
Why is Gnosticism so fascinating, Anons? Especially when it interacted with early Christianity.

Let's have a thread about it. I just finished reading the Apocryphon of John, which offers one of the most comprehensive views of a Christian gnostic cosmology and cosmogony.

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Because it contains the truth and you feel pulled towards it.

There truly is a demiurge and a god above god, you can reach the god above god by meditation (you have to meditate until you see an image of your true spiritual self).

I did this accidentally and ended up enjoying union with the God of the gnostics.

I don't particularly think it's true, and like Christianity, it has its own set of weird reasons as to why it's unbelievable.

It's just a very interesting undercurrent of beliefs that seem to belie the Christian world. The idea that God is actually evil, and that everything he's said has been in an effort to misguide and destroy the human race.

because, in a sense, its completely true, a malicious fool is generating your whole reality, you are trapped in a prison made of dreams and lies, forces greater and older than your current self animate and controll you and every aspect of your life

excepts thats all you, its all inside you, you are the only thing that can break trough that

Gnosticsm and early Christianity are one in the same. only after certain sects were victorious and certain dogmas solidified much later were they considered something different.

>The idea that God is actually evil, and that everything he's said has been in an effort to misguide and destroy the human race.
you don't know what you are talking about. keep reading about it. Demiruge is not God. God = the Father who femanated the first aeons. the demurige is just the king of the principalities who also created the material realm.

saklos is basicaly a byproduct of emanation, a glitch that asserts itself as a creator-god, a mistake that multiplyes

more or less its a pesonification of the ego construct, especialy a neurotic one

ironicaly a lot of gnosticism is rather neurotic itself, basicaly there is no good in the world, no value, were all trapped in a fishbolw

>using jungian Gnosticism
Whatever you want mane.
Creator god ≠ God in gnosticism. Many gods and aeons exist. it'd be reasonable to say The Father = God

you could call him the Monad as well.

but thats the thing tho, the absolute, the unmoved mover(ok thats hermetics more like) etc... thats god with a capital g right, but its a metaphiscal construct, a monad, the eternal what is, a singularity and a totality, kind like the pleroma, not a someone, ''father'' is thus just a nomenclature, its a impersonal completenes that does nothing, in contrast with the creator, who is contingent, incomplete, lacking, and for that reason he creates, he cant help it, like a thirsty animal cant help to drink piss, like a stone cant help but roll downhill

imagine a whole warehouse of powertools all turned on at the same time running out into nothing all entangled and smashing each other up till its all a big mess of electromotors and drillbits and cables almost resembling a living thing in agony, well, thats the demiurg, and the reality he creates

I already know the Demiurge is not the 'True God', you pedantic cunt.

God, you come off as fucking insufferable.

can someone give me a quick rundown on Gnosticism? Only thing I know is that they believe the old testament god is the devil, isn't that throwing out most of the bibical cannon?

unironicaly, its scientology without hubbard

this. been plagiarized by so many cults. i like metal flavor best.

>isn't that throwing out most of the bibical cannon?
Yes and no.
OT is still valuable as a forehadowing of Christ, which Sophia sent to release us from "God's" imprisonment.
Also to show how evul the Demiurge is and shit.

But fun fact:
The whole Old Testament/New Testament distinction is an idea from some gnostic guy called Marcion's.

So every time someone goes "Why is OT God so different from NT God", that's precisely what Marcion wanted to highlight.

It's a Lorgar Aurelian type of deal, funnily enough.

This is a really cool documentary series about Gnosticism. This part has Brian Blessed acting.

pretty comfy d e s u

Why Gnostics tend to be leftist contrarians, fags and weirdos?

Since when?

I understand the appeal of Gnosticism, but ultimately I think that it's rejection of the material is contrary to the teachings of Christ.
The flesh is nothing alone, yes, but when sanctified by spirit it becomes a testament to the glory of God. The old testament is dripping with testimonies of the glory of God expressed through nature, and the new testament shows that the flesh is ultimately the temple of the holy spirit.
That being said I don't understand why gnostics condemned YHWH as a demiurge. I understand that he wasn't viewed as the Absolute until right around Christian times but just his name seems like a prophetic indicator of that fact. Would anyone mind explaining it to me? It's a cool debate I've always wanted to sink my teeth into.

you just don't talk to the right ones.

Because Christologically orthodox normies tend to be conformist traditionalists. Pretty elementary question.

Paul's epistles are the earliest Christian writings. Pauline Christianity is a meme.

Why is that the demiurge ultimately comes across as a more human and understandable character than the Gnostic god which comes across as a Lovecraftian monster?

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Gnosticism. The theology is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the Archons will go over a typical Christian’s head. There’s also the Demiurge’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The Gnostics understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Gnosticism truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the gnosis in The Gospel of Judas’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as the Gnostic Jesus’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a gnosis tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

can the monad/sophia fucking get me out of this archon infested hellhole already?

because the demiurge is like a kid who catches a bunch of bugs and puts them in a jar for his amusement, only to be forgotten after a day or two, ending up eating each other and ultimately starving and dying.