Was the instability of Weimar Germany until 1923 all because of their constitution?
Was the instability of Weimar Germany until 1923 all because of their constitution?
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Its because strong men created good times which led to weak men
It was a Jewish rump state created to pay France and Britain war debt. Berlin was the gayest, most broken city on the planet in Weimar Germany.
I already know this. Try answering the question specifically.
Then no, it wasn't their constitution specifically. A state can be stable without a constitution.
dubs confirm
it was those dang dirty homos
trips of truth
Then what would you blame for the instability BEFORE 1923?
E. Michael Jones posts on Veeky Forums?
Communists and social upheaval. Would the American constitution make the Congo stable? The answer is no. People make a country.
Nothing to do with the massive debt, hatred of the government and revanchism?
Covered under social upheaval.
Economic issues should be treated as a separate category.
No matter how you slice it constitution can hardly be considered any where near the top in a list of causes. German society was in disarray and s constitution wasn't going to fix it.
you dont just shatter a traditional monarchy which arose from a deeply feudal society before and expect democracy to work smoothly from day one while suffering a faith, ego and economic crisis.
>It was a Jewish rump state
What evidence do you have for that?
>Berlin was the gayest, most broken city on the planet in Weimar Germany.
"most broken city on the planet" is ridiculous hyperbole.
Weimar Germany's economic problems stemmed from having lost one of the worst wars in human history.
That said, the Treaty of Versailles wasn't really worse than what the Germans had imposed on the French in 1871.
Spotted the Marxist fag.
>get asked for proof
>whine like a babby
>be surprised you're gradually disregarded on Veeky Forums
Germany didn't have much of a democratic tradition. A sizable proportion of the population believed that a strong able statesman like Bismarck was better than democracy. A hierarchy where leaders are raised in German values and rise in rank by gaining the respect of educated German officials, where the Reichstag is more of a barometer of what the people want than a ruling body.
The Weimar government in fact represented this, giving Hindenburg special powers which were later used to give power to the nazis. Whether the Weimar Republic's coalition government was a destabilizing factor is up to debate, the communists could ally with the moderates if the nazis were too popular and vice versa. It may have delayed Hitler's chancellorship or caused parties to fragment into many small parties more likely to throw their lot in with the extremists than to cooperate.
Nearly every country's first democracy failed and turned into a dictatorship, Germany is not an exception.
>Germany didn't have much of a democratic tradition.
I think this was the main problem. Weimar constitution was perfectly fine, except it was way too liberal which allowed anti-democratic parties to participate in parliamentary elections. But in the period of 1919 to 1923/1924 the biggest cause of instability were the right-wing groups, the Army and the reaction to Versailles Treaty.
>That said, the Treaty of Versailles wasn't really worse than what the Germans had imposed on the French in 1871.
or what the Germans would have imposed on Russia had they won
>muh gommies
Holy fucking cringe. Berlin was perverted and corrupt as fuck after the war but it was a war between communists, nazis and other groups inbetween, even moderates, to remove Germany from degeneracy. Most of the pro-degenerate politicians were on the centre, not on the right nor left.
Something you probably didn't know the Latvian constitution currently in force is modelled after the Weimar constitution.
Reminder that the SPD gained over 40 percent in 1919. The theory of a 'republic without republicans' doesn't seem to fit at the early stages of Weimar.
And the Weimar Constitution is modelled after the Constitution of 1848
World wide economic crisis just as it starts + communists + nazi + still nationalistic ideals from when the country formed Germany
The surrender was mostly done by Jews and Socialists/Communists. That much should be clear by looking at the people involved in it. Further as just example of how awful Berlin was, Magnus Hirschfeld was active in Berlin during the 1920s.
Because of Jews
>The surrender was mostly done by Jews and Socialists/Communists. That much should be clear by looking at the people involved in it.
The Kaiser abdicated after the Kiel mutiny triggered revolts by many different political groups. The new government was dominated by the social democrats, who were technically socialists but certainly not communists, and I see no reason to believe that they were dominated by Jews. Indeed, the social democrats had supported the war and the Kaiser's government, and worked with the Freikorps to put down the communists.
>Further as just example of how awful Berlin was, Magnus Hirschfeld was active in Berlin during the 1920s.
What's awful about that? He didn't do anything particularly bad.
>That much should be clear by looking at the people involved in it.
You mean the German navy?
Germany was a relatively new nation with no tradition of elected representative government.
50 years or so ago. it was a collection of independent germanic kingdoms, baronies, and principalities. then collected into an empire with a nearly absolute monarch. then a few years before that forced to be a "democratic" nation.
>brainlet thinks Germany in late 1918 was in a position to carry on fighting
Not entirely, but quite. Kamarilla is a bitch.
>Germany sailors don't want to commit suicide for a war that's already lost
>Therefore they were jews/communists
The state of Veeky Forums
Obviously they're Jews
Why else would they want to bugger each other and fight thousands of miles underwater rather than the field of battle where honour can be one
The real answer on why the Weimar Republic failed was the great depression. Stresemann almost single-handedly brought Germany back up from it's knees, and by 1928 they were a respected member of the league of nations, had zero disputes with it's western neighbors, had curbed the hyperinflation, had completely recovered from WW1, and Hitler's attempted coup showed that both the people and the government had no interest in authoritarianism at the time. The Nazis rise to power can solely be attributed to the Great Depression, and literally any other form of government would have collapsed just like the Weimar Republic did if they were the ones in power when the Depression happened.
Reminder only 4 countries have an unbroken chain of Constitutional succession and legitimacy since the 1900s - USA, Switzerland, Britain, Canada
>unironically being a Marxist
>not evidence
There is a massive amount. en.wikipedia.org
Arthur Bryant describes throngs of child prostitutes outside the doors of the great Berlin hotels and restaurants. He adds: “Most of them—the night clubs and vice resorts—were owned and managed by Jews. And it was the Jews among the promoters of this trade who were remembered in after years.” - Unfinished Victory (1940), pp. 144-145
Dr Karl Wiehe in Germany and the Jewish Question:
"Well before 1933 the Jews had taken possession of the film industry even more thoroughly than of the theater. That was understandable, because the earnings in the film industry overshadow the earnings of any other artistic activity….
The biggest step in the direction of the decline of the German cultural life [however] was taken in the field of the light entertainment genre. Here—in the genre of musical comedy and above all in revue and burlesque—frivolity and lasciviousness were to rear their ugly heads. So much so that during these years Berlin was quite correctly considered the most immoral city in the world.
It was Jews who introduced this pornographic “art form” to Germany, a debased genre completely unknown before the Great War, and so it is the Jews who can be held responsible for the general decline in morals.
The Jewish sexologists Ivan Bloch and Magnus Hirschfeld became the representatives of “sex research” camouflaged as science—a bogus science that was merely an excuse for pornography and propaganda designed to destroy the institute of marriage and the sanctity of the family."
Wiehe provides useful facts and statistics:
In 1931, over 60 percent of German films were produced by Jews and 82 percent of the film scripts were written by Jewish writers, though Jews made up less than 1 percent of the German population (0.9o%). A quick look at the names of directors, producers, stage managers, actors, script writers and critics, “revealed everywhere an overwhelming preponderance of Jews.”
A cursory survey of the film titles, Wiehe tells us, shows us that the Jews had only one thing on the brain: sex. Here are some typical titles: “Moral und Sinnlichkeit” (Morals and Sensuality); “Was kostet Liebe?” (What is the Price of Love); “Wenn ein Weib den Weg verliert” (When a Woman loses her Way); “Prostitution” (Prostitution); “Sündige Mutter” (Sinful Mama); “Das Buch des Lasters” (The Book of Vices).
“The sensational titles correspond to the sleazy contents,” Wiehe complains. “All wallow in filth and display with cynical frankness the vilest scenes of sexual perversion.”
Light entertainment (revue/burlesque) was a Jewish innovation. The revue theaters, all concentrated within great cities such as Berlin, were owned and run almost exclusively by Jews. Shows consisted of little more than excuses for sexual titillation involving the display of the female form in lascivious dances that were to degenerate later into striptease and scenes of public masturbation. “In these revues,” Wiehe notes indignantly, “the uninhibited sex drive surrendered itself to disgusting orgies. All life was reduced to a common denominator of lust and its satisfaction. Chastity and self-discipline were mocked as old-fashioned prejudices.”
The Jews had managed, in the space of a mere fourteen years, to bring about a major “transvaluation of values” in Weimar Germany. The vices of the past were now its virtues. The only vice that remained was chastity.
A glance at the revue titles is again sufficient: “Zieh dich aus” (Get Undressed); “Tausend nackte Frauen” (One Thousand Naked Women); “Die Sünden der Welt” (The Sins of the World); “Häuser der Liebe” (The Houses of Love); “Streng Verboten!” (Strictly Forbidden!); “Sündig und Süss” (Sweet and Sinful).
Finally, there was the rich field of sexology: a new science consisting largely of dubious “case histories” purporting to reveal the depraved sexual habits of various anonymous patients. In order to give an air of academic respectability and erudition to these masturbatory fantasies—thrilling adventure stories involving necrophilia, bestiality and handkerchief fetishism—the more exciting details were often given in vulgar Latin “in order to exclude the lay reader.”* However, it was not long before the Latin was diligently translated into the vernacular for the benefit of the unlatined lay reader, thus defeating the purpose of the prim “schoolmaster’s Latin”.
Wiehe reels off a long list of Jewish sexologists who he claims were in the forefront of writing such salacious treatises that were no more than pornography masquerading as science. Drs Magnus Hirschfeld [7] and Ivan Bloch [8] were the star writers in this field, their books still read avidly today by a gullible public hungry for details of the bizarre, the kinky and the perverse. Drs Ludwig Lewy-Lenz, Leo Schidrowitz, Franz Rabinowitsch, Georg Cohen, and Albert Eulenburg are some of the names Wiehe mentions.
*Krafft-Ebing’s Psychopathia Sexualis
to be fair, the SPD were THE defenders supporters of the Weimar constitution. Everyone else was apathetic if not downright hostile toward it, including the Catholic centre
>the biggest centrist party (aka the Centre Party) is literally majority socially conservative catholics with close ties to the Papacy
what did he mean by this?
Wiehe reels off a long list of Jewish sexologists who he claims were in the forefront of writing such salacious treatises that were no more than pornography masquerading as science. Drs Magnus Hirschfeld and Ivan Bloch were the star writers in this field, their books still read avidly today by a gullible public hungry for details of the bizarre, the kinky and the perverse. Drs Ludwig Lewy-Lenz, Leo Schidrowitz, Franz Rabinowitsch, Georg Cohen, and Albert Eulenburg are some of the names Wiehe mentions.
Magnus Hirschfeld (1868-1935). The first advocate for homosexual and transgender rights and himself a homosexual, Hirschfeld figured out that there were 64 different types of male, ranging from the extremely masculine heterosexual male to the extremely feminine homosexual male. Whether there are also 64 different types of females, ranging from the extremely feminine heterosexual female to the extremely masculine butch lesbian, is not clear. Described as the “the Einstein of Sex”, Hirschfeld thought abortion was a good thing and approved of miscegenation and the mongrelization of the white race.
Ivan Bloch (1872-1922). Like Hirschfeld, Bloch was a Jewish homosexual whose main interest in life was sexual perversion. Author of the 3-volume Handbuch der gesamten Sexualwissenschaft in Einzeldarstellungen (“Handbook of Sexology in its Entirety Presented in Separate Studies”), Bloch was an expert on sadism and helped to popularize the work of the Marquis de Sade. He apparently discovered the manuscript of de Sade’s The 120 Days of Sodom and published it under a pseudonym in 1904, presumably pocketing the royalties.
Here are some of their depressing titles: “Sittengeschichte des Lasters” (The History of Perversions); “Sittengeschichte des Schamlosigkeit” (The History of Shamelessness); “Bilderlexikon der Erotic” (Picture Lexicon of Eroticism); “Sittengischichte des Geheime und Verbotene” (The History of the Secret and the Forbidden). And here are some of the titles published by Dr Magnus Hirschfeld’s Institute of Sexual Science in Berlin: Aphrodisiacs, Prostitution, Sexual Catastrophes, Sexual Pathology, The Perverted. Wiehe describes all these books as “the filthy publications of these pseudo-scientists”, all of them written by Jewish authors and published by Jewish publishers. He continues in the same acerbic vein:
These books were allegedly supposed to be scientific treatises, their ostensible purpose being to “educate” the broad masses about the dangers of sexual excesses. Under the guise of science, however, they speculated in the lust and lower instincts of their audience. Criminals, prostitutes and homosexuals took center stage in their repertoire. One looks in vain for any known non-Jewish “sexual scientist”!
The Institute for Sexual Science (Institut für Sexualwissenschaft). Founded in 1919 in Berlin, the Institute was housed in a villa purchased by Hirschfeld not far from the Reichstag building. It housed his immense library of sex books, most of them pornographic, and offered the public advice on their sex problems (“medical consultations”). People from around Europe visited the Institute, including the homosexual duo Auden and Isherwood, “to gain a clearer understanding of their sexuality.” (Wikipedia). The Institute, which encouraged “educational” visits from school children, included a Museum of Sex full of pornographic pictures, dildos, “masturbation machines”, and other curiosities of a similar nature. In May 1933, after the Nazis had come to power, the Institute was attacked and thousands of its pornographic books and erotic artifacts destroyed in a “bonfire of the vanities” — this event later being portrayed by Jewish interests as a tragic loss to civilization, comparable only to the burning of the Great Library at Alexandria in 645 AD.