Why have we never seen a christian socialistic state?

Why have we never seen a christian socialistic state?
It would be a lot easier to unite everyone under the red flag if you used religion instead of persecutiong the religious

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marxism is just a more advanced version of christianity

Communism is a religion

a materialist earthly-utopia ideology that rejects hierarchy won't have common ground with Christianity

Church or monastic hierarchies that are subject to the laws of their religion are a rival to the power of the state. Leftists worship the state.

first communist god king

Socialism is materialist, Christianity is not. Christian Democracy, Catholic Social Teaching, and similar movements have similar aims and are more attractive to most Christians.

Communism is the next level of Christianity. That's why communism works best in the most religious states - orthodox Russia, Catholic Cuba, superstitious Vietnam, China and Korea, eastern Europe.

Because people with those views are inherently anti-religious


>communism works best in places where ideologies that condemn communism are most popular

How is Catholicism redistributive at all when most popes were scions of noble families and they hoard an obscene amount of wealth for themselves?

>when most popes were scions of noble families

>hoard an obscene amount of wealth for themselves?

Except for all of the popes that didn't. While there have been a few bad apples most popes have been quite charitable, and usually the wealth was not personal wealth.

Also redistribution is not synonymous with the idea of getting rid of nobility or rich people.

>what is

Jesus was a commie
Meek inheriting the earth and all that

such my cheap healthcare amerofatty

The USSR pretty much was post-Stalin.

Religion is the opium of the people

Because socialism was based on marxist critique, which described religion as a way to pacify the working class (opiate in the sense of dulling its pains, dissuading them from revolution) and simultaniously control it (ideology). Also because religious people made the conservative voting block, which means that there was not many of them to side with the socialist movement, and therefore not enough of them to significantly influence it (there is a christian strain of socialism in S. America created by a catholic priest IIRC, though). What's important to mention in this context is that the conservatives of those days were against social reform in the sense of welfare not because they were classical liberal faggots when it comes to economics, but because they didn't want the state usurping that function from the Church (charity). Now that puts them right opposite to socialists (who opposed Church power) on a very important question, meaning that it would be extremely unlikely for a former conservative to side with socialists.
I'm going to give you guys (you)s, I see that you tragically didn't get any yet.

Oh yea Eugene Debs was sooooooo successful

You sound more like an American if anything. Communists are butthurt about welfare because it made their whole ideology obsolete.

>taking anesthesia during surgery is for pussies

Yeah, it is

Because Jesus was actually an ancap

Communism is a religion that don't mix with others

>Catholic Cuba

>When the revolutionaries landed on Cuba in 1956 – the Castro brothers, Che Guevara and the rest, all 82 of them squeezed onto a 12-berth yacht named Granma – the island was under the tyrannical rule of Fulgencio Batista. The story goes, that Fidel and his brother were hidden from Batista’s forces by a small Masonic lodge in the Sierra Maestras. It was from this lodge that Castro laid the foundations for his 26th of July Movement, which in 1959 would ultimately lead to a socialist revolution in Cuba.

imagine actually believing this