Gimme them to me you worthless piece of shit, i'm gonna make 25x what i buy them for.
Kyber's gonna make it.
Gimme them to me you worthless piece of shit, i'm gonna make 25x what i buy them for.
Kyber's gonna make it.
Other urls found in this thread:
I'll buy $40 worth of Kyber with ETH at ICO price. Anyone interested?
Wise user.
Bro do you know if will be able to buy kyber in BTC and ETH on liqui?
I think it even works with tether.
Great but who uses that sheeet.
Cant wait to get in on kyber
Are you the steemit faggot?
Will this be on etherdelta right away? I'm gonna swoop some for a quick PND and rebuy in when it inevitably drops.
Literally if you actually respond to the article's argument ONE TIME I will never spam this again
user you guys made me just dump some other coins for more Kyber.
But you don't even lift, bro
some idiots will buy the first day at 3x or 4x... but as the time pass and people notice they are way behind RR and theOcean, will start dropping their bags and the chinks will start begging for Vitalik "I am advisor" tweets.
Thats all is going to keep it alive the rest of the year. Only then I will buy some bags at below ICO price without all the KYC crappy shit.
Enjoy the ride
>kyber releases
>it pumps then dumps close to ICO price
>people post pink wojaks and fuds
>people call it a shitcoin
>moons after a couple weeks
What are you setting your sell orders at Kyberbros?
I think its a good project, but i dont think it'll be worthwhile until late next year. I do however think its gonna moon, so I plan to sell high. When it calms down i'll buy back in.
Hoping it'll go 5x, that would make the market cap similar to 0x at its highest.
Friendly reminder I'm still waiting for ANY response from KyberKikes about this
^^^ see above
I'm selling my KNC tokens, i want 0.05 BTC for 2160 KNC
Sent you an email
>0.05 BTC
you want to scam somebody pajeet?