> Stalin offers to shake hands
> Chad Budyonny refuses
> Stalin's insecurity is triggered but he tries to hide it
was there any person who humiliated Stalin like based Budyonny and got away with it?
> Stalin offers to shake hands
> Chad Budyonny refuses
> Stalin's insecurity is triggered but he tries to hide it
was there any person who humiliated Stalin like based Budyonny and got away with it?
I'm convinced that Stalin just decided to give somebody a free pass to see what would happen, and that person turned out to be Budyonny
>the NKVD came to interrogate and arrest Budyonny; Budyonny's response was to arm himself with his service Nagant M1895 revolver and call Stalin to demand he have the agents removed. Stalin complied and the event was not discussed again.
why did he bully stalin what did stalin ever do to him
it's rather simple. Budyonny said the horse would never be replaced by the tank. Stalin, being the premier tankie, was unable to defeat the brave cavalry officer.
"The secret cucked history of Joseph Stalin" by Dr. Veeky Forums, PhD
Stalin should have killed that retarded mongoloid
I would have take his eyes out
Another story of Budyonny's awesomeness.
We defeated him back then but he seems all right for commie standards.
And to think that something like this was actually captured on film and it survived. A bit like Hitler's awkward handshake with Mussolini.
That's nothing. Watch this.
>tens of thousands of Red Army officers purged
>only Budyonny thought of drawing a gun and telling the NKVD to fuck off
Maybe Stalin was just weeding out the weak.
>only Budyonny thought of drawing a gun and telling the NKVD to fuck off
sounds interesting got any material on this?
holy shit i only just realized that hitler didn't even touch his hand LMAO. I thought at least some contact was made at the end
Yeah. I would google him. For some reason Stalin didn't purge him and let him watch the show trial of an officer Budyonny was a rival with.
>In 1937, when Budyonny commanded the Moscow Military District, he was a party to Marshal Mikhail Tukhachevsky's trial during the Great Purge. He provided testimony that Tukhachevsky's efforts to create an independent tank corps was so inferior to horse cavalry and so illogical that it amounted to deliberate "wrecking". To this denouncement, the doomed Tukhachevsky (now considered a pioneering innovator in tank warfare) blankly replied "I feel I'm dreaming".[3] Tukhachevsky was subsequently sentenced to death.
Perhaps they, Stalin and Budyonny, were genuinely good friends, and so Stalin pulled pranks on Budyonny like the NKVD arrest, while Budyonny got back at him with this. Just light banter. Stalin had to have some friends, right?
lol i kinda think this. the video looks more like the dude pulling a joke on a young stalin and stalin getting it and laughing
Stalin wanted him dead during the purge, but Budyonny was too chad and too popular. If he had to shoot the agents that came for him, he would have gone for stalin next with his loyal forces. Stalin was too afraid of that and just let it go.
That's communism for you.
Rewarding the mediocre and killing off the most productive has been their trademark since 1917.
good goy
fucking kek
Number of times Communists occupied Berlin: 1.
Number of times Nazis occupied Moscow: 0.
>criticizing communism makes you a Nazi
Please neck yourself ASAP
It didnt go like that
holy shit, Budyonny was polish?
Communists all have borderline personality disorder.
Number of times Capitalists have occupied Moscow: 2