What the fuck is their problem?
What the fuck is their problem?
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TTR lad. it wasn't always shit:
T*rks, G*rmans and Amerimongrels.
Croats are cool. Same with Slovenes.
>this gay meme again
They literally sold themselves out. Ask any Croat or Slovene, they'll tell you just how proud they are of their Austrian roots.
macedonia is bulgaria
Are you a Serb or Hungarian by any chance?
Same for Romania, honestly, only Wallachia is truly part of the Balkans.
As for their issues, they all stem from the various migrations and invasions that happened over the years. Mongols, Turks, Germans, and sometimes Russians being the major culprits.
Nope, I just don't validate bullshit just because they are economically well off or have nice landscapes. They sold themselves out and "their" country was built by Austrians and Italians, nothing admire them about over other Balkan nations that actually fought off imperials.
But you are wrong.
>Hahaha look at these coward faggots, they actually had competent people build their cities and institutions and now they look all effeminate and western.
>Unlike us virile Balkan men who fought imperialism tooth and nail, the proof is in how we still wallow in our own shit and are regarded as low-IQ subhumans by civilized people because our national sport is smashing beer bottles on our neighbor's head.
Macedonia being called macedonia has nothing to do with larping and everything to do with the flimsy and fluid barrier between ethnicity, nationality, regional identity and race that existed during the early 20th century.
>being this mad
Truth hurts, you brag as if you achieved something yet when someone points out it was all spoon fed you screech about muh IQ and western civilisation. You are whores and so is your country, which doesn't belong to you.
He means the self proclaimed Macedonian country inhabited by slavs. Not the region in greece obv.
They were led astray from their natural overlord and benevolent protectors, the osmanoglus
The region spans 3 countries. Parts of Greece, parts of Bulgaria and all of Macedonia (country).
I'm not Eastern European, kiddo.
That's modern day Macedonia. Ancient Macedon is mainly a part of Greece and a small part of FYROM, which is hardly a reason to call your self "Macedonian".
Well you were dumb enough to convince me.
but Croats actually did fight imperialism, like Ottoman Empire and Protestant manice. Unlike serbs and the rest which sucked turk dick for a millenium
slovenes tho were always austrian buttlers
Balkan Alphas : Croats, Hungarians and Romanians
Balkan Cucks: Bulgarians, Serbs, Albanians and Bosniaks
All of the Balkans fought the Ottomans, and all of them were enslaved and served them at one point. Croatia just got extra credit because it was Catholic. If you look into it a little further, you'll see that Croatia didn't even come close to fighting the Ottomans as much as the rest of the Balkanites did. Later on it just became a pretty Austrian village for the Italians to buy prostitutes. Today it is a Game of Thrones theme park for degenerate tourists. How honourable.
It's just Hungary.
t. Serb
apparently the definition changed offen. Romans had more of Macedonia include the modern day republic.
Sorry mate, I don't need to be Serbian to call you out on your faggotry.
Hello, Nemanja.
>Republic of Macedonia is fully within the modern region of Macedonia
>hardly a reason to call yourself "Macedonia"
I said MacedoniaN. As in the ethnicity. Fyromians amd Bulgarians are Slavs, not Macedonians. Learn to read
Same thing. They live in Macedonia, so they call themselves Macedonians. "Slav" isn't an ethnic group.
You are Serbian though.
Are you kidding me? Croatians and Hungarians are literally only ones that stopped the Ottomans and never fought for them (minus the jannissaries) unlike serbs, albanians, bulgarians that were not only used as turkish sex toys but as their cannon fodder too
> Croatia just got extra credit because it was Catholic
being catholic in ottoman empire was the biggest no, are you retarded?
>all this salt
>being catholic in ottoman empire was the biggest no
Franciscans were allowed to work without obstruction, and were instrumental in keeping the Croatian national identity in Bosnia, particularly in Herzegovina. Catholics were tolerated, though they were heavily encumbered by harač (jizya) and general discrimination which they were subject to.
The rest of your post is correct.
No you fucking faggot, they got credit from the west because they were Catholic. And what does the fact that they "succeeded" with defending a bit of land have to do with how much they fought the Ottomans when most of modern day Croatia was part of the Ottoman empire too. The Greeks got genocided, the Romanians, Serbs and Bulgarians had their kids taken from them, and you mean to tell mr that somehow, Croatia and Hungary, that had the longer proximity with the Ottomans had a longer and tougher endeavour than the rest of the Balkans? Or maybe, just maybe, they were in better circumstances...
t. Immigrant
>Catholics were tolerated, though they were heavily encumbered by harač (jizya) and general discrimination which they were subject to.
same was true for jews in the west but they treat it like it was a constant shoah.
Move aside, Serbian serf, I have a continent to save.
OC accepted Orthodoxy as country's religion after they took Constintanopole, and after Treaty of Küçük Kaynarca orthodoxy was "protected" by Russia in all of ottoman territory, thus the occurance of massive orthodoxicizing of the catholic population
Meanwhile catholics were number one enemies of ottomans since ever and for ever, habsuburgs, venetians ..
Someone seems mad about the fact croats and hungarians stopped ottomans while you couldnt.
As for the "muh we got genocided", croatia was the border for 400 fucking years, while serbs were living in peace with a turk dick in their mouth untill 19th century. Go read some books you raging kiddo
Both cases were heavy on discrimination. The Ottoman Empire at its end practically sustained itself on the additional taxes christians had to pay.
404 no argument found
>Meanwhile catholics were number one enemies of ottomans since ever and for ever, habsuburgs, venetians .
That is true, as is the fact that the orthodox population had it much easier. What I was talking about was that catholicism was tolerated to an extent, such as the previously mentioned franciscans.
By your logic, a Paki could raid a small part of Yorkshire, establish his on country and call it Yorkshire, while the larger, historic region in England still exists.
Those Slavs lived in Macedonia for centuries, and a state named "Greece" didn't exist until the 19th century.
Yes but way less then orthodox populace. And this whole argument started as "muh we occupied balkanites were the real fighturs" while reality is they lived in peace for entire that time and even served in their armies etc
Get a sense of scale. Perhaps if people weren't so fixated on overtly simplified comparison the world wouldn't be so stupid.
A state named macedonia didn't exist until the fucking 90's. And by the time the Slavs had populated that region, the Macedonians were long gone. The only reason they LARP as Macedonians is because that faggot Tito encouraged them to.
How's this for comparison. "Macedonian" slavs believe that they are descendants of Alexander and have erected statues of Ancient Macedonian importance in their country. Yet there is mounts of evidence that should convince them to find their own identity, including the fact that they are slavs no?
>A state named macedonia didn't exist until the fucking 90's
It did, as a Socialist Republic of Macedonia within federal Yugoslavia, and that's irrelevant, since the geographical region of Macedonia did exist and those people lived inside that region.
>that faggot Tito encouraged them to.
That is wrong.
>Within yugoslavia
Tito was a croatian faggot that literally made macedonia to make serbia smaller
Tito was a croatian faggot that made bosnia to make croatia smaller too tho
Wasnt bosnia croatian untill turks came and islamicizide/serbicized it? And wasnt bosnian kingdom croatia nr. 2?
No, that's just what you want to believe
more or less, yes, croatia, or rather, dalmatia, slavonia and banovina and asorted regions, and the dubrovnik republic, made up most of the croatian ''states'', but the kingdom of bosna was usualy counted among them, since it was a croat kingdom, with a croat population and a croat king(except when it was a serbian region under a serbian king, but that wasnt wery often)
realy all those people are the same basic group, its just that some got conquered by one slav tribe and some by another and so regions from the alps to the drina river considered themselves croats and karinthians and from the drina to bulgarian lands they considered themselves serbs, also some got baptized catholic and some orthodox, given the influences of vatican, frankish empire and bizantine empire respectively
most croatian lands were counted under the crown of king zvonimir, so when he died without a male heir his wife jelena or whoever made a deal with the hungarian crown, think it was anjuvines at that point, dont realy know, and hence forth slavonia, dalmatia, međimurje etc... all basicaly fell under hungarian crown, and then under austro-hungarian monarchy
bosna didnt, bosna stayed indipendent and there were a lot of wars and shit about that, they got on the vaticans bad side and hungarians sent crusades against them and so on and so forth...
and then the ottomans came around
but realy most of the balkans, especialy the dinarid range, was never ruled or controlled by anyone, the technology and logistic capacity literaly didnt exist, best you could do is make sure people fear you enough not to openly rise up during current year
They are like those daddy issues blonde LA teenage girls.
They are too dumb to realize they were being manipulated after years of being dumb and lazy, and too spoiled to care about everything around them as they think that money will one day fall from the sky.
No nigga! Get you shit together!
There's a reason that little circle of states that have not yet joined the EU exists.
They are simply too lazy to solve their own issues when Daddy Europe keeps pouring money into them that they let their corrupt politicians blow on their own bling.
I guess I'm a lucky one since I moved to the EU, but I did not stay and solve it (and many people did not) because we know they are a lost cause.
What's gonna happen is they are gonna die, their souls will never leave earth and they'll just continue rotting without a body just to nag to their piers.
It's a disaster...
A rich country gets too lazy and peaceful, anything can happen if they stop doing everything necessary. This is how America survived.
Slovene masterrace reporting, butthurt ITT is palpable, stay mad.
Based Croatia
>Slovene shitting on Croatbros
Not cool
what the fuck is that budin eyalet
is it following the danube or what
The Orthodox Church
Mountain savages.
See also:
Actually all looks like this
How did your country avoided becoming part from the balkan warrying clustefuck?
Turns out diversity ain't so conducive to peace
>East Slavs
>not the worst
t. Serbo-Russian
>East Slavs
>Slovene flag
And it will be again
No Serbs were there. Literally, thats the only reason. No Serbs = No war.
theyr sperged out over nationalism harder than anyone else.
i still feel like if the byzantines hadnt fallen they would identify as roman and this level of fracturing wouldnt have happened.
Nothing wrong with being Austrian. Really interesting and powerful country in history .
Based Croat , not a catholic country for nothing
obviously a serb
Having passed through all these countries I agree with this pic without reservation.
that part is also slavic
bosnia is beautiful