Palm Beach Group Newsletter

Well Veeky Forums, what did they say? I heard the newsletter came out yesterday.

Other urls found in this thread:


Buy ChainLink.

It was about GAS. they predict NEO will become the go to state sponsored blockhain asset and will de facto moon.

Im going to make a thread soon trying to pull our resources and get a hold of a PB confidential subscription because their info is legit early retirement tickets. They predicted ETH last year and antshares in feb.

OMG is going to be 600

Buy GAS up to $30 (hence the current pump)

NEO and GAS rising

anyone got a link?

honestly, it doesn't even matter if their long term predictions are correct. if you follow their advice it's like getting a nod from the head schemer in a pump and dump group that a pump is about to start.

>they predict NEO will become the go to state sponsored blockhain asset and will de facto moon.
100 dollars by December. is. still. on.

nice. bought a heap at $17 and was gonna sell now for quick profit. nope.

I dont think the new palm beach is even out yet

I actually kinda assumed China was trying to ban BTC so they can shill NEO. The chinks like supporting their own shit

not in the report.

here are two old ones

pbg-assets.s3.amazonaws com/editorial/pbo/201707/20170720-pbo-monthly.pdf

pbg-assets.s3.amazonaws com/editorial/pbo/201708/20170817-pbo-monthly.pdf

The PDF explained that China banned crypto before they feared the impact it could have their current financial system. But once China gets their shit together (as they did in the pas) they will supply some more regulations and crypto moons again.

Palm Beach speculates NEO will become the biggest rival for Ethereum (in China) since China greatly prefers domestic products (because of Protectionism most likely).

So they recommend people to buy NEO and GAS. (Mostly GAS) but NEO generates GAS so yea...

Nothing else was really mentioned about any other coins. They did recommend buying Monero (below 60) and OMG (below 6) and some other coins also I believe.

Last issue was a lot more interesting imho.

Where is the SOURCE

>Palm Beach speculates NEO will become the biggest rival for Ethereum (in China) since China greatly prefers domestic products (because of Protectionism most likely).
exactly what we've been saying for months, but yeah. we were just dumb bag holding shills am i rite

Biz has made me hate this chick to fucking much

It said they are bullish on elix and sys

it also said to fuck your mother if you want to fuck

It also said that your daddy eats my creampies out of your mothers worn out pussy after i drop my bags in her

Well the best I have for you is some user who only copied the text of the PDF, not the actual PDF.

I doubt somebody would go though such great effort to forge a document of this length. Make of this what you will:

The file links to a .pdf file. If you do not believe me you can right click on the download button and inspect element and you will see it is a link to a pdf file.


get a load of this spear fishing attempt! shameful dispray.

I checked it on virus total its no virus



take your jewish tricks back to the oven.

Did you read the whole 23 page article?

Where is NEO traded? Any suggestions?

>invalid or corrupt pdf file

bittrex, binance, cryptopia, just about everywhere

seems legit user ty

Not a virus. You guys should get off daddy's computer

He makes a valid point folks. China did similar shit to Alibabs market causing it to take a steep dip and look where it is now. Chinese are willing to take a few steps back if it ensures their companies can take strides in the future.

I was one who was doubtful with how China caused frenzy with Alibaba and looking at the stock price now I agree the chinkz are doing the same chinky shit too.

it's hilarious how this reads exactly like what all the ANS / NEO shills have been saying here on Veeky Forums forever.

Well, the front page just stated: DIONS, bro

...So the basic take away is accumulate NEO?

Any mention about Signatum? Bittrex and marketplace expansion would make it moon like crazy.