which ones
I'm a good mood because of IOP, OP
It's your lucky day, my mutural fund list is as follows.
You're going to make a few pennies off them a day, but it's considerable hard to lose money with them.
This is not fianical advice ~!!! Do your own research desu.
We don't want your bags boomer. Tic toc, Your time is running out and this generation wants nothing to do with your stocks.
Healthcare/Insurance and Housing markets will crash next.
Just you wait for BAT to rake Normies into Crypto. Build it and they will come.
>You're going to make a few pennies off them a day, but it's considerable hard to lose money with them
You should be in crypto, stocks, bonds, real estate, gold, and food/water/weapons.
real estate indexes?
outdated pic
I own nvda and it's at 180.
Which money? I invested all of it in PonziCoin.
>"now that the internet nerd money bubble has popped" says the increasingly frustrated nocoiner as he is still trying to figure out how to set up a fucking wallet.
Personally I think crypto is just starting but looking into other kinds of investments for the future and diversification is a good strategy.
Besides index funds, what do you suggest and why?
its the first half of 2017
I made quite a bit out of crypto without ever using a wallet or sending a blockchain transaction, just using the exchange