Is it possible for human society to drop their prejudices and grow past racism against one another and unite in international brotherhood?
Is it possible for human society to drop their prejudices and grow past racism against one another and unite in...
Yes its called the Kingdom of God.
Hopefully not.
Yes, most other first world countries as well as Latin America have already moved towards that. Only the United States still has problems with racism.
It has to come from psychological evolution, not any social reform. The second things begin to fall apart, even the most well intentioned and ethically advanced people are going to turn on those different from them in a fit of rage and mistrust.
*spiritual revolution
Is it possible that you stop shitting up this board
t. terrone
Race is a social construct, so yes.
It is arbitrary but it is not a social construct.
Only if you're a christcuck
Yeah, when all the subhumans are dead
people need enemies
Yes, but only after we eradicate women and perfect genetic cloning.
t. Sudaca
It maybe possible if we are raised by robotic guardians on a different planet(isolated environment). Our information intake regulated to be neutral (and remove our media/information bias from current day bias)
If this does succeed in some way, it would need to develop much further down the line and be robust (1+million people) before a regular (us) human can come in contact with them. We might dilute their society early on if they aren't properly developed.
Yes but only and only with Global Monarchical Catholicism
>grow past racism
You can't "grow past" facts.
People grow past the fact that you're posting on anime site.
Matter of race/sex/gender is only relevant when we give them importance. If in a society where those things are not of any importance. Where instead of spending 99% of our lives on sex/race, its spent on other things like solving physics problem, or mathematical problem.
The economics of attention dictate whether a "fact" is valuable or not.
Krauts and Pajeets don't want to die user.
He is talking about biological racial differences.
Go to alternativehypothesis.
the OP's posted "grow past racism against one another"
So the difference is not a biological one, but a relational one, in that context. Specifically, growing past an antagonistic relation.
Biologically speaking, thats not possible unless we mix all humans into a big homogenous plate.
It cannot be achieved without social cohesion.
>Race is irrelevant
Aboriginals, Africans, and Amerindans never managed to invent the wheel on their own. Abos never ever managed to discover fucking fire.
Ok if you say so lol.
Brainlet please.
Social cohesion depends racial unity, at least as far as history is concerned. So if every human is of same race via race-mixing, then there would be cohesion, or atleast there wouldn't be lack of racial cohesion.
Now crime exist in all civilization regardless of whether they're multi-racial or not. So that will always happen.
We need a neoliberal world order to wipe out nationalists and tribalists once and for all, then we can have global peace.