how many BTC do I need to travel back in time and stop my parents from allowing the doctor to circumcise (mutilate) my cock at birth?
How many BTC do I need to travel back in time and stop my parents from allowing the doctor to circumcise (mutilate) my...
more like 6.5
Do Rabbi's make allot off of tips?
Screw that OP. If you had access to a time machine, go back to 2010 and start buying up a ton of BTC
I'd rather be poor and still have my natural, intact, non-mutilated penis than to be rich and circumcised
invest into replacing your cock with horse cock.
all girls will be yours.
Same fucking doctors probably didn't even ask my parents toi fucking kike fucks
How much btc to track down the doc who cut off the most sensitive part of my dick and murder him?
You need to buy back a fresh foreskin at the rabbi shop. that's the whole point of the process, it's a business.
>implying morons who ask to have their sons mutilated can be reasoned with
You'll be able to restore it after Forgen finishes trials in 5 years.
Lol, euro non jewish foreskin fag reporting in. Feels good man.
>You'll be able to restore it after Forgen finishes trials in 5 years.
always nice to see that people are working on regrowing human parts.
It's the kind of thing that is really puzzling. How can the traditions of a first world country be so dumb?
>id rather have an anteater dick
1/10 got me to reply
>tfw circumcised so you always get green candles and hidden financial benefits
>Cut his foreskin off in case he's a slob that never wash's but don't give him vaccines
I'd rather be poor and circumcised than rich and uncircumcised
enjoy your dry, mutilated cock!