Is the flippening happening in slow motion? I feel like Ethereum is going to overtake bitcoin soon enough...

Is the flippening happening in slow motion? I feel like Ethereum is going to overtake bitcoin soon enough, it actually has uses (so value). Bitcoin is deflationary so a decent hold for the time being, but sooner or later people will realize that if it can't actually be used as a currency, and has no other purpose, then what is the point?

gee, a store of value maybe?

i think so too op, i add all my gainz to my ethereum holdings
ethereum is the future, its awesome
bitcoin will still be around as a store of value but ethereum will be king in so many other ways

But why? As mining gets harder, bitcoin has to rise in value otherwise people will just abandon it. Gold is a store of value as it actually has uses.

>store value
>drops 30% over some bullshit fake news and online fud

even at that BTC is shit, ETH will reign supreme

after all these hardforks who knows what will happen with bitcoin in the end tho, ethereum will reign supreme

From what I saw, ETH performed better during the great fud dip of 2017


lol what the fuck is this?
none of this makes any sense

Ethereum is unlimited unlike bitcoin. Bitcoin will always be king.

ether is a shitcoin

>actually believing ETH will overtake BTC
>clueless newfags

>store of value
>most volatile asset on the face of the earth
really activates my almonds

clueless luddite...

lol you discovered crypto like two weeks ago, go to bed kid.

ive been stuck with a sale order for eth at 370 since laborday weekend. 1k in it.

should have sold and took the 200 dollar loss and i wouldve made it all back and then some by now.

Bitcoin cucks BTFO!

There's a wall of bags waiting to be dropped at $370-420. It will be extremely difficult for ETH to break though.

when will it hit that high?

ive been stuck for a month now.

been trading scraps

ETH already seen two major exploits discovered and used, both of which resulted in massive amounts of funds being stolen.


need 5.00 to watch this french girl wank on chaturbate. Atleast im honest

Isn't the kid behind the ETH Russian? I have my doubts because of that

DASH relates more to BTC than ETH.

Probably another month or two. I thought for sure it was going to break through the last ATH in August but instead it crashed again. Not sure it's worth getting burned three times so get the hell out at $350.

user, I doubt it. were probably going to see a truly decentralized system but not this pseudo decentralization that someone owns the decentralized system

theres a reason why satoshi or the group using the pseudonym still hasnt shown himself/them and claimed bitcoin as his/their own when theres a fuckton of money to be made

>it actually has uses (so value)
name the last DApp you used

get off my fucking board retard

how did you know!?!?!?!

Ethereum will over take Bitcoin at this rate but it will be slow. Ether is used more, it have purpose, it's a platform, it's the most advanced. But people still say "Bitcoin" when the refer to crypto. So don't expect it to happen soon.

Currently on 16 ETH. Will probably sell it once we get back to $400 next week. It will hit $1000 a coin by early next year though.

this. kys dumb newfags. btc = king

its not actually unlimited because of mining difficulty nigger

it would take 3000 years, its on par with bittycoin

Broke through this time~

Run Bull GOOO~!

ETH is going to least learn the coin you're shilling.

>Ether is used more

mETHeads are so delusional. BTC is probably the only crypto that has some actual real world usage.



its never going to reach above 400. so expect a crash around that time.
its practically free money with a little investment of 1k to 5k.

with 5k initial start and trading every day or third day, you can actually make a wagecuck living. or
>invest 10k for trading eth
>use half for day or 3 day trading for wagecuck salary.
>use the other half incase there is an unexpected crash and carry on trading until it goes back to normal.
>any profits can be wired back to your bank or used to stack more gains and risk on alts.

way better than going to college if youre not going to become a doctor, lawyer or scientist engineer. you can use your free time gaining knowledge about the world through the internet while you wait for your sells. treat yourself to a hooker or massage once in a while.

>being so stupid you cant see past BTC
>thinking BTC is king when there are 2 conflicting forks of it (soon to be 3) competing for the position in the market
>not understanding the value of smart contracts and the insane possibilities ethereum brings to the table

yall better examine where you stand

To be fair those aren't issues with ETH, but issues with contracts

issues with the developers
people like to parrot the fact that "HURR DURR ETHEREUM AINT SECURE" but they dont know their talking about
the reason people say that is because solidity isn't type safe... but smart contracts arent that huge and good developers can write a secure intelligible contract with proper code formatting, commenting, and design.

Every erc20 token that's doing real world things is due to ethereum. What is butcoins greatest advancement? Buying hoodies off some little known website.

That's what I meant, issues with contracts that have been written by developers. Contracts in general are okay, but most developers are dogshit. It's a lot more important to get a contract correct before deploying it to the main net than deploying an average business application to production. Any bugs could become catastrophic quickly. I'm honestly surprised there's been so few fuck ups with deployed contracts.

yep, just clarifying and adding to your argument, i totally agree


ETH was literally forced to hardfork because of that. It speaks for itself

>Buying hoodies off some little known website.
rather real estate in various different countries


Etherdelta is a dapp. All runs on smart contracts. I use it daily so fuck you.

the ethereum token is also a dapp