Is pessimism the most brainlet philosophy school?
Literally ascribing a feeling to the universe because your depressed, how is it even a philosophy.
If you are a pessimist please take the cure: stoicism
Is pessimism the most brainlet philosophy school?
The world is my representation and you are obviously a deluded Hegel fanboy
the world is not a representation. thats your mental box, look beyond that, the universe isnt tangible and feeling sad is monkey animalistic tier philosophy
"Feeling sad" as you put it is the only logical response to the guarantee of death. We are born into a losing struggle and the world in fact is a representation since we can only perceive it through our senses and thus give it our own narrative/meaning/purpose/whatever
Death isnt necessarily a bad thing. Struggling and suffering arent inherit to the universe. Philosophy should give you enlightenment and tools for living in harmony with the universe. Feelings aren't "logical" being depressed and bitter isn't "logical". Living in harmony with the universe, becoming the best person you can be or simply exist in a comfortable state.
"wah wah life comes to an end, i might as well be sad about it while im alive before death takes place because its logical"
What a retarded thread
Yes, that's why coming to an acceptance about the futility of life and the struggle against it is useful in stripping away the unnecessary pleasures that can only serve to distract. This doesn't necessarily disqualify somebody from feeling "sad" about their finite existence or the fact that much of existence itself is designed to inconvenience, annoy, and cause suffering
What im saying is, you can give yourself mental tools to navigate the "suffering" you feel, in a comfortable way. Life doesn't have to be suffering, it CAN be suffering when you are without basic necessities but a philosophical position which is just "i dont enjoy life" shows immaturity. Gain some consciousness, life isn't made for you, the universe doesn't exist and you can reach enlightenment when you come to terms with this and can live happily. Apathy to life is important. Either throw some punches at the world, drown in pointless misery or live in harmony with what happens to you
I'd rather be realistic about the world and what it has to offer and gain some contentment from that. Part of this is accepting the fact that much of existence sucks and its unavoidable. I think the root of this is a misunderstanding of "sad." Being a pessimist doesn't mean walking around like eeyore or some shit
you aren't being realistic about the world. You are only relating it to your understanding since you seem to only understand things from human level. Being in harmony with the world is the most realistic you can be. Existence doesn't suck, you are relating that to a frail state of mind. Existence is here and you will benefit from being in harmony with it while you exist. You wont find contentment in dissatisfaction with existing because thats a shallow understanding of the world. The only way to be content (while you have understanding of existence and can't be a hedonist) is to accept everything for how it is, without human predisposition, bad things CAN happen but existence is neither bad nor good and while it exists, try and understand it and live as harmonious as you can
i used to be a pessimist, i know its more than a dissatisfaction with living but its a barrier that needs to be crossed, its necessary in your journey and i hope you are able to find harmony eventually
You are advocating for being passive in your own existence. "Acceptance" and "harmony" as you term it is an abdication of a duty to yourself, that duty being seeing the world as it is (to the best of your ability) and realizing that what you perceive is ultimately your own representation. The first thing that should strike you when examining human existence is that it is inevitably short and full of suffering. This ultimate fact animates all other perceptions. You aren't saying all that much I disagree with, except your continued denial that to be born is to necessarily suffer.
This is the closest anyone will ever come to a genuine altruistic sentiment on Veeky Forums and it is in itself a miracle. Now I'm a devout Christian thanks guys
suffering isn't bad
Fuck off. It's not gonna happen, kid.
I am sure you don't understand Black Metal and besmirch it as harshly. Welcome to the world, gullible brainlet.
This is a stupid example. Black metal isn't a philosophy, it's a music genre. Philosophy is meant to be debated and challenged. Music is meant to be enjoyed. Its not a way of thinking or a philosophy
Schopenhauer while I don't agree with his atheism has said more about real life than most philosophers.
If I were an atheist I could see myself subscribing to Schop's school of thought
Bro have you even read Schopanheaur's work?
>the luckiest people are those who were never born.
Feeling happy is the only logical response to being alive in the first place, fucking depressed faggots.
Having potential for good feelies is > zero potential for good feelies, even if you have guaranteed bad feelies.
Anyone who truly feels that the guaranteed bad feelies (inherent suffering of existence) are not worth existing for the potential of good feelies, would just kill themselves, rather than try to convince others. Therefore, everyone who argues such, argues in bad faith, because anyone who truly believed in pessimism would have simply killed himself.
> Killing yourself
> Giving in to the will
Do you even asceticism?
>complaining to others about how life isn't worth living, but not killing yourself.
no matter how you cut it, it's a bad faith argument.
The argument is that its better to have not been born in the first place but since we are here weve got to understand and deal with suffering for what it is. Killing yourself generally just causes more suffering rather than helping anything. Killing yourself while understandable does not really relieve suffering rather it extinguished all experience and neither does it help others who suffer. Schopanhaeurs morality is based on suffering, we all suffer and the compassionate thing is not to add to but help relieve the suffering of those around you
For schophaneur anyway the only way to subdue to the will is through asceticism, contemplation of the will which leads to understanding and or aesthetic arts which can disconnect you from the will temporarily.