How the fuck does he do it...

How the fuck does he do it? How does this guy manage to outsmart supercomputers with hundreds of petabytes of data and all he has is phone calls and some old ass business reports at his disposal? How can a man (granted, who has been doing it for like 70 years) be able to beat computers who are programmed by MIT/Harvard Econ, Physics, Business, Maths, Stats, Computer Science PhD’s that all work together to just make half a cent profit at any opportunity, while Buffett doesn’t give a rats ass about day trading and somehow turns most of his investments into pots of gold?


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dude he literally does two things:
passively invest in index funds
actively invest in leaders of successful companies

read his books, they aren't long and are the equivalent of lists of pinned tweets

The markets are driven by human psychology, the bots merely react to the humans, the humans react to those further up the dominance hierarchy - individuals like this old faggot.

successful *undervalued* companies, that is

plus now his brand adds weight to what he invests in irrationally (due to so many followers thinking he is a "god"). he uses that to his advantage. there is a reason he "always drinks coca cola".

Why is it your default assumption that a supercomputer should be better at investing than a human can be?

Technology is the atheist's version of God.

Insider trading

I was using that as an example of something that can find patterns humans couldn’t and look over data faster than humans can

>How the fuck does he do it?
because the market follows him, he doesn't have to follow the market

compound interest + he doesn't have to pay income tax. it also helps that he started investing before a 70 yr long bull market began.

Those things don't matter for long-term investment.

hes rich, in the papers. remember this.

I love Warren.
>Buys a textile comapny
>Turns it into a Hedge fund
>Tuns it into a 200 Billion conglomerate
>Doesn't bother to change the name.
You cannot hate him.

Hmm that's an interesting way to look it. Id say to some degree you are certainly right.

Supercomputers are designed to operate within parameters designed and coded by people.

Academics suck at investing.

He's made an art of investigating and investing in distressed companies. He knows accounting principles, how to read the books and assess the real value of a company as opposed to the market value of the stock, which is driven by sentiment.


Read (((Benjamin Graham's))) Security Analysis.

>outsmart supercomputers with hundreds of petabytes of data and all he has is phone calls and some old ass business reports at his disposal?
More data doesn't necessarily mean more quality of data. To be glib, Buffett knows how to seek out the most meaningful/useful data quickly.

> How can a man (granted, who has been doing it for like 70 years) be able to beat computers who are programmed by MIT/Harvard Econ, Physics, Business, Maths, Stats, Computer Science PhD’s
Because none of them are trained in psychology or anthropology and therefore operate under a rational work view full of patterns, rather than the clusterfuck of human behavior which while predictable seldom matches up to ideologically shaped mathematical models of how markets SHOULD work.

The other thing is he's patient. Someone on here once made a really good point, 90% of his wealth was earned in the last 30 years.

this and leverage makes people rich


Barron's this week says Buffett thinks Dow will go to 1,000,000

He was born at exactly the right time. With the huge amount of disposable income people had in the 1950's, he invested in penny stocks that had fantastic management teams. He would hodl for a while then sell at a profit. He repeated this over and over, and the rest is history.

he HODLs, not trades

The secret to his success is widely known, but not many listen or follow. Any of us could become this great at consistent investing if we simply are McDonald's as much as he does

Daily reminder: Buffet bought apple last year in June when it was $97
It was on every news channel, where were you user?

How he does it?
you're doing it right now, buy the big companies of the future.

buy eth nigger.

he measures the price in gold grams

He follows the Tao and Wu Wei.
You should too.

>picture of Russian girl
>Academics suck
Back to /pol/

you retarded pos fag he buys cheap prmising shit in the beginning and holds it until its expensive as fuck. no rocket science. just money, information and instinct.

/pol/ is going to repopulate the white race by fucking kids bought with crypto