Etherdelta chart

The regular chart on etherdelta is just so fucking shit i cant even add studies wtf is this shit how do you expect decentralized trading to go mainstream

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You can just use etherdelta plus it adds an actual useable chart


Oh thanks i'll try it

>tfw it wasnt long ago when niggerdelta only showed one candle for the chart

they optimised heaps of shit after the whole 0x debacle

i recognize this shit-coin graph anywhere.

fucking linkies.

>only one candle
What is wrong with these people

Omfg what a hilariously obvious shill thread. Bonus points for creativity OP

Lmao goodjob user you're exactly right

why would i shill LINK are you retarded all of Veeky Forums have been shilling link for the past week delusional linkies

This is literally the problem the 0x protocol plans to solve
Look up radar relay,
The 0cean
And Ethfinex

if im being honest, i spent a lot of time trading link last night but was a dumbass and set my overnight position at .00052. Welp.

They're all projects that are not functional yet and probably wont be functional this year at all, i'll just use etherdelta plus for now

We all make mistakes user, maybe with better charts you would've made better decisions

how the fuck do i use this niggerdelta shit, im dead serious i have no fucking clue

you use your own ETH wallet to trade by importing it and any token you buy goes straight into your wallet without having to have the tokens and eth on a wallet you dont own (exchange wallet) like bittrex

so i cant sen ETH from the exchange directly to etherdelta?

you can, create a new wallet on etherdelta and withdraw from the exchange to the new etherdelta wallet, also you'll probably want to install etherdelta plus plugin on chrome

thanks, any other tips on using etherdelta?
btw is it safe to only start using etherdelta to exchange and keep coins, instead of exchanges?

way safer since you have your private key so you own your wallet and not the exchange owns your wallet

its fucking confusing man but yeah, its just weird, and do i need to then take the ETH from etherdelta wallet to the etherdelta exchange or is it all connected?

Seriously though why can't the niggers just implement that gdax chart. Just jack that shit and apply load it up with shitcoins lol

no clue atleast some biz bros are nice enough to make plugins like these

You're shilling your shitty EtherDelta chrome extension, just like you did yesterday

Type this in google, I look up this tutorial whenever I forget how to buy veritaseum nigger shitcoins 'you can already buy veritaseum and I'll show you how' its a steamit post with pics literally step by step. I bought like 50 veritaseum and got them in my trezor

guys i sent my eth from coinexchange to etherdelta, it says completed on coinexchange and nothing shows up on etherdelta, did i fuck up?

just wait

yeah its good now, thanks, this shit is still shady to me....

etherdelta is the least shady exchange website cause you can access your own private key dont you get that?

im starting, ive reading about it, and yeah it makes a lot more sense than most exchanges, its just the fucking nigger look of it that threw me off

Yeah the interface is so shit thats why plugins like are being created

so this shitty trading platform.. I tried putting an order between bid/ask spread and nobody was biting

so I put in a bid for exact same price as lowest ask and it just sat there unfilled. fuck it had to click the actual lowest ask to buy it and overpay because shitty trading site is shitty

normies out

I mean all the tokens on there are cheap so the little spread doesnt matter

Normies for wanting an actually good interface??

low volume..

The spread is anywhere between 10-30%. That's a fucking lot for swing trading.

Suppose you start off w/ a $1000 and increase your stack by 20% each time. You only need 38 trades to become a millionaire.

its cause of the low volume

This extension probably steals your ETH. Beware

i've been using it for 2 days and i'm completely fine, took a look at the code and its also completely safe you can take a look at the code too

Im sure you have