>The Americans didn’t lose the Vietnam War beause we say it ended with the Paris Accords
How much is a plane ticket to Saigon now a day... huh, what do you mean it ain’t called Saigon no more?
>The Americans didn’t lose the Vietnam War beause we say it ended with the Paris Accords
How much is a plane ticket to Saigon now a day... huh, what do you mean it ain’t called Saigon no more?
M-muh k/d ratio...
Did Germany win the first world war just because they eventually occupied Paris somewhere down the line?
The usa won. It's not our fault the north Vietnamese threw the treaty out and the south was too weak to defend itself.
How many world wars were there?
Did WW1 end at Versaille? Or Tokyo Bay?
What did the USA win?
None of the strategic objectives were met. It was a failure and a net loss from a military, political, and humanitarian standpoint.
user, what did you think the strategic objectives really were?
>user, what did you think the strategic objectives really were?
I'm pretty sure "the survival of South Vietnam as a US-aligned state" ranked pretty high
Read the Pentagon Papers, I'm not here to spoonfeed retards.
We won because the USA was granted with dead hippies and commies for fighting. Along with the USSR cowotwing to us more since then.
Hey OP How many nations have turned Communist since the Vietnam War?
>We sent 60k of our young to die for.... uh....
>filthy fucking proto-SJW hippies and drugged out degenerates
it was for a good cause either way
>the draft targeting people randomly just happened to get all the hippies who were concurrently protesting... at... home...
You're not very good at this logic thing are you?
>what is divine retribution
>what is hippies coming back from the war and protesting it like bitches and demanding to get to vote it out via 18-year-old voting
>what is rich people draft-dodging who weren't as hippie
>muh goddidit
>not realizing hippies were all draft dodgers and rich daddy's liberal sons
Oh my user can't be this illiterate. Literally shitting on your own veterans in blatant disregard to your own history. Hitler would be disgusted.
huh, because last time I checked after the war all those baby-boomer fucks voted for every hippie law there was save legalize drugs. Women's rights, affirmative, actions, younger voters, political correctness, the deepstate getting stronger, more welfare etc.
>peace treaty signed that kept south vietnam a separate state
>north Vietnamese decide to break it anyway
>congress too pussy to invade again
Entirely tangential but why is the see also page for the peace accords direct to the treaty of westpahlia
Hey, user, tell me if is France still kingdom.
Haha, checkmate Capetian dynasty
In South-East Asia, or the world?
Because two out of three of Vietnam's neighbours turned gommie. The third was already gommie though, and Burma went gommie too. So that's three for SEA.
East Timor's ruling party could be considered half gommie too, but I won't count that one.
As for the world, wewlad...
USA wouldnt have won anything anyway
pointless war started because of muh domino effect
Its stupid semantics.
"War is not an independent phenomenon, but the continuation of politics by different means."
The USA weren't able to fullfill any of their political goals therefore they lost Vietnam. War isn't happening in a white room.
The Vietnamese were well aware about the manpower losses they would sustain and they agreed to the Paris accords because it was merely a temprorary setback.
>France gets so utterly btfo'd in the Franco-Prussian war they never crown a monarch again
>same happens to Germany and A-H in WW1
What did he mean by this?
It's not just turned to communism, it's also a call to stand up against imperialism too.
I'm sorry but that does the end of the 30 years war and development of the definition to the modern state have to do with the end of Vietnam?
Socialism is not Communism
Sure, that was one. "Put a stop to the "Domino Effect" of communism spreading as another. Though Vietnam fell, the cost the communists had to pay to make it happen as high, both in terms of lives and treasure, and in terms of time.
Burma had a communist presence since well before the Vietnam War. I am talking about nations which have become communist after the war. They were communist before (though only as an insurgency). Name a single country that went full commie after the end of the Vietnam War. Pro tip: you can't.
The most obvious indicator of America losing the Vietnam war is the simple fact that America doesn't still have troops in Vietnam. If the Vietnam war had been a victory, then America would still have active military bases in the Vietnam, just like they still have bases in Germany, in Japan, the Philippines, Hawaii, Korea. Hell, America even has a base in Cuba from the Spanish-American war. Anywhere the USA goes to fight, it never truly leaves, except in cases where it gets BTFO so hard that it can't maintain a presence. Vietnam is one of the few instances of American soldiers getting actually pushed out of a country to such a degree that there are no American military bases remaining in Vietnam.
>d- doesn't count!
>there were uh... there were some commies before!
Every country had commies before, you knob-gobbling cock jockey.
This is how long your precious Burmese Communist party existed... A full two years after the end of the Vietnam War. It had no control of Burma at that time. Burma could be considered Socialistic up until around the late 80s when they relaxed a lot of socialist policies. But regardless, Burma was receiving aid from the US anyways (despite restrictions they set on foreign aid).
It's funny how you still haven't named a single other country. Go ahead, name one.
America set out to stop the spread of communism. No other countries became communist after the war. The US accomplished its goal. Its goal was not to set up military bases in Vietnam lmao
I was talking about the military junta. I also named two other countries.
Seriously, are you this much of a cum-guzzling paedophile that you can't even be bothered reading my posts properly?
Just read it again. You only mentioned Burma lmfao go read that shit again. Also the mil dictatorship wasn't communist in Burma unless I am somehow missing something huge.
Anyways, how is it so hard to just list those nations for me? Christ, you're the laze one (or just wrong)
Why didn't the US just obliterate North Vietnam from existence with a full-scale war and invasion? Why did it pussy foot around escalation? Nobody was going to use nukes and even then, the Soviets were too shit with their systems since they blew up a passenger plane and almost nuked the US (When it did nothing) if it wasn't for one soldier not being a dumb ass on duty.
>Anyways, how is it so hard to just list those nations for me? Christ, you're the laze one (or just wrong)
See >Because two out of three of Vietnam's neighbours turned gommie. The third was already gommie though
China, Laos, and Cambodia share borders with Vietnam.
>inb4 you don't know which was gommie before
Laos is indisputably still gommie.
Cambodia is still gommie in all but name, and with the current crackdown on opposition politicians, it's probably headed further back to the left.
>we didn't lose!
>so butthurt that they had to fund the genocidal Pol Pot just to spite a 3rd world country
I am not talking about countries that are STILL communist. I am talking about ones that BECAME communist after Vietnam.
They became communist as a direct result of American involvement in the Vietnam war. So not only did America fail in their mission, they caused their own failure.
Source please.
Read a fucking history book. Or Wikipedia, seeing as that seems to be the extent of your historical knowledge.
>Anyways, how is it so hard to just *read a book for me? Christ, you're the laze [sic] one (or just wrong)
>when soldiers in the USSR literally defy orders from the kremlin to nuke the US because they trust the americans
>when Indonesians genocide commies with american dollars
>while the US literally overthrows commie latin americans for bananas
Wikipedia is the extent of my historical knowledge of Burma because I don't waste my time reading books about a retarded fucking country.
>go read a history book
How incredibly vague.
Pretty much all decent history books on the Vietnam War at least mention America's involvement in either Laos or Cambodia.
Maybe the books you read were comic books? Or children's books perhaps?
Well, I'm glad to see you're at least challenging yourself.
No I have very little prior understanding of the Vietnam War I just argue with people online to get a base understanding of things before I engage in actual study. Now I know what to focus on while I do the research.
>confirmation bias to the 5th degree
Yeah I know but I don't really give a shit.
in the end we now have a communist country that's not china that is willing to produce cheap nike and air jordans for us now
Until they allow US bases, Viets aren't America's friends.
Indonesia was already producing Nike decades ago though, and they're capitalist too...
They would probably allow it if America didn't keep pulling the ITAR card whenever Vietnam wants to buy some cool shit.
Vietnam was always pro-America, even back before the war, and Ho Chi Minh was a massive Ameriboo.
>Did Germany win the first world war just because they eventually occupied Paris somewhere down the line?
I think you mixed up your analogies here because Germany was pretty much the US in that scenario, stubbornly insisting that "nope it wasn't a real defeat we just had to withdraw because we had trouble at home, Germany strong" when in fact "the inexorable advance of the Allied armies during the second half of 1918 caused a sudden collapse of the German armies and persuaded the German commanders that defeat was inevitable."
>"Put a stop to the "Domino Effect" of communism spreading as another.
Ah, you mean like how Cambodia or Laos went communist after Vietnam. Yeah, maybe you should have put a stop to that.
US ended the war because it realized nations could turn communist while they were fighting in Vietnam. Also the time and terribleness of the war had been sufficient at that time.
So, I’m right?
They’ve allowed McDonalds
How has America had not won?
>Ho Chi Minh was a massive Ameriboo
He thought americans would support him because of their "freedom". Turns out americans were imperialistic after all.
americans are so easily triggered, manchildren nonplusultra
Name you’re country and I’ll trigger you with a single word
You know i only consider white people to be americans, they are the one that run the country snd built it
So when people say American, a white person come to my mind
>Vietnam can't be Communist
>If Vietnam falls Communism will spread so we have to intervene
>Vietnam turns full commie
>Domino theorie was actually paranoid bogus
>years later keyboard warriors try to spin this as a US victory
Laos and Cambodia
>"Yeah okay all these neighbouring countries became communist either shortly before or after South Vietnam's collapse, but Domino Theory "ackchooally" only referred to states that turned to communism after South Vietnam fell, so Laos and Cambodia are irrelevant the US won USA USA USA
The US was worried that if they held a full-scale invasion of North Vietnam the Soviets and Chinese would've intervened a la the Korean War
The US valued their relationship with France more than the Vietnamese. During the Indochina War, De Gaulle threatened that if the US supported the Vietnamese against the French, he would realign France closer to the USSR. To fight the French, Ho Chi Minh in turn sought help from the Communist Chinese and Soviets for support. Minh was already communist-leaning, but at the time I think it was more a means to the goal of an independent Vietnam.
Had France not been such a baby-back-bitch they could have granted independence to Vietnam and guide them to a free market democracy and everything would've been chill.
So it's France's fault, really.
>Did Germany
>they eventually occupied Paris
Are you insane or just retarded?
Pretty sure he means in WW2.
american education....
At its absolute heart and in its most basic of final analysis the US could not win in Viet Nam because General Westmorland treated that war as if it were a game of Chess while Ho Chi Minh dealt with it as though it were a game of Go.
>Let that sink in.
>European retardation
See? I can do it too. He's claiming that the loss of the First World War is fundamentally unconnected with the victory (over France anyway) in the second world war. Similarly, he claims that the fact that the NVA overran Saigon after the Americans withdrew doesn't mean that the "seperate"war against America was lost.
I disagree with his conclusion and several of his premises, but the point he's trying to make is clear. And yes, Germany did "eventually" occupy Paris, so I have no fucking clue what your objection is, other than the fact that your head and your ass are probably interchangeable.
This is without a doubt the stupidest post I have ever read on this site.
Haven't been here long, have you?
58,000 is nothing
To those who died, it is everything
Apart from indochina itself, nowhere else in Asia was in danger of falling to communism. Indonesia was the only other place that was at risk for part of the wars duration and a very brutal purge ensured that it weren't gonna happen there.
>nowhere else in Asia was in danger of falling to communism
Not quite. At the time of the Gulf of Tonkin resolution, Thailand, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Indonesia were dealing with Communist insurgencies and subversion. American involvement in the region gave these countries time & resources to get their shit together and strengthen themselves against Communist threats.
Also, by the late 1970's China had changed foreign policy to that of trying to gain influence in non-communist SEA via diplomacy with existing governments, rather than attempt to support Communist regime changes.