Was this the biggest mistake in Italian history?

Was this the biggest mistake in Italian history?

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Did he say this unironically?

>Was this the biggest mistake in Italian history?

Not quite

shitalians btfo

>Christopher Columbus the famous Spanish explorer.

well after Trajan, it seems that Italy's desire to stay in the front seat of history burned out. They then let their stoner friend drive while they took a nap in the back seat, only to wake up finding themselves as the backwater, irrelevant shithole of Europe, the only country on the continent to have ever lost to an African """"nation""""

Can we ban the person who keeps making these threads?

This please

Neil deRape Negro is overrated. What a tool desu

Spain also lost a war in Africa

Betraying the Triple Alliance.

Depends on your definition of mistake and Italy.
The Italic League breaking up for example pretty much set up all of the region's problems, but can you call that a mistake?
Alternatively you could argue for unification as a centralized unitary kingdom under a strong (institutionally anyway) monarchy rather than as a federation under a figurehead papacy. The federalist intellectuals ruled the unitary debate in the 1850s, but in the end the rifles of house Savoia won the day.


If you google: italy cathedrals spain explorers atheism
you will see the reddit board of another large forum praising him for his wisdom.

Geography is the only reason Italy didn't colonize the new world.

Looks like he didn't invest in not raping women, if he did he wouldn't be blamed for rape. Bummer.

Which one of the six wars Spain had against Morocco

>got land back
>dismantled archenemy
>helped latin brothers in France just like the French helped them unite.

Not a mistake, the only mistake was appointing Luigi Cadorna as Chief of Staff.

Spain was doing both things Tbvh

>and Latin America is ROMAN Catholic

also it was a defensive alliance,italy was not obliged to join austria since they were declaring war

I'm surprised the left hasn't pilloried him yet for supporting le colonialism and muh 100 million over the liberal renaissance.

sephardic jew convertite

Counterpoint: Mussolini
>invaded by foreigners
>loses all the territory gained in WW1 and then some
>Italian monarchy dissolved
>destruction of historical landmarks & artifacts like Monte Cassino and Nero's pleasure barges
>so incompetent that all the other fascists want to kick him out and he needs the Germans to prop him up


Is this the famous "American intellectual"?

Niel deGrasse Tyson can go fuck himself

That number's going down uncomfortably fast as AmeriKKKan-style evangelial Christianity spreads like a virus in Latin America and Africa.

Shitholes like Kurland colonized the americas while perfectly placed countries like Morocco or Ireland never produced any explorers.

On a scale of Bill Nye to Carl Sagan, how much knowledge of physics does Tyson actually have to justify being le science man?

>we missed out on New Italy
worst timeline

You still have Argentina, Sao Paulo and... New Jersey.

Black science man is a history retard

Italy was not a unified country when Spain was exploring the world
also, no direct access to the Atlantic
oh, and Spain loved it cathedrals too

Why is skipping colonizing and focusing on making beautiful art worse than going nuts on civilizations halfway around the world?

>Jews started Amerindian oppression
WTF I love Peruvian Nazis now

Undoing the medieval attempt at reviving the Republic.


Nye being a 0 and Sagan a 10 (>Implying Sagan wasn't a meme scientist too) he's probably a 5-ish


>Why didnt these small duchies start colonies like the strongest country in the world did?

Or maybe it's because Spain wasn't stuck in the middle of the Mediterranean sea without easy access to other lands.

No, Italy itself was

Because Tyson is a fucking idiot.

But they genocided the natives

>implying that italy was a country
>leaving aside political and geographical location
Is this the intellectual of our time? Talking about things he doesnt know jackshit?

scientism was a mistake

If this were the old south would Neil deGrasse Tyson have been lynched by now?

>married to a white woman

He wouldn't just be lynched, he'd be fucking destroyed.

Neil has a history of speaking about subjects he knows nothing about.

It was the mistake of Germany to not ally with Russia and instead choose to fight the weak Austrians,French and Ottomans along with the Balkan Nations and Italy.

This could've led to annexing all historical German lands of Western France and the Crown of Austria.

Imagine Cadorna beating Hötzendorf...

He could've started a glorious Empire if he finally gave the Monarchy a good standpoint and combine it with military sovereignity and destruction of disloyalty and corruption.
Italo-Americans from all of that continent should've been closely bounded to the motherland and spend money,southern Italy should be filled with arms industry and more efficient agricultural stock and new labour missions for the economy. Clergy and Nobility,Farmers,Workers and Citizens,Italians and Minorities should have been united to a general struggle under Mussolini in an alliance and allegiance to the King,the Military,Italy,the Church.

To be concrete,the Italians could have improved their Mechanized Arms,Infantry Weapons,Artillery,Mortars,Fleet and especially the Air Force and Special troops.

Mussolini should've stood neutral if he wanted to really establish an Italian Empire.

Conquering Yugoslavia,Greece,Bulgaria,Romania,Hungary,Turkey,Spain and Portugal would've been enough. Really,if the Italians made a treaty with Vichy France to not get their fleets to aggressive actions or sended weapon to the Germans+volunteers,they would've helped him more than historically.


No it isn't,they conquered Crimea economically,even though Byzantium has overlordship over the Marmara Sea.

If Venice and Genoa united with the City Republics and small towns into a kind of pseudo-hanseatic Italian union and conquer Napoli,Sicilia and Sardinia from Aragon.

The Italians could've explored the New World, Portugal would've hindered Spain from a blockade of the Italians from the Atlantic.
I bet it would've been in Central South America and around Colombia.

Spain also valued racial purity after their liberation from the Moors and thus had no choice but to "explore" in order to make up for their lack of workforce, and thus their entire economy was based on conquering and taking gold from other countries. Not difficult to see why their economy is not self-sufficient and why they have massive unemployment. Building your economy up to have a large national market and exporting is what keeps your economy stable.

Explorers? Try pirates, kidnappers, thieves, murderers, rapists and slavers.

>most (all) spanish speakers are retarded third world monkeys
>most (all) italian speakers are beautiful chads who are the rightful heir to the Latin empire

Our mistakes were made in the 15th Century when we chose an instable pact founded more on fear rather than on collaboration. The Italic League was a joke that solely functioned thanks to of Lorenzo's influence. 1492 marks the beginning of a new age not because of Columbus's discovery but because it set off the greatest European conflict of the 16th Century.
Anyway le science man can go fuck himself.

"Vertú contra furore
prenderà l’arme, et fia ’l combatter corto:
ché l’antiquo valore
ne gli italici cor’ non è anchor morto"

Probably because spaniards genocided anyone who didn't want to speak spanish

But the spanish are even more fervent christians than italians...?

>latin empire
>fuckheads who raped byzantium into the ground

if you meant the roman empire, then write the roman empire

this is your brain on STEM

To be sort of fair, that's one of the defining traits of physicists. They get told they're such smart boys so much they end up thinking they know everything, even better than those who've studied that field their whole life.

it wasn't the italians who destroyed costantinopolis,it was the Teutonic Knights
Most italians were into the Knights Hospitallers,Knights of saint Lazarus or participated in the first crusade under french and north italian commanders

Didn't Machiavelli say that a big failing in the italian city states is that they relied too heavily on mercenaries for civil defense and annexation?

Those are the filthy anglos, you nigger

Read a book.

Maybe the Sack of Constantinople wouldn't have happened if the Byzantines didn't massacre the Catholics and then sold the few survivors as slaves to the Turks.

Believeing in whatever a fat nigger rapist says is many peoples biggest mistake.

>italian stayed triple alliance
>russian reach Berlin in Christmas of 1914

>married to a white woman
So he is a crypto white supremacist

Maybe it has more to do with the fact that Italy isn't on the Atlantic ocean

This image is precisely whats wrong with society today. STEM people are treated like gods while the majority of them are moronic autists.

the worst thing about this is implying the Spaniards didnt spend a lot of gold in building great Cathedrals

yeah but that is bullshit thou. neil isn't a real physicist and real physicists do often go into other fields like philosophy or art and do just fine