>you have to work
>you have to contribute to society
>implying society is something that should be contributed too
How blue pilled can you get? Civilization is the worst thing that has happened to humanity.
>you have to work
>you have to contribute to society
>implying society is something that should be contributed too
How blue pilled can you get? Civilization is the worst thing that has happened to humanity.
Other urls found in this thread:
societal and technological progress happens inevitably. this doesn't make it a good thing automatically, but the implications of that observation are worth pondering.
/pol/ pls go
Take the NEETpill.
>Jew overlords
Oh I'm stealing this.
>tfw ancap
I agree OP I miss the days a guy could beat a deer to death with a club then eat it.
>Namibian tribe livin the dream, working 2 hours a day
>war starts up
>kids get drafted
>come back, get pension
>give it as gifts in the traditional fashion
>eventually someone trades $5 for $100
>total societal collapse overnight as everyone realizes that items can have different, and fixed, values
>some years later the Ju/'hoansi come to an agreement
>all the vet's pensions will be collected in one bank account
>a solar-powered ATM will be placed in the middle of the territory next to the bar (this is effectively the tribal capital)
>everyone has equal access to this ATM for emergencies, such as a hospital trip, or restocking the bar
>besides that everyone agrees to live like they used to but with extra beer
>some folks get jobs but it is very hard to determine what pays better--tapping a machine in an office can pay hundreds of times that of digging holes, even though digging holes is obviously less fun and should be compensated appropriately
>Civilization is the worst thing that has happened to humanity.
Why are primitivists so incredibly incapable of critical thinking?
If you don't like civilization, leave it. There are enormous tracts of land on literally every continent without even temporary human settlement
most of these people are blatantly pathetic and don't know what they want beyond their anger at society
>Ted Kaczynski
>incapable of critical thinking
Why do brainlets assume that all smart people have the same ideology as them?
>Civilization is the worst thing that has happened to humanity.
Because starving in the winter or dying of an infection in your 30s is super fun, right?
you are literally dependent for your daily water and calories, and shelter, upon the society you are apart of
there is no such thing as opting out, other than dying of starvation disease of cold
there is no such thing as simply wandering off into the woods and 'living off the land' for longer than it takes for your body to consume it's fat reserves packed on by existing and being dependent on your society/community.
there is no humanity without civilisation
even pre-settlement humans existed as part of close nit bands/tribes - themselves part of wider loosely connected groups who traded, warred and interacted.
no human can exist solitarily.
>no human can exist solitarily.
Yeah they can
>Ted Kaczynski
>not a brainlet
>thinks he's Redpilled
>Upset that the has to be a productive member of society
/pol/ everyone
>trying to pin this on /pol/
look everybody, it's a shitpostmongering faggot
how is the crusade of the proletariat going, comrade?
name one
>calories can't be obtained by trapping, fishing, hunting, farming, or gathering small foliage
>water can't be obtained from rolling fresh water sources, the boiling it
>shelter can't be built in the form of a yurt, igloo, lean-to, or literally anything that can have a stove fitted inside
I really don't know what the point of this post was. If your point is that no human being would be alive without society, that's obvious, but after 14,000 years, human beings are no longer 'dependent' on society. Given modern tools and construction, people without knowledge of ancient survivalist tradition.
There are plenty of examples of people living in very habitable enviroments independently (i.e. rockies, tetons, most of the north american frontier), so I'll only use examples from harsh enviroments.
From 1968-1999 Richard Proenneke lived entirely on his own in a cabin he had built himself in Twin Lakes, Alaska. He captured the construction of his home on film, and documented most of his experiences
Alone is a show where people are flown into Vancouver island miles away from eachother, with a bag including limited gear of their choice, and told to survive as long as possible. In the only season I've seen, the winner ended up going for 2 months, and the newest series had someone go for 3.
Ferdinand Ossendowski lived through a Transbaikalian winter during the bolshevik revolution by building a mud hut into a fallen tree. All he had was a cast iron pot, a coat, a gun, and ammunition.
I can't find the article, but when I was still posting on /out/, I saw something about a Canadian dude living for 10 years completely alone in the frontier.
It's also known that Eskimos, by necessity, are able to survive in the harshest of environments by living nomadically with one other person. Of course, they have the advantage of subsisting off that awful land since they crawled out of the dirt.
I used to think his anti-tech manifesto was pretty brilliant, then I noticed that it's just derived pretty directly from Spenglers work on the subject.