Best pre-law undergrad degree?

I am going to change my major and want to go to law school. I am in my first year of university and have only taken generals up to this point, so changing wouldn't affect anything.
What is the best major to take for pre-law and why? Who here has gone to law school before? How was it?

Pic unrelated.

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History and Political Science.

It'd teach you how to argue a point across.

How does history teach you to argue? It's already happened, there's no debate, just learning about events that have already transpired

Because history is told through the perspectives of men, who have certain agendas for writing history the way they do, and you have to ask for yourself whether their perspectives merit to be called the truth.

hey who let you post a pic of my gf?

All the hands on Veeky Forums couldn't count how many times I've fapped to her.

How about doing your best in a major you enjoy.

The best students always seem to be the ones who genuinely enjoy what they are studying.

The majors with the best performance on the LSAT are math and physics majors. The rigors of logic in these classes are far above anything you'll find elsewhere.

I like History but man I hate doing History Masters.


>STEMniggers in Law
Numbers don't lie.

patent lawyers have one of the highest median salaries of any law degree holders m8

Gita... something

Gita Hadizadeh

Political Science will get you accustomed to writing argumentative papers and doing a fuckton of reading, but the downside is that it has no real use on its own meaning you're fucked if you don't get a graduate degree.

Depending on the type of of law you want to practice, majoring in business or accounting might come in handy.

Sure, but most math and physics majors are autistic virgin manchildren who couldn't talk to someone to save their lives. They may be good at thinking logically, but that's only a part of working in law.

And Humanicuck-descended Lawyers go to Public Office.

Only chance STEMniggers can into politics is if the Government is as autismal as China's Technocracy.

I specifically want to be a prosecuting attorney.

philosophy but go to a school that specializes in analytical philosophy and logic. inb4 hurr durr humanitard. analytical philo and logic is the understanding, creation and refutation of arguments which is all you do as a lawyer

>Only chance STEMniggers can into politics
>Being a lawyer means you automatically want to sully yourself with base politics

Maybe some people simply find the Law as a construct of great interest and wish to make their life studying it?


INB4 retarded brainlets saying don't go to law school.


This picture doesn't work because the majority of law school students are English undergrads.

>law school
kek. If you aren't a scientist you might as well just wear a sign saying "I'm a retard"

Law is fucked because precedent as a concept is unbelievable retarded at it's core.