Was the Nuremberg trial fair?
If not, would it even be possible to have a trial similar to that with the presiding judges being fair and impartial?
Was the Nuremberg trial fair?
If not, would it even be possible to have a trial similar to that with the presiding judges being fair and impartial?
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They lost. They died.
Deal with it, loser.
Soviet criminals were judging German criminals.
They should've been tried in a neutral country like Sweden or Switzerland.
Spotted anti-fa
Not a fan of the Soviet Union in general but its hard to say that they were wrong to want to punish the people who invaded them and killed millions of their citizens without provocation. And other than Poland, the USSR was the country that got hurt the most by the Nazis, so it would be weird if they weren't represented.
A ton got acquitted.
>The Allied nations were antifa
>its hard to say that they were wrong
No, it's not.
It's understandable but still wrong.
How is it "wrong"?
Judging people by standards you don't adhere to yourself.
As said, a neutral party should have been responsible for the trials.
Still not sorry for them. USSR is the country that allowed WWII to happen in the first place and in the first phase of the war was the one that supported the German war machine and their own occupation was just as harsh to say nothing of the way they treated civilians and soldiers of their """allies""".
In this story they resemble a thug who got betrayed by their co-conspirator and then cries about it.
Being sorry for them or not isn't a factor.
1945 - 1950: *pseudo-legalese and moral pretensions to mask blatant obstruction of justice, overall honest attempts to make the semitic revenge trails look legit*
iirc one Kraut got the rope just for being publicly antisemitic, it was deemed his words of hate "supported the holocaust", even though he wasn't in the military or government and just a crabby Jew hating journalist.
His case seemed a smidge unfair.
I'm glad we don't judge people like that anymore.
He probably would have only copped 20 years if he wasn't screaming "FUCK THE KIKES" all through his trial
He wasn't just saying fuck kikes, he was accusing the prosecutors of all being kikes.
Still, death penalty for basically shitposting is a bit un-fucking-fair when that's all he did.
>it's okay to sentence an innocent man to death if he's insulting the prosecution
well okay
He wasn't innocent though, he was guilty of what he got charged with
>Voicing negative opinions justifies a death sentence
Why'd you move the goalposts?
I wasn't the one who said he was innocent
I never said it was the correct sentence for his crimes, all I said was he probably wouldn't have gotten the noose if he didn't accuse every man and his dog of being Jewish
It wasn't fair, but it didn't have to be. It was a show trial, which is what the Nazis gave to their opponents.
this thread reeks of pol
Yes they deserved it.
How many times does Germany have to plunge Europe into chaos before we just genocide the entire country?
Does anyone have the video of Goering and co laughing about the Anschloss?
yeah but then again they could have given him the death penalty simply for breathing or existing and he would have been guilty as charged, you at least have to agree it's fucking barbaric to hang someone for a minor offence that's contempt of court at best
>charged with having the wrong opinion
I agree that It didn’t need to be fair, they started the war, got stomped, and had to pay the consequences. However in the western world today the Nuremberg trial is seen as a gold standard of how fair western nations are and how much more egalitarian we were than the nazis.
Mate, even the Nazi government thought he was out of fucking control in his anti-semitism
War never changes.
They needed a way to execute the regime leaders without looking like the bad guys so they gave them a kangaroo trial. No such things as war crimes or crimes against humanity; as the Athenians pointed out to the Melians, "Right, as the world goes, is only in question between equals in power."
>Was the Nuremberg trial fair?
No, none of the post WW2 trials were.
>If not, would it even be possible to have a trial similar to that with the presiding judges being fair and impartial
Impartial, maybe. Fair? No.
They didn't really have any jurisidiction to judge them, as there was no real international court beforehand and most of the crimes they commited were either not defined as crimes yet or not persecuted. The Federal Republic/ GDR didn't have any authority either, as they didn't commit crimes in those countries either. You could have them judged for actual crimes they commited against their own state, like embezzling money.
But in the end it all boils down to
>ywn reach Streicher levels of bantz
Why even continue to shitpost?
>publishing a newspaper that's just nonsensical anti-Jewish reee'ing that barely anyone even read is a crime against humanity
>a worse crime against humanity than national slave labour or unrestricted submarine warfare
Dönitz, Speer, Schacht and others were useful. Streicher was just obnoxious
>His last words were "the Bolsheviks will hang you"
How can anyone even compete?
>being guilty is the same as the sentencing
t. legal brainlet
>His last words were "the Bolsheviks will hang you"
Holy shit. Although, looking at this shiteating grin, I believe it
>disdain for plebs
>unrestricted submarine warfare
Oh you mean the kind the allies were practicing?
well no one in the allies was ever convicted of war crimes for it, so Streicher really did nothing wrong
Fair trial, and they were guilty as hell. However, you could just as easily do one for the crimes of all the other nations as well. No nation got out of WWII with their hands clean.
Of course the trials weren't fair, how could they possibly have been fair under the circumstances? But no one cared then and no one cares now because it was the fucking nazi high command.
Also I've never seen Veeky Forums do this much moralizing before, and of course it's over Nuremburg.