Why did so few African Americans emigrate to Liberia?
Why did so few African Americans emigrate to Liberia?
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no welfare
Many did though.
Negros are a static bunch, they live in the now, going to Africa and forming a country is alien to them, they will always be parasites in America.
no money
seems like those who stayed made a good decision for their progeny
How are you going to afford a ticket across the ocean when you can't even pay rent?
Well he's actually right.
Nice effort though.
> Blacks brought to America in 1600s
> Forced slave labor growing cash crops
> No wages = more profits
> America grows into economic powerhouse
> Eurowhitey immigrates after thoroughly fucking up own continent with 2 world wars
> Why don' dem Knee gros go home?
Because we are home.
The US is the nation we helped build.
We just don't have any statues like the white people like to build.
Deal with it.
It was a shithole and the random average black would need a shit ton of capital to actually become something in Liberia.
>welfare in the 19th century
This nigro is right.
Is that picture you?
Probably because the average African American was from a family that had been in the US for multiple generations already and had lost almost all knowledge of Africa, so the thought of moving to Africa would have been as intimidating as it would have been for the average white American.
thats why they used slaves user, the 'repatriated' blacks used the natives as slaves, they exactly reproduced the system, even down to the colonial architecture, they ran it realy well cause they knew the system, they had it all integrated
its a thing about humans, you can take a human out of a system but you cannot take the system out of the human
>We just don't have any statues like the white people like to build.
What the fuck are you talking about?
There were a good amount of AAs living in Liberia until pic related ruined everything. This is why you should genocide the natives before colonizing, and not be elitist assholes.
>This is why you should genocide the natives before colonizing
And the manifest destiny wasn't?
>Colonize land to call home for AAs
>Notice a bunch of hut dwellers still around
>Coexist with them "cuz we equals"
>Oppress the FUCK out them
> Get btfo'd by tribalists
>manifest destiny was genocide
Let me guess. You're European
It is and I'm not apologizing
The same reason so few white Americans emigrated to Europe in the 18th and 18th centuries, or even really today. Just because your ancestors lived in that general area ten generations ago doesn't mean you have any personal connection to it. Even less so when area you're expected to go to speaks an entirely different language and has no modern infrastructure to speak of.
Another thing that doesn't get mentioned a lot in threads like this is that blacks in America lost a lot of their ancestral immunity to African diseases. Black Americans moving to Liberia died by the boatload just like their white counterparts, with maybe only a slight edge in their favor.
Because they considered themselves american over being African. It's a shame politics fucked that up.
The cultural differences between black Americans and white Americans are far smaller than the differences between black Americans and black Africans.
>helped build.
>helped build.
>helped build.
>helped build.
Actually we built America, you are no difference from a robot who picks crops that we planted you credit stealing nigger piece of shit.
I guess an automatic tower built the agricultural sector of industrial countries. Thats how stupid you sound right now black shit.
America became a success because the British were too lax on it.
Im certain if every Americoon were sent back to Liberia they would have killed of the Liberian natives since niggers get tribal very fast.
Its funny how you people think black people give a shit if black people die.
Do you have any interest in emigrating from your home country to another unknown place?
Jesus christ you're triggered as fuck.
Black people care if they die. People in general care. Why would someone want to move across an ocean to some malarial swamp they've never been to before just to die as soon as they get off the boat? I doubt you'd want to, most wouldn't, which is why most didn't.
>home country
America is not home to americoons its a state that enslaved them, its downright retarded that blacks dont want to fuck off and create their own free state outside of America. The only home this place is to the amerindians.
No africans dont give a shit about black people dying. You cucks have no clue how devoid of empathy black people really are. While they may fool you into thinking they have empathy with this blacklivesmatter horseshit, the moment you bring up black on black they try to silence you this indicates that they see nothing wrong with their disregard for black life in general. In every negro country the population finds their absurd crime rates and violence as "normal and fine" showing they lack the empathy to see whats wrong with their behavior.
You're so busy trying to get offended you didn't even bother to read my post.
People care if they themselves, and their immediate family, die. If I offered you a free ticket to someplace where you knew you were going to die, you wouldn't take the ticket.
>Kidnap people from their homeland
>Keep them in captivity for generations
>Do everything you can to destroy any connection to their culture so you can easily assimilate them into a new culture
>”WTF why do Blacks consider themselves Americans????”
As far as I’m concrrend they’re more American than whites because they had no choice.
Posts like these are why parents should supervise the sites they let their kids go to. This kid has been brainwashed by /pol/
Nah, blacks are just as human as you and I. Actually they’re more human than you since you lack basic empathy.
kys retard. I simplified my post so a 5 year old could understand and that still went over your head.
Alright we get it you want a black bull to fuck your mother.
but america was worse for blacks then liberia?
>No argument
>Results to cuckposting
People like you should be gassed.
Really depends.
In terms of disease, hell no. Diseases in tropical Africa are deadly as fuck to non-natives, even the African diaspora that's been several generations removed. A shitload of blacks who moved to Liberia died soon after to disease.
Maybe America could be worse in terms of violence, but even then it's not really clear. If you moved to Liberia and didn't die from disease, you'd still have to fight the native tribes who see you as just another foreign invader.
Muh White supremacy nigga!
Shiiiit, muh jim crow, fuk nigga!
Gat dam crakkas!
>Here you go my negro friend, we crackers killed hundreds of thousands of our brothers over the morality of your bondage and now you are free! Here, take this land we chartered in your mother Africa and return to you roots free from the oppression of the White suprematist system here in America.
>Thus means you have to give of the standard of living that comes frim living in close proximity to white people.
FUK that shiiit nigga! Is likes it heres ‘n shit nigga. Wut the fuk even is an “Africa” anyhow?
>take this land we chartered in your mother Africa and return to you roots
A black American moving to Liberia to "find their roots" would be like a 5th-generation Irish-American embracing their "European heritage" and moving to Croatia.
>Implying White people are capable of performing basic agriculture on their own
I love you, user, but the Euro colonists were fucking retards. They could never survive without aid: The Jamestown settlers kept digging for gold without food until they starved. The Powhatans helped them for a bit, then the whites got cocky, antagonized them, and starved again. The whole colony would've failed if it wasn't for Indian grown tobacco. The Pilgrims were so desperate they had to fucking rob from Wampanoag graves until Squanto taught them how to grow corn and shoot turkeys. The Carolinas only took off once Africans taught Europeans how to grow rice. When the South started growing cotton, they planted so much of it that they forgot to fucking grow food. It tanked their economy and destroyed their soil. Hell, even going back to the Neolithic all the major crops in Europe were domesticated in the Near East. White people just aren't good at anything that doesn't involve herding pigs. I'm sorry I had to be the first one to tell you.
>I don't know abour Europeans and wheat
i'm sorry you're retarded, user.
You worship black men so much it can't be denied, your brain has genuinely declared itself unfit for reproduction. All this shit you spew is just flavor on top of it.
Projection is a hell of a drug.
Really makes you wonder about the people who always immediately jump to sex and black cock. Activates the neurons, even.
You love thinking about cuck porn don’t you?
Tell me again where that crop was domesticated?
>worships niggers
Yeah okay
When you constantly bring up your sexual fetish on a history board, it's hard not to notice a pattern.
>user gives actual historical information
>"We wuz wheat"
Says the one who idolizes blacks and wishes to be them. I bet you're the same person who says races aren't real and then turns around and does this.
>Says the one who idolizes blacks and wishes to be them
Projection is a hell of a drug.
Hmm... strange "parasite" that is deliberately introduced by the host into its own body, and is forced to work for the benefit of the host.
That was then, this is now.
Taking them from their country was cruel, but that does not mean we must suffer in silence.
Get this reddit shit out of here, Africans sold their own countrymen; there was no Predator tier manhunt
m8 what are you even on about, nobody's even talking about black people caring if other darkies die or not.
>darkies don't want to move back to a shithole because they'll immediately die of awful shit
>yeah but blacks don't care if other blacks die
You clearly worship them earlier and now deny it, you objectively are a faggot.
How’s the new Blacked video? You know you love watching it. Probably have some saved on your pc too.
You're clearly pretending to be retarded to get (you)s now and will deny it.
At the risk of being accused of samefagging, pic related
>Suffer in silence
Oh you were bullied by blacks growing up. It all makes sense.
This is class A projection. Most of the black guys in my school were belligerent but never to me; we just kinda segregated ourselves. But please, continue your analysis Mr. Freud
They got pretty belligerent in your mother's bedroom, from the looks of it.
so how are you suffering exactly
Paying taxes for them to pop out kids as they pop in tarts.
>”I’m suffering!”
>”B-But I wasn’t bullied!”
Nice lie.
>I-I-I'm not projecting, YOU'RE the one projecting!!!
Was this really the best you could come up with it? Just admit some Tyrone pulled you and now you’re mad.
What, you don't think it's bullshit that you pay for them and get nothing in return?
Just report and ignore. OP had his question answered, and now the thread's just filled with shitposting from a /pol/cuck fantasizing about black cock like usual.
>West Africa had little to zero agriculture until Europeans showed up and helped them
>Somehow these same west african slaves taught europeans how to grow rice
I see what you're getting at, but it makes absolutely no sense. Please cite a source.
Whites didn't kidnap blacks. They bought them from other blacks
>West Africa had little to zero agriculture until Europeans showed up and helped them
But that's wrong, retard. The whole reason the Bantu were able to spread everywhere was because of advances in agriculture and metallurgy.
But it's not wrong.
Were there large rice fields in west africa when the Europeans showed up?
What specific advances are you talking about?
I'm not the person you were originally replying to, I'm pointing out that
>West Africa had little to zero agriculture until Europeans showed up
is completely wrong.
I like how no one has even attempted to seriously answer this. Foreign board posters come here and just shit up Veeky Forums
what is there to answer?
the african americans were stripped off their roots and grew up largely surrounded by american culture and society that they contributed to. They are as american as it gets.
I did: A few others did, too.
Except it's not.
Growing a single crop in small amounts that is heavily reliant on the flows and floods of a river =/= organized agrarian society
They were still hunter gatherer societies.
What do smug atheists have to do with people that put a lot of stock into racial ideologies?
Yams, sorghum, kola and more aren't "a single crop in small amounts"
Ah you're right.
That does not make them agrarian or agricultural societies broski.
If you buy a child who was kidnapped you still are complicit in the trafficking.
>Sub-Saharan Africans actively grow crops to feed themselves and their families
>considered themselves american over being African
How to fix all the problems the US is having right now
Jesus dude, you realize you're literally just as bad as all the blacks that hate whites right?
>Africans sold their own countrymen
How retarded could you possibly be? Saying Africans sold their own countrymen is like saying the French murdered their own countrymen when killing English in the 7 Years War.
A lot of absolute morons seem to be under the mistaken belief that Europeans beached on Africa's shore, jumped out and ran around the jungle with oversized butterfly nets capturing people and dragging them back to the boats while black people looked on helpless.
In reality, blacks sold other blacks to whoever wanted them: Arabs and later Europeans. Saying they sold their own countrymen is a quick and snappy way of refuting this mongoloid belief.
Man his point completely flew past your head.
It's still whites kidnapping blacks from Africa, they just contracted the first part of the kidnapping out to others.
you mean he pulled a bunch of stuff out of his ass like a typical nigger.
They just imported a bunch of slaves to work in their fields.
I liked how you dropped the superpower from your pasta.
>let me tell you about the negro
Many don't care.
Pine, cattle and indigo actually but rice too.
but then why isnt everything made out of cotton?
nice meme
Not that user and I certainly don't believe that slavery "created" America's power, but it is true that cheap and abundant cotton helped the domestic textile manufacturing industry
however, this point is also null when you consider the after-effects of slavery, namely that for most of the 20th century, the south was a backwater region because it didn't industrialize and survived off of gibs.