A-user, im not bothering you am I ?

a-user, im not bothering you am I ?
I was wondering, why a cute boy like you would want to hang out with someone like me ?

Other urls found in this thread:


youre right, I have better things to do

sorry for bothering you user i'll try to be more quiet next time.

If she had blue eyes she'd be a 10/10.

Next time? Leave my room immediately

Out of 20.

Trying way too hard. Would still fuck that face, don't get me wrong.


You're missing a crucial detail here friend

Fooled again by hormone replacement.

Say so what would happen if we put a real woman on trap chems? Would she look extra feminine or would it back fire and make her grow a beard or some shit? I have to know for science.

don't care if it has a penis or not, i would fuck it

I don't think it's a trap, but I don't care 2bh.
See pic related for a real trap.

>Septum piercing
Into the trash it goes, fucking disgusting.

Can someone explain to me how the fuck am I supposed to make money HODLing anything
>stocks crypto etc
when the whole idea of HODLing is that these things will appreciate in value in general as long as you'll keep holding?

So the moment you sell you're at a loss, the best action is to hold all the time, so you can't even sell. What's the point of investing then? Your money is basically locked into these things. It's more logical to spend all that money on whores or something than to buy stocks.

I'm 100% serious

Wow you are fucking retarded

You're also 100% retarded. Stocks and crypto can go up and down dumbass

Do you seriously think I don't know that? You don't understand what I'm trying to say.

I'm talking to you on Veeky Forums so that's pretty much a given. What specifically triggers you though?

Then explain it better, coz right now you're coming across like a braindead downie

Because most can't time the market.

just keep holding

stop asking question

Let's say you live in an extremely simple world and there's a coin or stock in that world that by definition can not drop in value. You're definitely sure that it'll keep appreciating in value. It's a mathematical certainty. This is a situation where HODL is the definitive winning strategy.

So you invest 100$ into that. It keeps appreciating in value.

It's 200$ the next year. But you can't take your money out of that investment because the best strategy is to hold it.

Years pass, you have 90000000$ but it's locked into your coin/stock. At NO moment does it make sense to cash out.

Would you then not be better off just keeping your initial 100$?

Are you being serious?


>t. infinitely greedy idiot

holy shit
is that cracky chan
it's been so long

>Years pass, you have 90000000$ but it's locked into your coin/stock
cash out $10000000 and be stoked as shit? You don't have to cash out the whole thing you nonce

um no. crackychan was way before those stupid cartoon phone ears.

>you have 90000000$

>Would you then not be better off just keeping your initial 100$?


You're talking as if
>this is not official strategy of thousands of gullible crypto idiots
>it's easy to define the point at which it makes sense to cash out, yet alone prove that there's such a point

just hodl friend.

your retarded

not because of what you dont understand, but what you dont understand you dont understand

I'm not talking about real world, you react like this because you realize that HODLing is a retarded at best and hypocritical at worst strategy.

If you cash out at any moment the opportunity cost approaches infinity as years pass.

HODLing does not make sense even in a scenario where HODLing is the only good strategy.

I bought in when bitcoin was 600 and have not yet touched them.

everyone knows hodl is retard proof but you need iron hands and pick what to hodl wisely.
Anyway, when crypto explodes anyone in crypto will be better off than those that are not

this. 9 times out of 10 girls with facial piercings turn out to be fucking slobs who smell like shit, cigarettes, and cheap liquor.

>Years pass, you have 90000000$ but it's locked into your coin/stock. At NO moment does it make sense to cash out.
>Would you then not be better off just keeping your initial 100$?

>do not want

if your goal is more money, keep hodling.

most of us have a point where we intend on taking some money out (i.e. lambo land)

we would be better off taking out 10% or 20%.

all of us keep some fiat around.

I know crypto gains are slow this month, but there is no reason to put so much effort into shitposting.

amazing skills.
good job.
true. blue eyes are best

Get out of my crypto trading board woman

I call girls with tattoos, piercings, dyed hair, smoking habits, etc. "used goods".

They're very impure at that point, so yeah.
