What's the consensus? He kinda sounds like a fag.
What's the consensus? He kinda sounds like a fag
Other urls found in this thread:
>btfo's leftards and christfags
>still causes immense butthurt even though he's literally dead
top bloke
>those digits
lulzy troll and gifted writer.
he was a self-proclaimed marxist though and seems to have had a 14 year olds perspective on why religion is important
Made me think really hard.
Chris is fine but his brother is slobbering retard statist shill
Plebeian version of his brother
I thought he was only a Marxist for half his life and took a sharp turn into conservative economics later.
Peter is an imbecile
t. Christopher's ghost
He stopped being a commie in the nineties.
Also stop it with the Ad hominems plz.
It's the perfect case of life outcome of a disbeliever and a believer.
>be an atheist
>Become a chain smoking miserable alcoholic who dies early as a Zionist warmonger.
>Be a theist
>Still going strong not drinking, smoking, or being immoral, happy and healthy with the knowledge that God is sovereign over his creation. Also opposes Zionist western wars in the middle east.
Literally a Cain and Abel story.
i m m o r a l i t y
He was a leftard himself.
>Zionist warmonger
Hitchens wrote a whole book about the plight of the Palestinians. He was a war hawk in Iraq but he always supported Palestine over Israel.
I should have said western war monger, not explicitly Zionist. But it is interesting that a self identified ethnic Jew supported wars that were almost always seemingly Zionist aligned. Also interesting how Jewish Trotskyism melds flawlessly with Jewish Neo Conservatism, really makes my flowers fluoridate.
Who would be better equipped to shit on leftards?
He was like a quarter Jewish, I think he identified as such because his mother's mother was a Jew.
His mother was Jewish thus making him ethnically Jewish. I mean he is a smart guy obviously but I just don't trust people who have all the same views that western oligarchs have.
>Dude we all gonna be atheists and have no race or nation, we gunna be able to shove wat eva we want up our butts and we all gonna be equal no hate yalls capitalism, open borders, technocracy, cryptocracy, and Zionism for the win praise science 420 blaze it up non cis gender person(s)!!!11
>His mother was Jewish thus making him ethnically Jewish
That's not how it works, goy. That would make him Halachically Jewish (Jewish by law), but he's only a quarter Jewish ethnically.
Both Hitchens are the kind of people who you'd get stuck in the pub with and they would turn every conversation towards themselves and their ideology in a self-aggrandising way, stop everyone else from talking, and rudely interrupt people.
Don't even care what they think desu.
Anti-circumcision so great.
He found out his mother was Jewish decades after she died, when he was already a grown man.
And he continued to oppose Israeli occupation of Palestine, in the exact same terms.
And he never gave up on the anti-circumcision stuff. And this is the big one, since it's not controversial at all, but it is an abominable thing westerners do not criticize hardly AT ALL. Israel-Palestine is controversial, so at least people argue over it.
Why does atheism have to be lumped with autism :(
This. He had huge balls to go after the religious and Americans over it. He brought a ton of legitimacy to the anti-genital mutilation scene (who were treated as very fringe prior to this). Even today it is rarely talked about.
The other horsemen never talk about it. Sam Harris for example will often bring up FGM and how it is not done in the west and how the west is morally superior because of this. It is a total cop out point Harris uses to try and seem like a great moral sage to idiots. Also FGM used to be very popular in America (became simultaneously popular with MGM).
He was pretty great. A lot of people bash Harris and Dawkins (and a ton of r/atheism users) as examples of how atheists are obnoxious, but they never go after him. If you watch him speak or read his works, you'll see that there's a reason for that. Wrote a lot of impressive essays and books (God is Not Great being the standout among them, at least in my opinion), while also being an incredibly effective public speaker and debater.
>Even today it is rarely talked about.
You literally can't bring it up.
I've seen people banned from forums for saying there are forms of female circumcision that are not as bad as normal male circumcision. Banned for 'supporting female circumcision', in a thread where they were saying they opposed all forms of circumcision. In a thread where they were the only ones who were actually opposed to circumcision, everyone else including the mods were in favor of it.
And Hitch, the boss, talked down four rabbis on stage when they were apologizing for the practice of performing cosmetic surgery on infants genitals for religious reasons.
Christ, what the fuck is wrong with America that you have to make a stand against circumcision? Circumcision is not a Christian practice, why is it such a staple of society over there? Do parents not have a say in whether their child gets its dick snipped?
Who knows why it starts? It doesn't provide any benefits. One may consider causing painful erections to be a benefit, but I don't. You guys know that painful erections are only found in places with circumcision? It's not a normal part of puberty?
So it's entirely ritual, entirely cosmetic.
The insane part is that everyone in the West can explain why it's wrong. They describe everything that is present in all circumcisions and why each of them is wrong. And then they say male circumcision has all these things but isn't wrong.
>open borders
Literally a christian thing. Stop trying to force your own values as ours
Philosopher here. MGM is actually far worse than people think. I've been writing a treatise on the subject (genital mutilation and epistemology amongst other things) for the past eight years. Hope to complete it soon.
[spoiler]Screencap this.[/spoiler]
Yes. You can die from it. It's safer on adults, not infants. It doesn't provide any benefit. It removes a functional organ.
Every argument against female circumcision applies here.
Annoying hack.
>Claimed to be a marxist but supported dubya's neocon imperialism
>talked like a pseudy fag
>thought religion could be disproven through logical reasonin as if the nature of religious belief was propositional
>postured like some sort of intellectual maverick or rebel but was essentially a coward whenever the chips were down
>laid the groundwork for nu atheism and anti-sjws
>>postured like some sort of intellectual maverick or rebel but was essentially a coward whenever the chips were down
I don't even. You might not agree with him, but you only know that because he doesn't back down when he doesn't agree with the mainstream.
It's really telling when many of the self-proclaimed atheists I know are drug addicts
Awesome when he wasn't talking about religion
I don't think I've ever met a Christian who isn't a habitual alcohol user.
I don't think I've ever met a Christian who is a habitual alcohol user.
Wow. That is really amazing. You've never met a Christian who habitually uses alcohol at social events?
>assblasted atheist
Alcohol consumption is a regular thing all over the world so that's a really weak put down.
>Chris is a Zionist Warmonger
>"Hitchens described Zionism as "an ethno-nationalist quasi-religious ideology" but argued that Zionism "... nonetheless has founded a sort of democratic state which isn't any worse in its practice than many others with equally dubious origins." He stated that settlement in order to achieve security for Israel is "doomed to fail in the worst possible way", and the cessation of this "appallingly racist and messianic delusion" would "confront the internal clerical and chauvinist forces which want to instate a theocracy for Jews"."
>Peter opposes Zionism
>"[Peter] Hitchens supports Israel and denies the notion of occupied Palestinian territory, viewing the British exit from Mandatory Palestine as having left a legal vacuum. He also praises Israel's "European" culture, which he says makes Israel "the permanent ally, in the Middle East, of the world's lawful and free countries", and which he suspects is the main reason for the perceived hostility of the Arab governments. However, he condemns past Jewish terrorism and some Israeli military actions."
Correct. Most humans are drug addicts. I wasn't saying it as a put down.
He's making a joke about wine during the Eucharist you cretins
A Zionist who says Israel should never have been founded and is now engaged in a nasty occupation/apartheid/colonization project.
And a non-Zionist who says Palestinians are not really human beings, but Jews definitely are.
>grasping for straws
Never met one who was particularly clever either
This is the straw I started with.
Christians are almost all drug addicts. This is true.
Is a Jew
>christianity allegedly teaches good things
>but christians did bad things
>christianity btfo!
Woah....so this is the power of nu-atheism
Well that's nonsense. When did Christianity teach good things?
That must be why Christian nations didn't have open borders until they had long since abandoned the theology of Christianity.
This board is full of mouth breathing fuck wits.
>He kinda sounds like a fag.
He admits he was the class slut at his all-male boarding school so...yeah
>Were poems exchanged? Were there white-hot snatched kisses? Did we sometimes pine for the holidays to end, so that (unlike everybody else) we actually earned to be back at school? Yes, yes and yes. Did we sleep together? Well, dear reader, the “straight answer” is no, we didn’t. The heated yet chaste embrace was exactly what marked us off from the grim and turgid and randy manipulations in which the common herd — not excluding ourselves in our lower moments with lesser beings — partook. I won’t deny that there was some fondling. However, when we were actually caught it must have looked bad, singe we had finally managed — no small achievement in a place where any sort of privacy was rendered near-unlawful — to find somewhere to be alone. The senior boy who made the discovery was a thick-necked sportocrat with the unimprovable name of Peter Raper: he had had his own bulging eye on my Guy for some time and this was his revenge.
Fucking hack. He had the facade of a giant intellect because of his oratory talent, but his constructive logic is lousy and his conceptual and historical errors are as numerous as the stars in the sky
Too many young people cannot tell the difference between good rhetoric and good argumentation. In fact they don't even realize that they are almost always oil and water. They act as if his shallow books were masterful treatises, but were actually closer to diss tracks....thus the appeal and marketability it had to tweeners