
I'm an unironic male feminist. ama and feminism thread faggots.

have you prepped the bull yet?

How would you describe feminism?

Never have I ever, although I am a fan of the concept of relationship anarchy. It's pretty cool. My girl does get in my booty fairly regularly tho

/pol/ you insufferable faggot

>male feminist
stop mansplaining you shitlord

when's your next prostate milking?

Feminism itself is just about gender equality.
But within the social sciences and humanities the important thing it has really given us is a new perspective for thinking about our problems. A feminist methodology some people call it. It's based in some of Hegel's master-slave dynamic, where the master is oblivious to aspects of himself while the slave sees the master and himself as he is.
Pic semi-related

Feminism belongs on this board as it is a humanities board, you dumb cuck. There are feminist studies in history, philosophy, and every humanity or social science that exists. Stfu

Soon I hope. However last night I was promised that I'd get in her ass next time we hooked up, so that's dank.

Good one.

I'll ask you some questions if you move to /pol/ lad

>it has really given us a new perspective for thinking about our problems
not really. The whole master-slave dynamic thing isn't really endemic to feminism. It's found in a ton of other methodologies as well. Feminist methodology doesn't seem all that coherent to me, to be QUITE honest.

I will not. This is where this thread belongs. I study feminism in a non-political setting, and that's what I'm trying to make this thread about. I think this board could use many more feminism threads.

>Feminism itself is just about gender equality
no, feminism is activism for women's rights. yes this generally has led to more gender equality, but you don't find feminists seeking to equalize areas where women have an advantage, such as custody disputes

>Male feminist
Enjoy your cheating blue haired girlfriend dude.

Have you ever considered that there might be a legitimate reason fathers get custody less? Maybe something to do with toxic masculinity, hmmm?
I and many other feminists are for actual men's rights though. We're against cutting babies dickheads off, against a standard of toxic masculinity, involuntary sexual conservatism etc.

I like that you used a goatman.

Now fuck off.

>maybe something to do with toxic masculinity perhaps
or.... OR.... maybe its due to a rather sexist idea that woman can be better parents than men can? Toxic masculinity is a fucking meme

Riiiight, because gender studies is a valid discipline. You retard

Way off but ok

Since you're obviously an expert on the subject, I'm sure you're also aware of how the methodology is in part based around an understanding of how social expectations, particularly ones you've internalized such as gender norms, limit our freedom drastically? Think Foucault type stuff.

>We're against cutting babies dickheads off

Speak for yourself. I'm a feminist and no girl wants dick goop in their mans penis, I have never met a woman who preferred an uncut over a cut dick.

Source. Also, I was referring to gender studies as a discipline, Moreno lik the sub fields within history and etc



Of toxic masculinity is a meme why don't you tell your friends you enjoy being pegged?

>relationship anarchy
>not realising that just like in political states, the more powerful of the pair will inevitably end up in a favourable position and either deliberately or unintentionally take advantage of all other parties.

Don't even try it, my dude.

Linda Sarsour is a direct descendant of Hadrian, as are most Greco-Roman-Palestinians.

That's because cut is the norm stupid.

So what? May the best man get the best girl. It's also about treating friends as lovers, lovers as friends, and not being possessive so...

How is this Veeky Forums related?

This has been addressed more than once already.

>That's because cut is the norm stupid
You'll still find guys with uncut dicks they are just gross.


>Toxic masculinity is a fucking meme
Not OP (who's obviously just trolling), but I think "toxic masculinity" is a great example of feminists obviously shooting themselves in the foot because of ideology.

IMO, it's a totally valid concept. A lot of thing western society entourages as "masculine traits" really are harmful and lead to a lot of bad things for men. Just look at a gangbanger who's willing to shoot someone over a trivial matter or respect, or a bar fight between two drunks at a sports game. The problem is, no one ever pays attention to the concept because feminists gave it such a ridiculously stupid and polarizing name. If the goal is to include men in your movement and make them pay attention to gender issues that affect them, giving the concept a name that attacks male identity is a seriously dumb way of doing that. In a way, it perfectly sums up why so many people don't take feminism seriously: instead of talking about real issues in a clear, logical way, the movement focuses more on idiotic talking points and discussion tactics that make it impossible to take the field seriously.

I do you dumb nigger

Maybe you should bathe? I mean, as a feminist it's none of my business to impose the social order on you, but seriously some soap will fix that right up.

>Maybe you should bathe?
I can bathe all I want, it won't prevent the dick goop in men I may come across. The only real solution is to cut off that ugly sliver of skin.

So basically you've taken the discoveries of third wave feminists, and edited out everything about women's oppression leaving only the parts about male oppression? Sounds legit.

Who hurt you

>disgusting amerimutts
Toppest goyim

No, I was talking about a specific concept that was brought up, and that concept happened to be about men.

I'm just being honest. You want me to lie and pretend women get excited to find out a guy is uncut?

I can't help it ok

I'm gonna get stoned real quick brb. Have some China.


You live in America. No fucking shit. It's because it's the norm to mutilate babies. Change the norm, change the preference. Idiots, man. How did this turn into a circumcision thread?

That specific concept was developed by third wave feminists.

I know that superior uncut feel my fellow yuropoor

So? I didn't say anything about third wave feminism, just the level of discourse feminism presents to the wider public. Stop trying to turn me into some kind of strawman you can troll about; if you want to criticize me, address the point I actually made.

First off, it's because you haven't been immersed in feminist academic jargon and culture that you don't understand why they use the word masculinity. Second, toxic masculinity only refers to the parts of masculinity that are toxic, like what you outlined in your post.

However, I'm not completely content with the way feminism is presented to the wider public. I say often that we need to make men realize it's in heir best interests to be feminists, not virtue signal at them.

>it's because you haven't been immersed in feminist academic jargon and culture
Actually, I have. I work in a social science field and had several classes on feminism and theory relating to gender. I'm pretty confident I have a better understanding of "academic" feminism than you. That's why it's so easy for me to tell that you're just baiting everyone. Either that, or you have a really poor understanding of this field you claim to love and be heavily invested in.

At least you admitted that you don't disagree with the point I was making, though. This is the last (you) you'll get from me.

I see too many of my friends identify as feminists who speak of smashing the patriarchy this, oppressive capitalism that, sharing or liking a whole slew of bizzare articles that are heavily biased, starting with a conclusion and finding facts to support it. Then of course there's intersectionalism, the trans movement (whom I have no problems with on an individual basis). Even read an article on how the entire Spanish language needs to be changed since words are built on a Male-Female prescription. I think the genie is out of the bottle and the lunatics have taken over the asylum, and unless there's a massive reform in the community, the movement will continue to alienate itself into irrelevancy.

This may be true, but that doesn't mean the people doing all the wailing are wrong.

I refuted your point. It wasn't even a very good point. Wtf are you doing acting like you know shit?

Also, I've always advocated for a different approach to spreading academic findings. The stupidity of the movement is not the fault of academia.

>the people doing all the wailing are wrong.
Doesn't mean most of what they are saying is true, beneficial or practical in application. This is inevitably going to eclipse into the overall SJW sphere. I'm sorry, whether or not something infringes upon the endless ways it can be sexist, eurocentric, racist etc is not immediate cause to discard it out of discussion. And yet this is how current academia is. Furthermore, all of these doing the wailings are accomplishing what, exactly? Are they finding ways to renewable energy, a cure for cancer, innovating physics?

All of the things you mentioned have to do with hard sciences.

That's not how academia is in my experience. That's how students of academia are. Most of my professors actually consider themselves conservative, in the traditional sense. But if you have to sit through an undergrad intersectional theory class you quickly see how utopian/moronic most leftists can be. Doesn't mean they're wrong to want people to be nicer to each other, it just means they're naive.

but I unironically am open about that with friends

Your a disgusting faggot.

I am with female friends. But when I'm with dude friends I just make vague references to make them suspect I may be gay. I'd rather be thought of as gay then a guy with a butt dildo.

>oreimo reaction gif
>I'm the deviant one

>American """"Christians""""
Good GOY!

Galatians 2:12
For before certain men came from James, he ate with the Gentiles; but when they came he drew back and separated himself, fearing the circumcision party.

As a feminist myself I believe a woman's place is in the home with her husband and abortion is murder. My feminism is traditional and worshipful of Jesus and his teachings. My feminism is as valid as yours.

this is pretty much any muslim feminist who isn't a convert

Not him but I imagine it must take one to know one

Yes it is, as long as you're rational rather than dogmatic.

GOOD ONE. Tbh I am deviant, it's a salient feature of individualist feminism.

I just grab anime reaction images, I don't even know what shows alot of them are from. Remember, your the one who likes your girlfriend to shove things in your poop shoot.

That is first wave feminism btw. Equality before the law and sheeit.

on phone, srry

We both like things in our ass. Whomst's NAP?

Oreimo is normalfag tier

>as you're rational rather than dogmatic.
Wew lad. Sounds like you're privileging 'rationality' (traditionally associated with maleness) over other ways of knowing. Pretty oppressive when you think about it. Calling your opponents shrill or dogmatic as opposed to your own bogus rationalism is a tactic as old as patriarchy itself

What is the point of this thread on board about history?

He was shit talking me because I like things in my ass while posting flagrantly incestuous anime reaction gifs. I don't care what tier it is, incest, while only problematic in cases where reproduction is achieved, is still more deviant than anal.

>is not the fault of academia
It is when the curriculum is both faulty and biased, on top of intrinsically designed to indoctrinate students into activism.

>That's not how academia
I'm specifically addressing Gender Studies and their cousins.

>in 2017
Alright, grandpa