>4.11% of Bitcoin wallets hold 96.53% of all BTC
How do we solve this problem?
>4.11% of Bitcoin wallets hold 96.53% of all BTC
How do we solve this problem?
Value comes from inequal distribution. What you’re really asking is “How can I get in the 4%”.
And since each crypto holder has at least a few different wallets from exchanges to personal etc. its not really bad.
The more important information is how many coins are stuck in dormant wallets.
it's not a problem unless ur a commie. kys
This is misleading, the amount of wallets that either do not have or have never had any coins I imagine is surprising.
Very valid point. Also goes hand in hand with the fact that the first million bitcoins mined still have not been touched, including the genesis block coins (first block ever mined).
It's safe to assume satoshi lost them forever.
fuck off with this conservacuck mentality. not everyone wants to suck the dick of Bezos
the solution is to adopt a coin with more equitable distribution to keep a couple of lucky autists from being too rich.
makes sense.. think of all of the exchanges in the world, most people keep a good part of their coins on it
You idiots keep quoting this. You are too stupid to realize wallets can be created for free on a whim and many people have multiple wallets.
u sound like a total cuckold
also think of all the coins that are locked away forever and will never be seen again
also think of my balls, right now, moist and cool. They're also tucked away but they will be seen by many in time.
>but they will be seen by many
Who is this semen demon?
>including satoshis 1 mill btc
>including exchange wallets
>including tens of millions of 0 btc wallets
its not hard, especially when you fags continue to buy high and sell low
What the hell is with the Asian obsession with cat ears?
over 50% of wallets haven't moved in funds in over 5 years.
Those bitcoin wallets are most likely lost and will never be recovered, I wouldn't really worry about it
Why is it a problem, you fucking retard? The early investors have more coins because they had the foresight to see future value. You commies who want something for nothing at the expense of others disgust me.
Given this, doesn't this mean the de facto marketcap of bitcoin is actually much much lower?
> foresight
no lmao they just had the luck to stumble upon this shit, i never even heard of bitcoin until like 5 years ago, that isn't my fault or anyone's fault because of how underground it was until last year
Bitcoin is only valuable because of the belief that it can theoretically be used as money. And to the extent that it is believed to be usable as money, it is valued over fiat because of the belief that it is decentralised. TL;DR: BTC value = belief it is decentralised money.
Being decentralised money, the value of bitcoin cannot be manipulated by any central authority, like a central bank. For example, a central bank can decrease the value of fiat money by printing more of it (inflation). But if a major proportion of BTC is held by a few people, then it is effectively centralised anyway, and so it will stop being valuable.
Consider what happens if BTC becomes widely used and 95% of BTC is held by 4% of people (as it is now). That means that 95% of BTC is effectively out of circulation, and so prices will only reflect the value of goods in relation to the total amount of circulating BTC (which is 5%). There's nothing to stop a couple of the megawhales from releasing a fraction of their BTC into circulation, and if they do BTC inflates massively. Consider if just one of the megawhales drops another 1% of BTC into circulation bringing the existing 5% circulation to 6%. That's 20% inflation. BTC losing 20% of its value instantly is a horrible scenario for Bitcoin. You might say that nobody would do such a thing because it would decrease the value of their own BTC, but the whales who hold 95% of it will at some point want to cash out.
most of those coins are lost forever
they're not coming back
Obviously, yes. Whether or not it's anywhere near that speculative 50% figure is another question entirely though
I've been using btc for years. Hundreds of single use wallets over those years. If I were to do your analysis over the wallets I've created it would be 99% of value in one wallet vs other wallets I've created.
OP you know this. Whats your angle? Its a stupid argument - literally a non starter
It's cute and sexy.
>cute and sexy
What's the difference?
gommunism :DDDDDDD
we need to lead the bitshevik revolution grybdogomrades :DDD
to be fair that's better than the total world value.
How do you keep them cool, user? Mine get quite hot.
>in before >>adv
I bet between 30% and 50% of BTC has been lost forever.
cute = beauty + innocence
sexy = beauty + eros
sometimes, you can have it all. "difference" might not be the right way of thinking about it. it's more of a continuum.
>muh descentralized money
GTFO, commie fuck. Do you want me to start my helicopter, faggot?
the point of btc is so that you can't fix this, back to fiat you welfare rat
Once crypto is established it will be easy for the vast majority of users to instantly switch to another currency. Sick of trading is fedcoin? Try trading in libertarian anarchist coin
If it can't be fixed then BTC is worthless. It could even be a scam with the "genesis block" being held long-term for an eventually cash-out.
Basically a currency can't be deflationary, or even stationary, because it incentivises people to hoard (why spend now when your money will buy more in a while?). A small amount of inflation, say 2%, is absolutely necessary, because hoarders see the value of their money eroded and are therefore incentivised to actually invest it (loan it) to have it grow in value.
Being a non-inflationary currency is BTC's fatal flaw because it encourages it to be hoarded instead of used as money, and situations like the centralisation of control that we are now seeing occur.
Not if 20% of the value of your money is wiped away instantly.
>A small amount of inflation, say 2%, is absolutely necessary
wrong, even a 1-2% return on an investment would warrant investing, and not spending is not an option unless you want to starve on the streets.
>what are power laws, Pareto distributions?
It's literally how the universe works, there is no "problem". The problem is you are poor and whining instead of doing something about it.
Jesus christ this thread is embarrassing.
It's like seeing a toddler having a tantrum because his parents won't buy him a new toy.
Communism is a legitimate mental illness.
Why are you even here?
>even a 1-2% return on an investment would warrant investing
Nobody would borrow your deflationary money.
entirely depends on the interest rate and not inflation, generally when you borrow money you buy things with it
>a central bank can decrease the value of fiat money by printing more of it (inflation)
there is no causation between printing more money and inflation. Ask Draghi.
What problem?
this is so fucking retardedly wrong. For example, the Roman Empire started collapsing when they continually devalued their currency.
If I could loan out my BTC for a 1-2% return I would, provided it was relatively low risk.
Having said that, with Bitcoin I believe a small amount of inflation is a good thing, say 0.1-0.5% per year to prevent shocks to the economy should a wallet containing 5k BTC be found in 50 years, really just to counteract the amount of BTC getting lost per year.
user, howd be pay you back the interest? if were using bitcoin
>muh supply is limited
So you're saying money needs to be created out of thin air for someone to make an investment return?
I don't understand your question, are you really that stupid?
Honestly you guys need to kill yourselves.
Satoshi's stack should be excluded.
How do you keep the smart from collecting all the coins from the stupid? It always happens with every currency.
YES THIS! Was looking for it yesterday as well
How hard can it be to use image search?
at this point everybody should be buying some bitcoin. thats not the case, and thats why we have this 'problem'
I used image search faggot, can't find her.
WOW Now it does work. Interesting. I don't get the hits you've got though. Thx user.