>technology is supposed to make humanity’s lives easier
>in the end we just become slaves to technology
Reminder that he was unironically right. Take the Tedpill and stop supporting industrial society.
>technology is supposed to make humanity’s lives easier
>in the end we just become slaves to technology
Reminder that he was unironically right. Take the Tedpill and stop supporting industrial society.
Other urls found in this thread:
Giving technology to protestants and leftists = destruction
Modern society killed God, told people happiness is just chemicals in your brain, forces you to sit in a cubicle for 40 years, destroyed the family, ruined the environment, and made it impossible to find fulfillment.
This soulless, greed driven Satanic machine must be destroyed.
>Giving technology to rightists=opposite of destruction
Please tell me you're being ironic. Trump is rattling Kim Jong Un's rattler with his tweets.
We are either "slaves" to diseases/poverty/hunger or we are "slaves" to not-disease/not-poverty/-not-hunger with technology.
>told people happiness is just chemicals in your brain, forces you to sit in a cubicle for 40 years, destroyed the family, ruined the environment, and made it impossible to find fulfillment.
Some half-baked wikipedian will answer:
>But this is all worth it as long as we are changing society and fighting for free college and free healthcare xD
As long as companies control ego-boosting tools like Facebook and youtube society won't have peace.
People would march naked just to get a facebook spotlight in the "Enlightened People'' weekly publication
It does make humanity's life easier it makes the upper class life easier and thus humanity trough trickle down economics
The sad thing about this image I just noticed... the soy rations are being implemented in China and Brazil for poor workers and this information is not from alex jones or any alarmist celebrity.
Soon the middle class will demand these rations as long as it's popular and they see hollywood celebrities promoting it
>He wants to appease the Kim dynasty forever
That's how we got into this mess in the first place
Would aodomise
Also the Swedish kid is suppoused to be doing female stereotypes
/pol/ was suppoused to be humoured
>if you are anti-democracy you are /pol/
There are more leftists and lolbertarians there than here
Don't talk about things you don't know
Cool, I haven't browsed there since trump won, but when I did you would always have people FAWNING over what that Swedish kid did not understanding it was in a game show, /pol/ is reactionary anyway so shut up
if the image of the kid is supposed to be a comedy''hey sven plz behave like a girl'' it only makes the situation worse
>If it's retarded it's not serious
not how it works
What the fuck does it even mean?
>Modern society killed God, told people happiness is just chemicals in your brain, forces you to sit in a cubicle for 40 years, destroyed the family, ruined the environment, and made it impossible to find fulfillment.
It may have killed God, but that doesn't meant He can't be revived without destroying eveything else. As for the rest, it's not like life in the past was much better in regards of fullfillment and work.
The fact that you feel superior to people doesn't mean you're right.
I don't feel superior. In fact with facebook and ego boosting tools if you have to call anyone seeking to feel better than others you have to call those using it, not me.
wtf I love neoliberal technocracy now
Why are you still using a computer then?
>It's a game show so its okey
>Television people instructing small children to act gay for entertainment value is somehow a good thing
Hi Veeky Forums is an English speaking board :DDD
We live in this world, at this time; not the world and time we would necessarily wish to live in. Come on now.
>smallhold farmer, merchant or immigrant to the new world
>building up your own property that you can pass onto your children
>wageslave #JT353A
>corporate drone doing TPS reports for 40 years; hope you have enough money to retire at 70
So the Amish aren't living in this world and time?
>modern men are slaves to technology, they have completely cut themselves off from the natural world and
>hey user wanna take a walk through the forest and skinnydip in the creek with the girls?
>I can't, I'm typing something very important right now
Holy shit how the fuck are you people different from tumblr SJWs?
>That kid is acting gay for the shits and giggles, I can't believe they would air something so problematic on TV. Don't they understand the social ramifications of this form of "humor"? No wait, they must air this precisely because it reinforces the prevailing ideology and power structure.
This, just go live in a community like that
>implying we don’t live in urban/suburban dystopias and can’t escape
>coed skinny dipping
What kind of sodom and Gomorrah is this
Maybe you can't escape if you're too fat to squeeze through the door.
Are you from Saudi Arabia?
So why are you using technology to tell us hypocrite?