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Damn, volume is crazy low....even whales have hard time keeping the price up.

Will it ever stop crashing



Shorting here

Where do you check the volume?

Fuck, it crashed while I was having dinner.

Bitcoin is dead. Time to find a job folks

coinmarketcap...but I'm looking at bitfinex. There hasn't been such volume for more than 2 months when the last crash's under 1B$ in one day and it keeps on falling. Price has a hard time keeping up with such low volume.

Thanks. What do you guys look at for the price?

Who keeps crashing BTC down before it can break past 3800?

every time BTC gains +$2000 it has a bear market for a month. people really are stupid if they don't recognize this.


wow that pic


Is that schnoz real?

>past performance is indicative of future performance
These "patterns" don't mean shit. It could go up, or down, or spin in fucking circles. You're acting like it absolutely HAS to do what it did in the past, when there's no rule or law that says it does. In actuality literally anything could happen.

I feel like someone is trying to delay this from happening.

Newfag here, what happens when they cross?

FML, just bought $2k of LTC, should've waited a few more minutes... oh well. It'll be back soon enough, still a good price compared to what it will be in 2 months.

It was a good run lads.

Arrives in 9 days? Wtf? Do they package and ship it through airmail?

This is what it looks like when an entire country has to exit the market.
Damn Public Blueballers of China are at it again.
Cryptowinter part II underway

Bank wire, welcome to first world you poor idiot.

>9 days
so this...

is this power...

of the blockchain???


>the snout leaves no doubt

Will we ever dip below 3K? Pretty strong support at 3500

You should've deposited into the USD wallet and bought LTC from that wallet. LTC could drop to $30 within the 9 days.

In the meantime ETH keeps racking gains.

can't wait for ETH to finally detach from that archaic piece of shit coin.

>tfw I live in Canada
>tfw bank wires take 2 days on Quadriga
I hope this shit moons for 8 days and you're bag holding on the 9th, you pretentious little fuck.

fucking fuckcoins , i want off this train

>live in straya
>simply transfer money from my phone
instant transaction, instant coins.

the fuck is wrong with canada

That's the 1day MACD for USDT-BTC.

The price has a high probability of trending up for many days in a row after the black line (MACD) crosses the red line (signal).

No, that's the bullshit fiat. Crypto is fast as hell, the banks not so much. I bought the first few on credit so I could swap it for more BAT ahead of the mercury release. The second batch I'm swapping for XRP before the swell conference. Should be easy gains

Yeah but it could also go up $30 I'm okay with the price I got it at, would have been nice to save a few bucks by waiting though.

You trading the most volatile market in the last 30 years with a 9 days delay, nigga are u retarded?

This is what happened last time MACD crossed over.

Have you even purchased crypto before? This time frame is normal. I only needed $500 of it immediately. The coins I'm swapping it for won't change much in 9 days anyway.

Lol this timeframe is only normal of your're are burger and use fucking coinbase. I buy btc with 1 day sepa transfer and o.25% fees.

At the very least, have funds ready in GDAX (not Coinbase), and then buy there. The fees are less, and you'll get your coins right away.

Moving fiat into GDAX still takes time, but once the funds are there, you can buy crypto at will.

Then i dip you dip we dip

>using coinbase
>gemini, the objective best fiat-to-crypto exchange, is burger exclusive

any americans using cuckbase when gemini exists are clinically braindead

Unfortunately I can't buy from anywhere else. Coinbase is literally the only place allowed to operate in my state. Fucking libtards passed a new law in July forcing all other exchanges to stop doing business with anyone from my state. Sucks.

Looking at the order books.
Could be a movement of people
who own under 5 BTC
are trying to jump out and buy back in lower.
Lots of 1 BTCs in the Asks sections
that being said
lots of people trying to buy even smaller
BTC ( .25 - .5 ) in the orders
Don't expect another 100+ drop
until 4-5 AM at best

Thanks for reminding me.

I need to make an account on Gemini after (((Coinbase))) banned my friends for donating to Anglin.

usd peaks, freaking fiat

i think im out guys

i bought btc back in june for like 2900 and sold shortly after at like 2100. decided to get back in at 4600 to get in before 10k and then it went down and i sold at 3500. and then once again i bought at 3900 a few days ago and then this. if it hits 3600 im selling half my stake and if it hits 3400 the rest of it. im not making the same mistake and selling at 3000 or worse 2200 like some say it will reach but im hoping this is a minor drop before it moons but my luck hasnt been good so far.

you are special, m8

>buy high
>sell low

>> why

It's ok. I bought at 4k and want to kms. But I'm gonna hodl my bags for now and buy more as it goes down. So I can lose even more money. Until everything I have is dead and gone. And I fade into obscurity...


or maybe just hold it and forget about u dumb cunt lmao

Don't make the same mistake again.

Score one for the wojaks huh OP?..

what the fuck happened here


Can't lose if you don't sell. Also decent bait, made me reply.

This is one of the most obvious bubbles we've had in crypto in years. Why the fuck would you buy in? I can sort of understand normies who believes BTC is a guaranteed 10x annual return without risks, but you're here. You shouldn't be as dumb.

I want you to remember this face when we hit $2000.

1) chinaman exchanges were forced to extract fees from their users
2) xiang who used to high frequency trade shitcoins for 0.001 yuan profits per trade now can't
3) multiply by 100000 because choyna

Poor2poor network on /biz

That would be amazing....

Wait what? You have to wait 9 days once you've bought the coins?

More likely $2200, since that's where Goldman Sachs set the current floor at, but you get the point.

When GS makes a prediction in a highly volatile market, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy as more and more normies sell in fear of GS being right. Because they believe in their ability to analyze, even though their analysis might be pure bullshit.

And then Goldman swoops in and buys up a bunch at $2300 right before it hits the point they know normies will try to get back in.

Chinese ban already took its toll. BTC ain't going below 3k anytime soon. Pray for South Korea or Japan to ban BTC lmao. The dip we are seeing now it's chinks dumping their BTC afraid of government intervention.

Look up how many predictions they've made about BTC have been wrong for the last 5 years lmao. The prophecy already happened during china ban, now other countries are moving in to fill the gap and scope some cheap BTC, the only reason it absent taken off its due to chinks dumping their BTC afraid the government might outright ban it and they end up bagholding BTC, better to sell it now than face potential prosecution if u sell it after the government makes it illegal.

Ah noice, so no more fake volume shit.

But then all the whales will put their buy orders at $2300 and higher, all the way to $3000, because they're aware of the jew tricks.

GS said $2200 in hopes of buying in at $2500-$2800.

XNDC 2519

GS has been right about the price in the last year, and that's not because their analysis has been the work of a genius. It's because when GS says the current max is at $4900, that's where everyone drops their bags. Again, self-fulfilling prophecy.

As more normies move into BTC, which is at an ATH now, influental people and institutions will be able to manipulate the price. Before BTC owners consisted mainly of ideologues who believed cryptos were the future, so we'd ignore shills like Jamie Dimon, Goldman Sachs and others. But now that normies make up the majority, things are different.

I'm completely fine with anything in the $2700-$2900 range...I'm not greedy. You guys make sure to have some fresh Wojaks ready, I know I'm loading up.

./. fucker IDGAF

Thing is, I don't believe we'll stay there for long. When we reach close to what GS predicted, these banking jews will likely dump insane amounts into BTC.

Can someone deface this website using tamper data :) we have a upload option here try if it is vurnerable

More than likely this is how it will play out, then maybe straight back for $3800-$4000 for another dip. That's if it does break $3,000 again.


This is what I'm thinking too. In the end it won't even feel like a dip.

A lot of people are going to lose a lot of money, though. GS probably has an ace up their sleeve that we don't know about.

In the real world they are known for their masterful FUD. It's almost as art. They have both government officials and the media in their pocket to achieve this.

How are (((they))) going to drop BTC that far down?
Also, do you think they cooperated with elements within the Chinese government to induce the recent dips?

>How are (((they))) going to drop BTC that far down?

Their "prediction" that the floor was at $2200 was the first step. As I said earlier, it always becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy in a volatile market.

Goldman has their tentacles throughout Asia as well, so who the fuck knows. There is zero doubt however that they will play dirty in order to get the price to where they want it to be. Something as simple as getting their former COO, Gary Cohn, who now serves under President Trump as chief economic advisor to have a negative public "slip of tongue" about BTC, in order to start a sell-off.

That's how these fuckers play.

retard look at the charts


Fucking normie noob fuckers

Do you guys not see the long game here? The supply is limited meaning that if there is any sort of demand down the road the price will be very high. Dont worry about the highs and lows and what the "media" says about it. Dimon of the JP morgan type is a complete idiot and has no clue about crypto. Also notice that the ones who stand to lose the most from crypto are its loudest opponents. Trust in the blockchain and buy now and put that shit in a safe. Im dead serious, mark my words, crypto will be worth at least 20x what it is now within 10 cannot be banned, and as countries try, the price will take a shit (buy buy buy) and rebound.

all in crypto and precious metals because if they dont work i'll be a slave anyway

>any sort of demand down the road
but user we already know whays down the road

its people like you who dont know how the real world works, you say jew are unfair and shit but dont do shit about it

bo fucking ho life is unfair its unfair since te start of time bitch beter grow up and look at the world for what it is rather than what you want it to be kid

>buying pre accumulated precious metals

Are you new here ? Don't get whale'd, all in on crypto

Go home you're drunk.

Please tell me how the fucking us dollar is good store of wealth? If you had any idea of the history of monitary policy going back to Rome, you would see that the current system is failing. The US dollar, through quantitative easing, has lost 99% of its purchasing power since the creation ofthe federal reserve in 1913. Chess not checkers motherfucker

Where did I mention the US dollar being a decent store of wealth ? I said all in on crypto you brainlet

So what the fuck is going on here?

I understand what cryptocurrencies are but who the fuck is going to buy it off you even if it does become more valuable?

FOMO'd normies.


Why the fuck do you faggots care if the price goes down? If it goes down, buy more. Idiots. It's not like bitcoin is crashing to zero anytime the price goes down. This also creates altcoin sales. You people are fucking retarded aren't you?

No one can predict the future. Each time BTC crashes there's a lot of uncertainty.

BTC could crash back down to $200 and stay there, as another coin with better functionality takes its place.

Acting as if one particular coin is immune to becoming irrelevant and putting your money down when it's close to ATH is a nice recipe for swallowing a shotgun a few years down the line. Go hit the casino instead.

He sounds retarded but that guy gets it

So it's a safe short r-right guys?

>price immediately moons

Do it user.

fucking daytraders

Gonna wait till 00:01 Monday. It's gonan be my life savings.

Godspeed user