>Live in the middle of nowhere (Aurora Ontario Canada)
>Can't get a job
>Can't even buy cryptos as a result so Im missing out on the chance of a lifetime
Live in the middle of nowhere (Aurora Ontario Canada)
serial shitposter
seriously work on some bounty campaigns and use that coins to trade your way up... I never invested a cent and have 18k now within 4 months
What does that mean?
Love the place
lived there for 3 months as an exchange student from Italy
Gotta say I loved the quiet lifestyle there, practiced golf a lot because it's cheap af there and Sheppard's park is just great for a walk
Get in touch with the nature friend, watch Varg
it'll do you well
send the guys in hillary house my best wishes
You're not that far from Richmond Hill and those areas. Go more south for a job.
It's not that great user
No car
That's a poor excuse. Did you expect to find a job in the bustling big city of Aurora?
Look normal I dont have a drivers license
What's your fucking point, you lazy bitch? Lots of people don't have a driver's license yet are employed. You come here and cry you don't have money but don't want to look for a job and blame your surroundings for it. Stay poor.
I should start a broker foe commission to help out Canadian goys
Dude I need a car to get a job here. I've applied EVERYWHERE around here that doesn't require a car. No interviews or job Offers beside cuckfastfood or retail.
I dont know what to do
youre such a fucking loser honestly you sound uneducated as fuck but more than that, lazy. i bet you smoked and drank a bunch back in high school instead of trying to get decent grades
you have to start some place user i worked at a gas station swamped with homeless people begging outside and coming in to steal it sucked to say the least but it was a job and i saved enough money to buy my own car ( i took public transportation to get there ) oh yeah and I was in college. its hard work you invest blood and sweat into that pay off in the end.
>too poor to own crypto
Just do the sites where you download apps or stream ads and get started.
You're right. But I'm not here to be bullied by you I want advice
>Google Aurora Ontario
>Population 50k
>25 miles away from Tornoto
I don't think you are trying user.
Stop making excuses cunt.
I have applied everywhere.
Try looking for jobs in Toronto, it's only a 30 min drive away from Aurora.
I don't have a Fuckin car NORMIE!!!!! that's THE WHOLE PROBLEM
Do minimum wage jobs then or whatever, anything you make now will be 10x that in the future.
I don't know why people reply.
If you're too lazy to just apply for a job and be frugal as fuck, or to have the balls to move out, go on welfare, and line up a job in some city that is begging for people like an oil town from ten years ago (as an example) , OR I DON'T KNOW, DO YOUR OWN FUCKING RESEARCH, why are we having this conversation?
If you're just trolling for (You)'s, then congratulations. You're one of many on Veeky Forums that will kick and scream until you get bored and become forgotten. And I'll just keep saving your pepes in the meanwhile. (:
Keep trolling little frog. Keep trolling. Because the only way to defeat smug is with more smug.
Take the bus nigga
>cuckfastfood or retail
ffs you got two jobs there. stop complaining.