American Caesar

what will it take for me to become the american caesar Veeky Forums?

Kill the American Marc Antony

LARP harder

By also becoming literally Hitler.

A civil war. Americans will never accept authoritarian power unless the fear of societal collapse becomes big enough.

shouldve clarified: how do i become the american julius caesar

Ummmm have you seen Darth Cheeto sitting in the white house right now??


all these digits. i will be caesar

Some of Caesar's domestic policies included expanding government bureaucracy, expanding welfare, expanding citizenship, financing public projects, and outlawing extreme opulence. That being said, a modern Caesar would likely be a pro-military leftist populist. I advise creating an appropriate party and allying yourself with Trump (Crasus) and whoever is the modern equivalent of Pompey to beat establishment Republicans and Democrats alike and form a populist triumvirate. Once that is done and once you have consolidated your power among the plebes and the army, you can march on Washington and take over the government.

id say modern pompey would be mattis, very popular with the people and many marines are still rabidly loyal to the man

>legislative and judicial branches block your path

Nice try tyrant.

Get stabbed.

America is Carthage, an (((international mercantile))) Empire run by oligarchs. The Rome of the 21st century is China. The neopunic wars will see the replacement of the USA with China who will forge a new Empire lasting 1000 years.

"Furthermore, America must be destoryed" --- Consul Xi Jinping of the PRoC (SPQR)

Cheeto Benito is still inherently limited in how much power he can project. Except in foreign affairs, American presidents have had near-total control over large sections of that for a while now.

delete this right fucking now, i am NOT a fucking Carthaginian

synthesis of trump and bernie.

your sash has no bars so thats the first place to start

>America is Carthage, an (((international mercantile))) Empire run by oligarchs.

America and Rome:
>based off a constitution(12 tablets) and a traditions-based law
>two assemblies
>union of allied states(the Socii)
>citizen-based military power with extremely heavily trained and well equipped land forces and a recently dominant navy despite having a far shorter history
>industrial and agricultural powerhouse

>The Rome of the 21st century is China
>Capable of birthing the ambitious and brilliant men who build empires

yeah ok chang

>Not becoming the American Sulla to bring about the American Caesar