
So Omise have been granted not just full permission to operate by their local government, but been praised publicly to do so and you're not happy about it? Are you retarded? Government regulation and threat of blocking crypto is the single biggest threat to the industry at this time. China just pumped and brakes, possibly killing blockchain within their jurisdiction and the SEC is going to crack down eventually. Probably sooner rather than later. OMG has just been patted on the head and told to keep going. They will get government contracts as a result of this award and will continue to grow rapidly in the private sector as a result. If you don't understand the importance and significance of this event, then you shouldn't be investing in cryptocurrency. The Thai PM chose them and presented to them on the national stage. This is akin to Donald Trump giving a startup award to Ark and full immunity from the SEC along with it and all the publicity you could want, though obviously on much smaller scale. This kind of news should give you a raging hard on and have you actively building your OMG holdings.

No-OmiseGo'ers, how do you respond?

With China cracking down on crypto, I can see Thailand becoming a financial hub for blockchain development.

I'm out for now to bit btc on NFL tomorrow to double my stack

could this be *the* news?

This news is days old.

Why is OMG still in the toilet?

Dude, they never said they'd have "september news". They said that one particular piece of news "wasn't """the""" news". That's it. I don't know where the fuck this whole "big news in september" thing came from.

Got any source on the hype / rumours?

Fools with short attention spans are going to dump a good coin with a great future potential. Meanwhile, Thailand's government has pretty much green lighted blockchain development in that country. Couple that with all of the Chinese that are now not allowed to trade crypto or work on blockchain in their country who will be looking elsewhere to continue their work. But you know, muh apple conference and "Jun letting us down with his sticker" are more important.

no need to shill user, stop making omg threads, hodling 450 omg, i want to see the pink wojaks at the end of the year and the >missed the neo moon
>missed the omg moon

omise is not omisego

OmiseGo is part of Omise.

And Tax dollars aren't the Government

You fucking think they aren't related?

If Omise went completely bankrupt right now and tanked in the midst of a fraud scandal, you think OmiseGo wouldn't be affected?

Jesus christ maybe this is what's meant by the whole "exit when the shoe-shiner enters" thing. When retards, literal retards like this are involved with cryptocurrency, it's probably time to get out.

omise has been around for a few years
the award was for their work with omg

>omise is not omisego
and mccafe isnt mcdonalds?

Jun, the co-founder of Omise is the founder of Omisego

My arm is not part of my body

It takes a special kind of stupid to not see that if one benefits, the other will as well. When I see those types of posts, I often wonder if the poster is retarded.

and then you realize your still on Veeky Forums.

2017 gdp forecast has china listed as #1 while thailand is #20

How delusional or ignorant are you to believe THAILAND will be the financial hub for blockchain development?

If anything Japan or Korea would take that place

Delusional Omgoys

Oh, gee, I don't know.. Maybe has something to do with how Thailand's government has greenlighted blockchain while others are trying to suppress it?



Things change.

If you are invested in crypto, then hopefully it's partly because you believe in a financial revolution. That means going against current forecasts and expectations.

>cracking down
>using the most overmemed phrase this month

I don't really think my post on that other thread required it's own thread, but I'm flattered user. Feel free to include my second comment too.

tell that to btc

No, Thailand will not become the blockchain capital of Asia.

But OMG will moon. When the bare minimum of the potential of a random altcoin is to be the de facto payment processing company of a secondary power, it's got some huge fucking potential

U realize the money a country makes, the more they can put into research and tech right?

Are you this retarded?

Because the market is irrational as fuck at this early stage. There are actually people out there who believed OMG was going to be Apple's iPhone currency. Most people investing in crypto at this stage are dumb teens without any background or experience in investing. They pump and dump on the stupidest rumours/hype and ignore the actual news that will make them money long term. Why do you think the biggest buyers at the bottom of the recent dip were the clients of big international investment banks? Because they could see the dumb shit fudding kids dumping cheap as fuck that's why. Anyone in crypto with a serious investment background at the moment is just wiping the floor with the constant rotation between FUD and FOMO. It will still be years before the reckless volatility in crypto smooths out and markets become more rational, but now is a time t build a portfolio of the best long term cryptos at the best prices, while Veeky Forums autists buy retarded coins that have no use case, are fueled by buzz words and are run by stuttering potheads. If you think that buying WITH the market at this point in the game is a good idea, then go ahead mate. But you will get fucking reamed long term.

>how do you respond to this?

Went all in as soon as i read about plasma