Was Caesar really an evil person?
Was Caesar really an evil person?
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Ave Caesar
He was a man of his times
He was no more evil then the rest of the self-absorbed senators, the difference with him being he was smart enough to earn the love of the people by actually giving a shit about them.
Why is she REEEEing about Muh Foreign Despots with Cleopatra letting Egypt get ruled by Italians when the current dynasty are fucking Greek despots?
If you think that one good man is worse than 60 shirty men ruling. Then yes
Ancient SJW
>killed countless Gauls and came the closest of anyone to taming them
He's ok by me
Caesar was a reformer who aimed to improve the lives of the Roman poor, the Roman Republic was a corrupt oligarchy that had brutally and unconstitutionally murdered reformers for nearly a hundred years, and Brutus was a corrupt Loan Shark who stabbed Caesar more or less to become another warlord rather than restore "liberty".
Anyone else who says "muh liberty" is not fucking versed in the Roman republic. Shit was unstable years before he came along. Plebs were happy under him, other senators were jealous old farts
>reformer who aimed to improve the lives of the Roman poor
>Roman Republic was a corrupt oligarchy that had brutally and unconstitutionally murdered reformers for nearly a hundred years,
>Brutus was a corrupt Loan Shark
>stabbed Caesar more or less to become another warlord rather than restore "liberty".
Brutus himself as per Cicero was a corrupt thug who extorted high interest loans from the poor and sent goons to torture them to make them pay up, and per Cicero his assassination and betrayal of Caesar happened not because he was becoming a King but because his reforms, such as redistributing public land to veterans and other initiatives, were taking effect and becoming permanent.
man that Brutus
sounds like a real brute!
If by evil you mean black.. then yes.
He made things better than they were before he took power, and things got far shitter after he died. Evil or no, he was more competent than the other shitters in Rome.
I'd say that Sulla is far more "evil" than Caesar, as Caesar didn't kill all his enemies like Sulla did, which came back to stab him in the groin.
I don't really like using the word evil anyways, as it always carries modern morals which always lacks context when applied to past people.
He was pretty evil towards the Gauls.
But he was beloved in Rome, and for good reason.
If anyone was evil, it was that little shit Augustus.
wasnt brutus deluded by the fact his namesake killed the last king of rome?
This. The only thing he did wrong was not genociding the g*rmans as well
I was wondering where they would go in this game with Caesar once I heard it was being set in Ptolemaic Egypt. Turns out is was simplistic as all fuck.
"Freedom isn't given, it is taken." It's neither and both, depending on the situation, but of course absolutes like that make a good story right
Yes he was a terrorist who formed an authoritarian dictatorship and overthrew a lawful republic that had stood for centuries.
>overthrew a lawful republic that had stood for centuries
Sulla? Marius?
Without a doubt
Sic semper tyrannis
Salve servus
Salve Serv
Because the Ptolemies pretended to be Egyptian instead of shoving their foreignness in their face and taking people's grain overseas.
How would he be evil?
I wish I had that tweet where the women claimed her 8 year old son said that Trump is evil like Caesar
The ptolemies might well have observed egyptian court and religious practices, but they were pretty sterling proud about their macedonian origins. Hell, Alexandria under the ptolemies had a literal caste system based on ancestry, with pureblood macedonians at the top holding all the power positions, then half-bloods being the middle class, and the natives being the unwashed masses.
Also Egypt had been paying a hefty tribute in grain to Rome since well before Cleopatra.
Does the game address the fact that killing Julius Caesar was an extremely dumb move that was unpopular with the people, did nothing to reverse Rome's slide into Empire, and triggered a new civil war?
>Julius Caesar was an extremely dumb move that was unpopular with the people
If the people didn't value their freedom enough to defend it from Caesar, their opinions on how the Republic should be run aren't worth of consideration.
"The Earth is given into the hand of the wicked"
Perhaps one can be an administrator or rule of a country and be both decent and a decent ruler, but to be a man of Caesar's caliber you have to be an evil piece of shit.
He's was a pretty cool guy who wasn't scared of anything
That's what the other senators bullshit fed to him.
After Caesar won the civil war and pardoned everyone he could. Brutus was satisfied with it after that. But the Senators wanted Caesar gone and go back to the way it was. Convinced Brutus, hey Caesar is gonna become Rex, your family killed the last Rex, you can be cool like them bros.
Jesus Christ himself gave Caesars the legitimacy to rule, so no however some Caesars were bad.
>hurr beautiful woman of color first to stab the evil white man tyrant
>Fuck you cleopatra, MUH FREEDUM. YOU A WHORE
Fucking stupid
user, despots are actually evil
Yet serves Cleopatra willy nilly
Cleo never held power
Rebel her entire life. Held nothing but superficial power under Caesar, then ded
You know she lived many years after Caesar's death?
She ruled Egypt until her suicide after Octavian gave her that suggestion of coming to Rome with him.
What pisses me off is that AC frames it like the Republicans were the ones that wanted to redistribute land for the good of the people, whereas in reality they were the ruthless oligarchs denying land to the people, while Caesar implemented a number of policies for land reform.
Caesar is a tyrant thats evil!
>ignores Sulla
It's pretty hilarious just how badly these idiots failed if we forward a few years.
All they did was replace Caesar with someone smarter, more successful and way more brutal. They didn't get their precious freedom and were probably all but wiped out in Octavian's purges.
The ludicrous thing is that Caesar's "tyranny" was directed at the Roman senate, not at the Roman people. There's a reason the assassins' proclamations that they had 'freed Rome from a tyrant' fell on deaf ears, the real tyranny was being imposed by the patricians on the plebians and the pressure had been building ever since Sulla crushed Marius.
She hardly ruled Egypt. After Caesars invasion the whole upper class was replaces with Romans, or at least Roman sympathizers.
She killed herself knowing that if Antony was dead, she had no defense against Rome or Octavian. Egypt wouldn't be pacified with a successor still alive, she knew this, Rome knew this, so she offed herself.
She offed herself knowing she would be strangled.
>her suicide
she was assassinated, don't believe the lies
knowing she would be strangled because she was a successor to Egyptian rule yea
Name 1 (one) thing Caesar did wrong.
He didnt fuck Octavian
She was Egypt.
wait he didn't? he wasnt a pederast?
She was Greek
That ruled Egypt
She was Pharaoh
Thus, she was Egypt.
She was a usurper by birth and consequence
A snake constricting a long dead Empire
She was Cleopatra and nothing else
no domina, the cook heard it wrong.
Wore a laurel crown and made everyone stand when he entered the theatre.
>ruled Egypt for 21 years
>nothing else
You are special.
Rome was such a good show, why did it get cancelled really
failed to meet ROI and huge budget?
>medieval latin
>Joint rule with her father and brothers
Oh yea I bet she had all the power
and the set burnt down I know. I am just having a whine
Sulla did nothing wrong
Sullafags leave
I always thought of it as a sort of cruel irony, the original "guy sees his own future and the harder he works to prevent it, the more likely he makes it"
To make room in HBO's budget for Game of Thrones
From my point of view the Senate is sand
The main set was rekt in a fire and BBC pulled out of the project. HBO didn't want to pay for the whole thing because they're jews and so the show wrapped up in season 2.
>The main set was rekt in a fire
I don't know what else there needs to be explained.
The filming studio where the main set of Rome was filmed had a big ass fire and a significant portion of the set was ruined back in 2007 when they were filming season 2. Without BBC co-backing the production, HBO wasn't going to buck up the money to repair the set and film so season 2 was the last season.
Evil? No more than anybody else. He was about as ruthless as the rest of the Roman political class, but was much better at it. When Cato et al tried to call his bluff, it turned out he was not bluffing.
If Cato had been dropped out the window as a child, Caesar would have had his wildly successful but more-or-less conventional political career.
The Republic would still have morphed into something else, or fallen.
There are no evil people.
There are winners, there are losers and there are hordes of irrelevant people. The losers are evil, the winners are good, and the irrelevant people are pawns.
Holy shit these swords are goofy
>authoritarian dictatorship
Isn’t that a bit redundant?
>tfw Sulla didn't kill Caesar
>tfw no glorious Tigranes-Mithradates dynastic union uniting the east against Rome
Cleopatra was the first Ptolemy to even speak the local langauge.
No he wasn't. He was a glorious winner
No he wasn't. His time was corrupt and garbage. He was a unique man who saved Rome. Like Trump.
Skrampfst is not a man of his times. He is directly changing times. These are the men of history.
Jesus Christ was just an edgelord who went a little bit too far muh I won't worship an Emperor like a God hey maybe I'm the son of God wopsie doodles accidentally changed the course of humanity for every single person on this planet
>Pompey and Marc Antony are Nordic and Slavic
>everyone is upset that Caesar is black
hating niggers wont make nordcucks less nordic
Yet the Republic survived him by some years.
Actually, this.
Suicide by asp is the fucking stupidest meme in history.
for what? To give Sulla an even more impressive military track-record and to make easterners even more of a laughing stock?
The republic was dead, if wasn't him, it would be another man.
What are some good movies about Caesar?
Astérix et Cléopâtre
First season of Rome but not the netflix version.
What? Caesar fought against corrupt, lazy, gluttonous, and narcissistic senators. He actually cared about the people and tried to improve their lives. Only obsession with muh democracy makes modern people say he's evil.
The story of Caesar is a perfect demonstration on the decadence of democracy. It serves only wealth.
Ceasar was a powerhungry despot who had more in common with easterners then any proper Roman like Cato or Cicero.
Rome was greater under emperors than it ever was under the republic.