Bancor is currently rising and most importantly its even rising against ETHs price currently on this isn't just bancor rising due to eth mooning, this is huge!
I know a lot of you are distracted by chainlink right now which is also a solid invesment but its always good to diversify and this is literally the bottom of bancor which will be a top 5 coin in years to come.
Put your racist /pol/ views behind you and join us making money
Brody Robinson
Im not racist and I am actually Jewish. I just dont like the coin and dont think it will make enough money to satisfy my never ending thirst for more money and power
Jackson Morales
The new functionality of Bancor is what created all the hype when it was an ICO. They are finally releasing a technology that allows any coin to swap another ethereum based token (omise go, tenX, monaco, golem, there's at least 100) for cheaper amounts than exchanges cost, possibly being free for some coins.
I am also stoked on KICKICO using a 5% bancor reserve. KICK has 50 cherrypicked ICO's coming out in October alone.
There is about to be insane money flowing through the BNT chain. The fucking painful waiting is nearly over.
Cameron White
>buy my bags plis friend
Jayden Allen
No, just buy when it hits an uptrend. Who is trying to sell when the first real news in 6 months is about to come out?
Carter Wilson
And i'm telling you right now this is the beginning of that uptrend Every other time bancor has gained in the past is been directly due to eth mooning and the smart contract price adjusting for arbitrage, but now for the first time ever its now actually slowly gaining on eth on the smart contract
Anthony Parker
>ETH moon >all tokens moon with it as usual >bancor remains a shitcoin.
that's what's happening.
Owen Harris
>exit bancor >enter atomic swaps
Jonathan Ramirez
Bancor is literally releasing the tokenchanger, which is a swap for all ethereum based tokens.
If Bancor just stayed the way it is now yes, I would agree it is a shitcoin. That is going to change this month, and is the reason the price is rising relatively to ETH. People are investing in the round of news to come out this October.
Nolan Moore
Man you clearly have no idea of how the eth-bnt connected smart contract works. I am telling you something is happening with bancor that we haven’t seen since the price floor got destroyed.
It’s not rising in sats it’s rising in eth, not gonna spoonfed you anymore you can just buy when it’s up 3x and everyone else is fomoing too, sorry you’re too much of a brainlet to understand this - it could of made you a lot of money
Brayden Wright
They don't understand what you're talking about. Bancor need to release basic guides for the plebs
I know, thanks for at least being one of the few. I don't care much about people buying Bancor, it is moreso that so many projects are going to incorporate it soon, plus existing coins are going to be included in the new tokenchanger.
Bancor and KICKICO are my two picks for October. I have been in crypto for a while and have turned $500 into $25,000 and I'm not going to just stop here.
Sebastian Gonzalez
In addition changers that have a fee will give you a dividend for holding the smart token and providing liquidity. Bancor is literally democratizing exchange. Get the fuck in before its too late
Jayden Russell
>"I'm not touching bancor" >"Y-You must be racist!" This is why I hate you kikes.
Matthew Lopez
Gavin Allen
all in BNT senpai. Will drop 5k more into it once i get payed, then I'm holding for 2 years minimum
Oliver Sanders
hope to God it doesn't moon before that happens
Hunter Bell
Was about to unironically buy 100k till I saw this Sieg heil
Ian Hughes
kek. /pol/acks get triggered so easily. (((their))) involvement is not limited to bancor.