WTF I Love Turkey Now!
Other urls found in this thread:
>Conquer Greeks
>Turn gay
Really makes you think
hahaha Greeks amirite xDDDDDDDD
why are whites so retarded?
you subhumans do realize that "homosexuality" was common from Southern Europe to East Asia before Victorian era right?
oh wait, what does /his know about history, i forgot. you subhumans deserve more bbc spam imo.
No they were gay before that.
Why are turks so retarded, what does turks even know about history that isn't rewritten by them? REEEEE TENGRIIS SONS, I forgot all you subhumans are good at is shitposting and LARPing as blacks.
The Ottomans wheep in their graves at your insolence and childishness.
*blocks your path*
no wonder Ottomans they used european janissaries for their wars and left roaches to circlebuttfuck them in anatolia
Why are Turks on Veeky Forums so keen to claim sodomy as a point of national pride?
we fucked your mother usually. white sub human.
those are elite mutts in Istanbul.
Janissaries fucked turk women while serving as #1 military force and they were Europeans
Meanwhile turks were regarded as "turk-heads" and "donkey brains" by ottomans and were used for .. well OP kek
>Janissaries aka dickless balkanites who were not even allowed to marry fucking anyone
sniff sniff
i smell a subhuman
is that a balkanrapebaby
or an amerimutt?
>>Janissaries aka dickless balkanites who were not even allowed to marry fucking anyone
>not most desirable men in OC that every little turk wanted to be
google Balkangreuel if you want some intercourse between your "people" and my people kid
>austrian illustrator of erotica
meanwhile the mighty jannissaries got all that turk pussy and were regarded as semi-gods due their phisycal superiority
Well, as slaves the jannissaries were not allowed to marry free or marry at all. After the 16.th century they were allowed to marry slave-women (mostly from Balkan), but their sons had to become jannissaries too. After the 16.th century, natıve Muslıms were allowed to become jannissaries as well. After 1829 their order was banned and they were killed, or had too flee to the balkans.
>rk pussy and were regarded as semi-gods
>Become a Jannissary
>be forced to fıght agaınst you own people
>serve as a slave
>not allowed to marry
>Die in a war against your own people.
these turkl*ts butthurt about the fact they were regarded as " Eşek Turk (the donkey Turk) and Kaba Turk (stupid Turk)" by based Ottomanswhile Jannissaries were male sex models and every turkbitch craved for their big balkan dick
>After 1829 their order was banned and they were killed,
Because they were to mighty for little turks to handle so they autisticly screeche'd them out kek
>yfw only 3 out of the 26 Ottoman sultans in history had turk mothers
>yfw turkl*ts were ruled by arabic speaking SLAVS for 600 years
Can't resist the BIG BALKAN COCK
Well, im happy to see that you are fine that we took you as slaves. Hey, you enjoyed it, we did, why not again?
>take you as a kid to serve in ottoman empire
>get to fuck all that gray turkish pussy and be regarded as a king
yea let's do it again plz top kek
Yeah, no.
As a slave you are not allowed to marry.
And if you try, you die because of Sharia.
you got cucked by slaves, you daffy faggot
>marrying is fucking
stay mad esek
But we could allways need more soldiers to conquer back the Balkans.
fuck off, namefag
they still do user
t*rklets can't compete with Dinaric Bull
-Conquering whole south-east Europe.
-Using European slaves, who are not allowed to marry or have sex as slave-soldiers
is far from being cucked.
some janissaries had like, 12 kids, and the janissary force itself was like a parastate
and yet thats what happened
>As Janissaries became aware of their own importance they began to desire a better life. By the early 17th century Janissaries had such prestige and influence that they dominated the government. They could mutiny and dictate policy and hinder efforts to modernize the army structure. They could change Sultans as they wished through palace coups. They made themselves landholders and tradesmen.
lol, why are turks proud of enslaving children?
Love balkan-turk butthurt threads
It always ends up hilariously terrible
this is what t*rklets actually believe
>young twink sultan gets deposed, brutally sodomized and killed by the big janissary cock
top kek
I imagine myself in Europe, leading my Platoon. Our mission is to stop wh*Te dogs from advancing. We mow down wh*Te dogs but they keep coming. I shoot wh*Te dogs but I run out of ammo so I draw my sword and begin slaughtering wh*Tes, since wh*Tes are way more psychically inferior to me, I slay them by dozens. Then I get shot, but I didn't fall, I kept fighting. Then shot again and again. wh*Tes were shooting me from a distance like a cowards they are. I lie down, facing up to sky and I see KARA BOGA (Allah) smiles at me, I smile back... Then I woke up, in africa, my homeland. My BLACK brethren gave me a warm welcome to heaven. I finally made it, I finally made it into heaven..
>become a janissary
>have more political influence than the shitskins that are supposed to be in charge of you
>The basic and exceptional weakness from which Osman II suffered was the conspious absence of a female power basis in the harem. From 1620 until Osman's death, a governess (daye hatun, lit. wet-nurse) was appointed as a stand-in valide, and she could not counterbalance the contriving of Mustafa I's mother in the Old Palace. Although he did have a loyal chief black eunuch at his side, this could not compensate for the absence of what in the politics of that period was a winning combination, valide sultan–chief black eunuch, especially in the case of a young and very ambitious ruler
If I'm reading this correctly two pillars of political power in the ottoman empire were a woman and a black slave.
more correctly, a slave nanny and a eunuch
go away wh*Te
>be 18 yo turk-slav mongrel sultan
>get raped and killed by CHAD slav janissaries