Can we agree that this man's end game is just to make a fortune then disappear?

can we agree that this man's end game is just to make a fortune then disappear?

There's much easier ways to make money than risking your entire academic career by taking a political stance.

>what is the object of life

no, we can't.


> risking your entire academic career
he makes in academia less than a 26 yo webdev in Google

>postmodern non argument detected
your tricks dont fool us anymore, ancom. the enlightenment has defeated you

a tenured professor of a useful discipline at a top tier university is gonna be making 100+. its the legions of humanities adjucts that are poverty tier cucks.

What career? He was a no-name psychologist before becoming an internet meme. He's making far more money out of gullible retards looking for a father figure that he could have ever hoped to make in the academia

his name is petey pete
he's the king of the rumba beat

and a 26 yo webdev in Google makes 120+

He had grants and funding before he starting talking about trannies, so obviously not.

and that's from Patreon alone, excluding youtube, lectures, books, interviews, etc...

I guess will make 1.5 - 3 million this year alone

He's a tenured professor at a university that is in the 99th percentile in terms of ranking, funding, prestige, etc.

So what? He wasn't a leading academic in his field, nor he was known to laymen before his youtube channel. Go suck his cock some more

LOL HE IS MAKING A SHIT TON OF MONEY THOUGH WHO GIVES A SHIT ABOUT HIS "career". I already know everything he talks about and I just read shit online. This guy wasted his entire life being pissy about frozen and equally stupid shit. The fact so many people think he's a genius is hilarious

ITT: butthurt faggots who have been forced to retreat from the elite petey pete

>nor he was known to laymen

Do laymen know any college professors by name except the ones they have? I think I'm only slightly more knowledgeable than most and I can only think of Chomsky and Michu Kakao (sic?)

The only thing the fact Peterson is making lots of movie proves is that people are interested in what he has to say. Nothing else.

What's even controversial about what he has to say?

Trannies are mentally ill, we all fucking know that. What's controversial is forcing people to tolerate their bullshit.

Do they pay him at least a quarter of 63k a month?

>risking your entire academic career
Doesn't he have tenure? If he's tenured, he's not risking shit. It's ridiculously hard to get fired when you're tenured. That professor at Idaho State who writes books about how bigfoot is totally real still has a job, despite a bunch of faculty members protesting his tenure and saying he lowers the reputation of the school. I've personally known professors who are known for doing pretty sketchy things that are still employed, too.

>iit retards pretend like Peterson just pockets that Patreon money and doesn't use it to make content and allow him to travel and make public speeches etc

Believing in bigfoot isn't against the law. University rules are distinct from the states rules. What Peterson did and said he would do is against the law, it was in protest of an actual bill.


Not that it matters since he didn't have to give up his tenure anyway.

>you need a million per year to make youtube videos

Where can I see how the money is used?

>protest of an actual bill is breaking the law
Do you even know how government works?

>Believing in bigfoot isn't against the law.
Neither is voiding disagreement with the law, which is all Peterson publicly did. He gained a reputation for publicly taking an unpopular stance against against something, which is pretty much the same as wiring books about bigfoot science.

Dunno, but one of the reasons he gave for starting his Patreon at first is to pay someone to go through and clean up and caption his videos. I think he also pays translators.

And to travel around the world making public speeches, paying for the legal fees that follow, etc...

Are all these threads being started by people who are upset they aren't making millions shitposting about SJW's IRL.



I have never seen his videos before. Other than the transgender thing, why does he trigger lefties?

Isn't his stuff about taking care of yourself and improving yourself? Why would this make them mad?

>why is someone making money off quality content that people are voluntarily paying for based off what they think it's worth
Sort yourself out, commie

>why does he trigger lefties
As a petey pete fan myself, I can say that many of his fans are insufferable kekistani-types. That's probably why.

>no-name psychologist
>literally one of the most cited living psychologists on several different topics ranging from alcoholism to abusive relationships

This meme needs to end tbqh. He was an unknown person before his political involvement, but that doesn't mean he is a hack.

>h-index of 50
He's cited pretty often desu


>Stands for free speech
>Isn't an asshole
>Doesn't force his viewpoints on others

People gave, and still give him money, because they wanted to. They weren't shamed or forced into giving it. He's just a kind person who stood by his principles when SJW's demanded him to be quiet.

All these shill threads about Jordan are fucking stale and obvious as fuck. It's either:
A - he's anti feminist thread
B - he's a christian thread
C - he's a communist thread
D -he's a con artist

>reject some of the most important tenets of progressive leftist dogma, debunking them all in emprical ways
>why does he trigger them
He is an important and intelligent figure in academia who is rebelling against the filth that has taken over that world since the 60s, he is essentially the Martin Luther of the cult of university

So tried of this dumb shit, the man is a average professor who just happens to be religious. They literally come a dime a dozen, and what he did was common sense. Of course this whole gender thing is dumb, but people really believe it's a danger or whatever the fuck. It's like /pol/tards half of the people over there are teenage kids or bitter men, if they really cared about muh white race they wouldn't spend sixteen hours a day shit posting about how they hate everything they don't agree with. These far left and far right dumb shit ideas are fringe and always will be unless the world collapses, and even then when order resumes they wouldn't last. But until then stop white knighting this guy for saying something ninety-nine percent of the population would agree with he's not dropping answers to questions we don't know to ask, save that for real geniuses. It's all a fad, like Neo-Nazis and "Cis" hatred. I guarantee you and everybody here the average person doesn't know or care about any of this shit, their main focus is putting food on the table and living their lives.