According to your religion, what's the purpose of life?
According to your religion, what's the purpose of life?
Neglecting it in pursuit of the next one.
Being raised in a dysfunctional family unit, taking heavy psych meds and escaping life by posting memes on the internet.
>take that
Negation of the will to live.
In other words, to want to nevermore want.
>my feelings
>were hurt
Sex and drugs and rock'n roll.
Remembering the death and resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ who, with the Father and the Holy Ghost, form the holy trinity.
Evolution is the purpose of all life. The continuation and advancement of your breed is the only meaning biological life will ever have. Humanity is the highest group of life forms on earth, but there is much competition within the Human group for dominance.
The entire history and prehistory of humanity has been conflict between the different groups and breeds and how each vies for dominance and self preservation.Evolution is struggle, competition, survival, and advancement, so this struggle between races is not only natural, it is THE meaning of life.
To loose the biological racial struggle is to loose the game of Evolution and be condemned as group a worthless failures. This is where the "cuck" insult comes from. To fail biologically is the greatest sin and to welcome and encourage this failure is the most disgusting and damnable offence imaginable.
To continue human evolution the more advanced races must survive and dominate. The Southern races would live in their own shit for millennia - just as they did in Africa before we found them - until a meteor comes to wipe them out.
The Europeans and perhaps the East-Asians are superior and capable of further advancement (if we reestablish the right governments, traditions and cultural behaviors of course).
After the destruction (or isolation) of the inferior southern breeds there might then be another battle between the White man and the Yellow Menace. The winner of that struggle with go on to conquer the stars.
Or at least try. That's where the real battle begins, as I'm almost positive that other worlds are producing other life to compete with ours.
These xenos will all need to be exterminated; total fascism will be the only way the new humanity will survive and win that struggle.
From there we will have reached an unrecognizable glory. True Übermensch. The power such an advanced race would have after millions of years of evolution and intergalactic dominance would incomprehensible.
Our descendants will become GODS.
>purpose of life
Life begets suffering. From birth to aging to sickness to death. From mental to physical, the suffering exists as platform.
We rise above that purpose in life in moments of duress and find a way to eliminate it. Buddha's path is a way to end the "purpose" of the life.
keep dreaming white boy
Its a test of character.
Depending om your actions you will euther go to heaven or hell.
I spend 20 minuets writing that and trying to make it fit within the character limit and that's the best reply you've got?
My religion generally regards the question as meaningless, since all things gravitate towards their own unique purposes, and all are intertwined by the nature of cause and effect.
Yes, I do follow a real religion, not Fedorism.
I fully agree, I just yesterday told someone the same, yet I added the point that world wide dominance of the most inventive and intelligent race is NECESSARY to protect our planet from possible alien invaders. If humans follow the worldpeace paradox, which can never be achieved, its possible that a more evolved conquerer species could invade, destroy or enslave the human species.
Establishing that Mickey Mouse should be killed in all cases.
We are here trapped by the demiurge, we must escape by realizing our divine sparks which enables us to experiment union with the Alien God and thus be saved.
Why won't god save us?
To expose the Jews
>be me
>have preacher's kid stamped on forehead
Its to let us live life for God, but also to be allowed the joys of life, as long as we try our hardest not to be sinful. We're gonna fail at that obviously, sin is quite literally coded into our dna, but as long as we truly repent, live for God, and forgive those who do us wrong, and believe that Jesus came and died for our sins, we will go to heaven. If we dont, we go to Hell, which may be fire and brimstone and pain, or it may be just isolation from God, and eternal suffering in that sense
I rate your philosophy 1/4.
The general tiers of worldviews are imo, from worst to best
>accepting millenia old desert trip reports as "truth" because your parents bullied you into it or just out of pure escapism
>After the death of the judeo-christian god you seek a new daddy and cling to the closest thing you find, the blind idiot god azathoth aka evolution and try to suck up to it's standards instead (as you incorrecly percieve them on top of that)
> you realize there is no inherent purpose in the universe, "purpose" is just a subjective psychic phenomenon that is not even time-consistent. So you just eat when you are hungry, sleep when you are tired etc.
> You get bored with eating and sleeping all the time, also some repeatedly occuring negative experiences leave residue in your animalistic "purpose". You develop a long-term purpose based on this residue. Obviously the most sensible one is Ararcho-Transhumanism, since all suffering can be traced back to your humiliating status as an already obsolete mean of production (hence the Anarchism) or imperfections like ignorance, suffering and death (hence the Transhumanism).
Just like with artificial superintelligence chances are they are they are either on the level.of bacteria or gods. You won't care about them or won't see 'em coming.
Star Trek is fictionous. If you want to defend yourself against invaders, stop you idiotic world domination bullshit and get working on the singularity. Oh thats right, that involves actual skills you need to painfully aquire instead of just being able to rest your ass on muh superior genes xD
not him, but you got it literally backwards lol
Union with God
To be religious.
My man
lol ofc you can not back that up and just state your opinion lol
He is meming around.
You dont need to be that butthurt.
>To be religious.
Perfect and simple answer
Whatever you choose.
Man's chief end is to glorify God and to enjoy him forever.
>Establishing that Mickey Mouse should be killed in all cases.
Nazi philosophy is super interesting to me.
The values, goals, and ideals. I don't agree with them, though. Please don't come after me, government
To know God and to come to love him.
procreating, not having fun(apart from the procreating) and dieing.
So I am kinda religious I guess but I never understood this, you will be judged by your character but you cant choose your character, like a mass murderer surely never asked to be one, it just feels stupid to be judged for something you cant control.
Like me being to lazy to pray, sure it is my fault that I am not doing it but I never wanted to be lazy, and I cant help it that I dont have the willpower to push through it either.
Aryan Man's existential struggle for existence.
>you can't control your individual choices
Free will is a mystery
I just dont see free will existing, cant control how much chemicals of what are released when in your brain.