Rdy for round 2?

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waiting for 2give to moon


Kek what a fucking joke
Spammed her for a few days
Pumped and dumped
I genuinely feel sorry for people who bought because all the shilling

We've got rid of most of the dumpers now - it was inevitable given the massive rise. At some point soon there will be another big surge. I don't expect it for a couple of days though at least.

Give it some more time, we will reach $10 I can promise you that, but not overnight. Let the devs do their work.

lol dumbass, coin goes 200%, calls it a PnD. We're just testing the waters, you understand there are 300 traders involved in this coin, right? The pump hasn't even started and we're not interested in dumping it faggot.

Can't wait to sell to you at $2 when your FOMO finally kicks in.

literally bought 8k, this might succeed
is this an erc 20 token?
can i put it into myetherwallet?

Yes, yes and yes.

I literally bought 100k. Not even kidding.

I'm going to hodl and forget until at least the end of the year

you are the 1%


who is that with 212k?? They came out of nowhere and they're not showing up on etherscan etherscan.io/token/tokenholderchart/0xc8c6a31a4a806d3710a7b38b7b296d2fabccdba8

ffs they knocked me down a position

Will the total supply really be 6 million?
Why are the devs (or dev) anonymous?
Does it have anything to do with timereum?

Now the total supply is over 7.7 mill. was 6mill yesterday. Anyone know if this is just gonna keep going. Extreme low supply was the only good thing going for it.

How to mine it? And what is total supply?

implying we're buying. only newfags and brainlets will buy into this shitcoin. either way you're making money but it's worth the time to help the poor guys out.

It is created by people manually generating batches. Each genesis address can only create 10 batches and the amount each batch creates increases over time up until 10 years.

This initial rise is due to idiots getting all excited and generating and selling their batches. They are losing out massively, but fuck them, more for us to accumulate.

Total max possible supply is 50 million but with so many people spunking their loads this early it will probably be a lot lower.


50mil in what time? How many coins per day?

Impossible to say since it is manually mined.

I myself have 3 genesis addresses. How do I produce coins? You simply send 1 EXOR (the mining token for ELIX) from one of the addresses to the other, and it creates a certain amount (currently 1300) ELIX in your address. Over time this amount increases, up until 5000 ELIX each time you do it after 10 years. You can only do this 10 times per genesis address.

The genesis addresses are defined in the smart contract by the dev

this is what interests me, is that there is a theoretical max number if literally everyone blew their mining load at once it would equal x cap. I havent found enough info to calculate it yet but im looking right now.

It is impossible to say what the maximum will end up being since different people will deploy their batches at different times. Impossible to predict when everyone will. I personally plan on holding for a very long time indeed without deploying any batches

im saying calculate if everyone dropped year 10 and if everyone dropped year 1. to have the numbers for a min and max then adjust as time goes on and we see actual data

I read somewhere that the max is 50-60m

How the fuck do you get EXOR

own tme and convert to exor. convert exor to elix

This user is correct. I did the math and max supply will be 50 / 60m if everyone popped their addresses right now / 10 years, but there's been a lot of people literally making mistakes, noobs losing access to their mining addresess, and people that just forgot about it. I expect the max supply to be around 30m considering all this factors.