in June I bought $40,000 worth of crypto

> in June I bought $40,000 worth of crypto
> encrypted all related data to be safe
> I was watching rates since and reading about crypto every day
> now it's worth $70,000, I decided to cash out some money
> "password incorrect"

> yesterday went to Veeky Forums, you gave me some contacts, some urls
> I contacted some people, they looked at it and told me, that most likely my password is OK, but the file is corrupted, no way of fixing it
> I have many backups (USB, HDD, computer) - guess what?
> all my backups are backups of that corrupted file

tldr: I just lost $70,000

Other urls found in this thread:

I followed "don't invest more than you can afford to lose". And that was all my money, that I could afford to lose. I can't put any more money into crypto.

I'm not sad. I'm not even crushed. I'm like really pissed off. I didn't get infected by some virus. I didn't felt for some scam. I followed all the rules. And I got fucked by some random "corrupted file" thing.

Since I can't afford put any more money into crypto, I'm probably going to watch all of you getting rich. While I'm going to be poor for the rest of my life. Because of "corrupted file".


Anyway, I have new wallets. Obviously with 0 balance.

BTC: 17q6E319YMFb1bgcr3h9sYv2C6z7dJ9BVG
ETH (erc20 tokens): 0xcf3a6FD1ade283AABdE57220B2fC2d9ed851C574

If anybody feels like it, you can send me something. So at least I can watch some rates. And have some hope, that I will at least half way to lambo land.

Fuck. My. Life.

sorry for your lots :-(


spoon in pooper and I will pitch in

Sent :)

Anyway, I was reading about encrypted files. And it turned out, that there's a many ways, how you can end up in corrupted worthless file.

Eg if you have opened that file and your PC crashes, you willmost likely end up with corrupted file.

So if anybody here is also using some kind of encryption, one windows death screen is between you and your coins... .

This is why theres no way in hell crypto would ever go mainstream

that's why you should never rely on electronics.
write down the private keys or get yourself an encrypted paperwallet

It could. If crypto would be only back-end.

And everybody would be providing services on the front-end, like banks. So people wouldn't deal with blochchain directly. Your money could be insured and protected by them.

literally seen this thread posted 12 hours ago, samefag?,if you dont have the hindsight to backup your seeds crypto is not for you.

>wow computers are so complicated, this shit weighs like 2 tons and it takes an army of nerds just to turn it on
>no one even knows what to do with it really
>this will never go mainstream

You already poster this and hot some good advices idiot. Just find Bitcoin Dave on plebbit and fuck of

Moral of the story: Use an SSD

"literally seen this thread posted 12 hours ago, samefag?"

> yesterday went to Veeky Forums...................... you gave me some contacts, some urls
> I contacted some people................ no way of fixing it

it's just a scam. he's been building the story and now he's asking for donations. images and semi complex narrative trying to get u niggers to donate

yesterday I though, that I have wrong password and there's some hope, this is update

Sent ;)

ok, don't donate, i didn't start this to get money, i just mentioned it, just forget it

Makes me thankful I use ECC, raidz2, and an UPS on my home server. Also the cloud backup is snapshotted, so I can retrive old versions.

dumb retard, you should have made multiple copies of those files. also, you shouldn't be trusting random people to decrypt those files, because they could steal your shit if they successfully decrypt it.

anyway, my suggestion is: have a trusted friend to make copies of the whole drive, or do it yourself, but not before mounting it as read-only. THEN hire someone with enough technical knowledge (someone who doesn't use windows...) to try to decrypt those files in front of you and this trusted friend.

SSDs are WORSE, you tard.

> storing crypto on exchanges is stupid

>man loses $70k because he saved it on computer and backups

yeah.. ok... lesson learned for me, i'll take my chances on the exchange. Or at least use the exodus wallet.

he's lying to get your money, but should you ever think of saving something in a password protected file just think how much safer it would be to memorize your seed words or write them down somewhere and hide them

Hardware wallets are the best. My ledger nano feels comfy as fuck. I love just staring at it thinking about how I can carry my entire net worth around with me when I need to.

OP I had the same fucking thing happen with VeraCrypt. I had 5 BTC on a USB stick. I tried for a week typing the password and had the same exact message. I thought there was no fucking way i was typing the password wrong. I too thought "It must be fucking corrupt fuck". It wasn't, I was just fucking autistic and had the password wrong in my head. Try more passwords.

omg, i just told you to forget that i posted these wallets, don't donate, forget it, i didn't start this thread for the money
>Final Thoughts (TL;DR)
>The probability of damaging the specific sector with the master key is less likely than you having a complete disk failure. So if this data is important, you should have a backup of it instead just the volume headers (Master Key).
>And corruption of data spread little (16 bytes), resulting acceptable for most uses.
>So a bad block in the middle of the partition or disk would affect only that block. And a few bits errors in a sector is restricted to that sector, and won't even affect totally a 512 bytes sector.

also, this. try a password cracking program. they are slow, but you can make a list of possible passwords and that will prolly help a lot.

still thinking youre just larping,cant understand how you would put 40k in a software wallet, anyways, email this guy with all your most used passwords etc, if your still actively using them, change them before sending obviously

if you manage to get your coins back, a small donation would be nice
>bought link at ath

yes, I'm still trying to type in new passwords, but i already spent like 24 hours of doing that....i already runed out of ideas and re-typed every possible password at least 5x

try your normal slew of passwords but maybe you thought to substitute different numbers or letters with symbols like an @ where the a goes for example. Just a thought.

kys larper

>thinks anything but Bitcoin matters

It's cute you think you lost anything with your scamcoins

how long is the password?
give a cracker your password and let them build a script to try thousands of alternatives a second

Dont give up OP. maybe in future we will have the technology to retrieve corrupted data and that wallet you kept can finally be accessed and because all you did was HODL that whole time those coins will be worth a shit ton because everybody on /biz would have already sold their stacks for their lambos so ultimately you will have come out on top :)

I have my whopping 2.0 BTC in coinbase wallet

Rate my protection

well, this is my password pattern, that I used for everything related to crypto:

Crpt# +service+ #1989#a210@lock

So for example would be:

Veeky Forums would be:

(of course i change it little bit, so no point in trying to hack my account at bittrex)

Don't worry everyday that goes by this shit seems like more of a scam. Fucking volume is gone the price is about to bottom out

Bitcoin will become worthless at the same time crypto takes off.

Maybe you randomly decided to double the password? Same password but two times.

i'll try it

>Everyday there should be tens of thousands of trades

Did you set up any new accounts/passwords in June? Maybe look at those and see if your pattern was a little different back then.

m8, don't share your passwords with other people, and don't get desperate. without the files, people in here can't help you anyway.
make a list of possible passwords, save it in a file, then try using a program for cracking encrypted partitions.

don't get desperate, you have a lot of time to test stuff. but DO NOT TOUCH THE DEVICE BEFORE MAKING MULTIPLE COPIES. you could corrupt the files by accident, and if that happened, you'd be royally fucked... if you don't know how to do this, hire someone.

you seem to have enough money to risk, use a little of that to pay someone competent enough.

Do you remember where you were when you made it? Possibly remembering details about your life at the time, what was going through your mind, who you were hanging out with, what websites you were frequenting, what room you did it in etc. might bridge the gap to your password.

also, try to remember the context in which you encrypted the partition. for example, the things you were doing/thinking at the time, the website you used as tutorial to learn how to use veracrypt, etc.- whatever it can help you remember what and how you encrypted your files.

After reading op's original post and follow up post again this whole thing does sound like scam.
He gives us his new BTC and ETH wallets at the very end in case anyone is feeling generous lol.

This happens sometimes if you move the wallet directory.

Make sure its the same directory you had it in when you first used the wallet.

ie: c:\user\user\desktop

you forgot to mention the 5 months since june faggot
>he can't even meme right


Come on OP we're with you we're going to fucking get this!!!!

yes, I already tried to imagine sitting at that chair at that time, encrypting that file, trying to simulate what was going through my head....i even tried meditation

the point is, that everything always leads me back to already mentioned password pattern

just send 10 BTC. cheer up, OP

same directory

A normie writing his shit down on a sticky note is doing better than this retarded fuck

What I would advise for backups, is to get some of those medical archive CD-R's (the MAM-A ones, they're 24kt gold plated and rated to resist degradation for ~300 years if stored properly) and store it in a bank safe deposit box or other secure place (make sure it's dark, light can degrade the CDs faster).

Remember the 3-2-1 backup rule:
3 Copies of the data
2 different types of media (HDD and CD for example)
1 must be "off site"

>tfw too intelligent to take my coins off the exchange

i fucking did that! encrypted it, so nobody can go in, back up on different media (USB stick, external HDD, my computer)

and now i can't get in

Left on coinbase, nice and safe, works on my machine

stop. just go away

Fair enough

I meant that if you had stored a non-corrupt copy of the file on the optical media, it would probably still be OK today.

RIP in peace.

>1 must be "off site"

>open reputable webmail client
>attach encrypted file
>save as draft

can anyone see an issue with this idea?

did you not confirm you could decrypt the file before deleting your unencrypted private keys?

attached files can expire

really? hmmmmm
how about instead of an attachment it's just a text draft of your pgp encrypted private keys

Try to find common errors you could have done while typing the original passwords.

saying that i just downloaded an old work timesheet from an unsent draft from my webmail account that's 5 years old
i suppose you'd need to make sure your mail provider doesn't purge to draft attachments after a certain time, or if they do, you're aware and can reupload a back up periodically

fucking this...

why the encryption?

I live in a very remote area and I interact with practically zero people, better yet with any sort of knowledge of cryptocurrency at all.

>store coins in a wallet that can be recovered on a new device using a seed
>never run into this issue

Sent ;)

an internet giant will always have better storage solutions than you
that, of course, doesn't mean that you can rely on them

absolutely. im making out with my ledger nano s right now and it feels oh so right

oh god now im tongueing the usb port
this wont destroy the device will it

I have my private keys, exchanges passwords, 2fa QR tattooed on my skin.

They are of course hidden by some clever stenography.

Also I have a peace of metal with laser carving with all the info and that piece of metal is sealed in a hermetic bag and is buried 10 feet in the ground on my backyard

best hardware wallet for litecoin storage? literally about to buy one help an user out brah

I just posted my man - ledger nano S
Its great

Neat SS for future use. Would something like UltraLife Gold Archival Grade with Branded Surface and Hard Coat be comparable to medical grade

Hey bud....what happens when you get older and the skins starts you know being skin and deforming the QR code. But silver lining, easy way for mans to deposit money when turn to buying knee pads

PC + hardware storage + encrypted cloud + paper

This is advanced cyberpunk

How much money do you have tatooed on your body? And where do you live?

Check if you have more than 1 keyboard laguage, that can change some characters

Move the file to where it was originally saved to on the computer
Eg, if it was in your downloads folder then you moved it to documents, try moving it back to downloads then opening through veracrypt then.
I had a very similar problem with an EHD, and the solution was moving it to the same drive letter as it was encrypted on, so that could be worth a shot as well.
Good luck OP

This is what crypto needs, a centralized shell over a decentralized service because there is no way for blockchain to insure your money

I've said before that's what it's gonna take for crypto to go mainstream because literally a single letter wrong now will fuck you up with no way of recovery

you didn't follow all the rules user
you didn't make a fucking backup of your wallet, thats the entire fucking point of having a desktop wallet

Guys honestly if this guy actually had a problem, or rather wanted to fix his problem he would be posting this in /G or any other tech dedicated board then Veeky Forums. Only reason hes on this board is because this is where most of the cryptomoney is in the chan.
How to identify a sob story:
*insert sobstory*
*insert BTC donation*

Yall shitting on plebians asking for gimmedats and even more so on technologically tarded normies who cant into bitcoin. But yet this mans probably is prbly rolling in it. It hurts it really does.
After all i lost all my crypto when i had to pay for a botched foreskin restoration and now i am left with semi hard chub that only pisses on the underside of the balls. The only crypto i had left was in my bitbean fortune that i amassed and had a decent amount before hobbos overheard my phone conversation with my friend about selling them to pay for my student load.The hungry hobos decided to hatch those magic beans themselves (They got angry and tore my paper wallets upoun realization that they werent beans) All in its a shitty situation and i know you wont donate and i dont expect anything but heres my address for donations


Fuck off, you're a piece of shit liar.
He didn't lose anything, he's lying about it all.

Send me the corrupted file and private key. I can repair the file for you.


yeah this is so fucking stupid, what if you eventually lose that address or don't want to use it anymore

what if the tattoo artist goofs up by 1 pixel
what if you get fat

>Not dumping all your bitcoins into a wallet with the only way to access it being through a QR code you sliced up and buried in varying locations

I'm out of here for now.

But like I said before - forget my wallets,don't donate, i didnt start it for money.

And I received 0 coins. So you can feel good about my situation.



Should have installed gentoo desu

Sorry to hear about this user. I sent you like 20 bucks btc because I gave up on trading now

Post your password and the file.

should've just kept everything on bittrex bro :^)

(i do this for real btw)

>cosmic ray hits hdd
>flips one bit
>file corrupted
kek guess /g/ wasn't meming afterall

stop posting your fuckup here and move on

nice, elaborate scheme to try to profit off of Veeky Forumsnessmen.