Work harder than anyone in the office

>Work harder than anyone in the office
>I get told everyday I am the best employee there
>Today I get fired anyway because "I don't talk enough with my coworkers about non-work related stuff and I refused drinking with them too often"

What assholes, sorry that happened to you user. But Im sure you'll get a new gig soon enough with more goal oriented people.

Im highly skeptical of your side of the story

lol you're too autistic to go out drinking with coworkers, fuck off faggot.

Sue them.

Who runs a company where being a lazy jackass is encouraged?

>fired over social related stuff and not because of your performance
Isn't that ilegal?

Nice /r9k/ meme but not only is that not a legally valid reason to fire someone but also no employer would ever fire the most productive employee

You are LARPING, you are a NEET and have never worked a salaried job in your life.

not being a "good fit" is a perfectly valid reason for firing someone. good luck suing them.

No one gets fired on a saturday.

nice larp you autistic NEET

Let alone for not socializing enough Lmao. This is a story to troll autistics on r9k to get insecure

you've just been pranked, how does it feel?

You're the larp here.

I'll take things that never happened for 700, Alex.

>wouldnt fire a good employee
ive been to dozen of business that fire outstanding staff just so they can hire their addict family member/friends

>You can be fired for any reason or no reason.

Not in the USA, where (most states) have "at-will" work. Means they can fire you anything non-illegal (like health reasons). They can fire you for shit like the color of your shirt or not being a "team player". You have the right to counter sue, if you can afford it.

the inclination of that watch really fucks with my brain lads

some kind of optical illusion

>Today I get fired anyway because "I don't talk enough with my coworkers about non-work related stuff and I refused drinking with them

no way they actually said that. way to rationalize your failings away you autist.

This whole team culture communist bull shit that's Taking over companies is the reason I'm taking my chances Making a living off crypto. I'd be OK with just going to work and doing my thing and leaving but everyone wants a "tribe"!

>tfw too intelligent for sports
>tfw too intelligent for weather
>tfw you are a god among brainlets
>tfw they fire you because they want a buddy at work to gossip with