>browsing Veeky Forums
>40 year old guy behind me, think nothing of it
>he notices me browsing
>taps my shoulder "Hey, do you browse fit or biz?"
>Tell him no
>begins to give me an insight on bitcoins and why I should browse it
>finish eating and tell him it was nice to meet him
So is this the demographic of Veeky Forums? 40 year old fitness guys?
Browsing Veeky Forums
Nah, most of us are neets.
good to know at least 1 guy browsing here isn't a loser
No. That's the demographic of people who browse fit or biz
you got shilled normie haha
>browsing Veeky Forums in public
I know it's a LARP thread, but fucking why?
Do you realize that if a questionable image pops up on your screen, some normie is going to report you to the police
That's why we have blue boards. The problem is you fucking NEETs use boobs to shill your shitcoins constantly.
Not too far off in my case
t. 32 year old /bizfit/
Na I assume most of us are in our 20s with a hope and a prayer to someday make some bank with magic Internet meme money
I know right. fuck off with the porn images here on biz already.
I dunno but if you become a Veeky Forumstard and a Veeky Forumsizen you'll probably make it.
Or you'll end up loosing all your money on shitcoins and sucking dick for money(no homo)
>tfw 27 y/o bizfitzian
>tfw been on Veeky Forums since I was 15
>tfw in another 12 years I'll be a 40 y/o literal manchild interacting with actual children about anime and virtual tulips
36 here
You're here forever
>not browsing Veeky Forums on laptop in the front row of classrooms, at airports, and in coffee shops
>not having all the hot stacies around asking what social media that is that you are using
>not getting them instantly wet when you explain and then taking them back to your place to fuck
23 yo pussy slayer chad here
I do it all the time, I make sure no ones behind me though. Sometimes do it while queueing, second I hear someone behind me I'll close the thread.
Can comfirm.
t. 30 yr old /bizfit/
I browse Veeky Forums in public all the time but i am very concious of whether people are able to see my screen or not , not because im worried about that, but because im worried about looking like a fucking faggot who browses Veeky Forums
He was probably Satoshi and you treated him like shit. You dumb fuck.
>LARP thread
This guy genuinely came up to me. My heart dropped when he did.
I hope he doesn't see this thread.
I do this too
Things that never happened.
im 22 and i came here from /v/ because i wanted to find out why the graphics cards became so expensive all of a sudden. then i took the krypto pill. krypto is my videogame now.
Im a 41 yr old. Started with /b/ in about 2011-12 cancer, migrated to pol and tv, some mu and fit, biz was always tly slow when i would check out. Never bought anything till july of this year - bunch of web3 blockchain coin protocols
Im too late tho.
This. Your tit picspics distract me.
>move to NYC
>no friends, want to attempt making some
>go on reddit NYC meetup, look for people with similar interests
>meet up with some dude, he seems chill
>at a bar, we end up talking about the value of social platforms, online forums etc.
>I mention Veeky Forums
>instantly freaks out looks at me like im a fucking pedo or something
I know this place is basically the sewer of the internet and theres a lot of fucked up shit on it. But boards like Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums and a few others do change a lot of anons lives for the better. Some people dont understand that so u gotta be careful with that.
Its similar to crypto where a decent chunk of the population thinks its purely for drugs and calling hits on someone.
lmao kys
Mid 20s biz poster who's fit with pol tendencies.
you're the normie for caring, normie scum.
I'd rather be part of the "sewer of the internet" than some self righteous, virtue signalling cuckboard
One time I was browsing /pol/ on my phone in a bar in Asia and a western pre-op tranny recognised it.
>going on breddit
that's where you fucked up.
>pol tendencies
He's probably like 25-30 but looks 40 because he's skinnyfat and perennially stressed by his day trades.
>tfw 40
>tfw only browse Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums
Is this a thing for late bloom gen-Xers like myself?
I thought you said you didn't browse Veeky Forums and fyi I''m 34, not 40 you 4ft 11 quasi-chink sandnigger!
yup took me a while to realize but everyone on reddit is a fucking dweeb.
Veeky Forums is cancer but i'm gonna make it thanks to this stupid place.
The places that are the most fucked up are also the same places where the most amazing shit is happening. Its up to you to decide where you end up.
>$400k in assets
>good job, cheerleader wife, kid on the way
>got my job by learning shit from browsing /g/
>got my wife by getting Veeky Forums
>got my money by browsing Veeky Forums (and /g/ before the containment board)
And I browse /k/ and Veeky Forums for fun too.
>Veeky Forums: a life-long addiction
heck no old man, I'm 36.
>normie sees rare pepe
>reports me for a hate crime
>I am forcibly castrated and committed to an institution
Is this what happens in Swedistan?
Exactly the same except for
>pol tendencies
I'm full fash under my normie exterior.
Blue boards are fine
Most libs who would do that actually don't know what Veeky Forums looks like
18 /bizfitlit/ reporting in
20 year old eurofag Veeky Forums, /pol/, /v/ reporting in. I browse in public but always close my phone when I think someone is looking because I don't want to interact with anyone who browses. Once I saw a young guy browsing in the metro but didn't say anything, he looked like a nerd faggot and I look chad-tier.
> Reddit NYC meetup
Wew. I appreciate your honesty but you didn't need to mention that.
>gives a shit about what people think of him
Not gonna make it desu
i thing we are all just one dude with a very strange psyco disorder, that would explain so many things.
I live in Maryland and its actually legal to view pornography in public as long as there are no children exposed to it. I dont know about other states
I used to browse pol during classes.
Wouldnt expect those normies to know it, and if someone did, id just make a new friend.
I'm almost 40 and trade from a correctional facility
I'm late 30s but I don't browse Veeky Forums. I already eat right and work out. Is Veeky Forums good?
I browse Veeky Forums at work.
30 biz fit & pol here.
I'm 34 but I'm fat and a wagecuck.
>he doesn't browse loli guro threads on /b/ on his laptop in the front row of his lecture hall
>tips fedora
You're not alone man, fellow proto-neckbeard reporting in. Hope your speculations bear fruit
You missed your chance for a sugar daddy
18 year old Veeky Forums reporting in, trying to become Veeky Forums as well
34 y/o bizfit bro reporting in
can't wait to buy 100000 pounds of chicken off amazon
28, came here from /pol/ , never went back, I work out too but dont go on Veeky Forums cuz they all seemed like losers or closet gays.
>not imitation crab meat
I am disappoint
I wasted years on /pol/ while I could have been making millions on Veeky Forums.
29 year old Veeky Forumsraeli Veeky Forumsizen reporting in.
None of you were even here when we had /i/ get the fuck out fucking new faggots
im 2006
Goddamnit. Literally same.
what was /i/ ? when i browsed early i was 13 and didn't know shit about this website
Too late?
Nigger, none of the Normies know anything about this shit other than "BTC" is a thing.
In 5 years if you're smart and aren't looking for "muh moons" you'll be fine and able to retire, while all your contemporaries are getting divorced and watching their daughters get blacked.
Don't dispair.
I was just trying to be nice after seeing an overweight pasty kid like you eating alone. Don't overthink it
hahaha please be real
Similar here
pfft. nothing worse than whats on facebook or twitter or instagram
Where else are you going to go if you're older than 30 and at least one standard deviation above average IQ?
Mainstream communities are for retards, conmen trying to sell something to the retards and the occasional good guy with too much time and not enough friends
Niche communities get overrun by political mongs who make it all about their mouthbreathing agenda
For all its flaws, Veeky Forums is one of the few interesting places. Goes to show pseudo'anonymity matters to quality of transactions, whether in social forums or cryptocurrency