Which college degrees aren't shit?

which college degrees aren't shit?

this is like showing someone hundreds of piles of shit and asking them which one would they eat

None of them. We're all fucked. Start a business

follow thge gyude


or none of them


It depends on what you want to do. STEM is obviously the safer bet, but if you want to do post grad studies then your options open up a bit.

If you go the non STEM route I would say that you need to be able to spend at least some time in a top tier school or you should pick a different field.

Anything business related is shit, unless it's an MBA. I got a $35k raise when I graduated (switched jobs tho).

Anything engineering is gold. If you want real money go engineer for a few years then get an MBA.

Would Computer Science be a safe bet, or is that just a meme?

Well I have an accounting degree and so far it has been a total waste. However I might finally get a job worthy of the degree assuming I'm picked tomorrow. Took five years though.

Every degree is shit.
It's who you know, what what you know.

They're literally all shit these days. College is nothing but a concentration camp where they run your brain through the ovens until you're a left wing zombie.

*not, rather


Colleges as known today will be dead in 15 yrs

>big jobs for welding here in New England
>dad makes a fuck ton of money from the union and his business
>ask him if he can help me get in
>"Sorry son, you're too smart for that buddy :) you should do something you love that doesn't have as many hours."

That would be the media. They created this myth that everyone has to take out loans and go to college. Not only are (((they))) brainwashing you, you're paying (((them))) to do it.

A bachelors in engineering has a very high chance of making a dramatic positive difference in your quality of life, for the rest of your life. The gulf between no degree and an engineering degree is massive. I can't vouch for any other kind of degree, they are much riskier in terms of payoff.

which engineering?

Holy fucking shit user, 5 years? That sucks.
Glad you finally got a job though, gz buddy.
Rooting for you.

STEM/Languages/ law/ economics in form of cybernetics.

Just curious, would a CS degree from here even be worth the paper it's printed on?

Computer science



engineering will teach you computer science and more.

these retards, i do 'know someone'. he got my brother a job cause he went to school. he moved out 5 months after college, lives in another state with his gf and dog.. prob set for life with a career. i still live at home and make little over min wage. he's a year younger than i. starting classes again this winter.

Math, computer science, statistics, in no particular order

can be a great degree, depending on your school. some shitty low-budget colleges just train you to be a code-monkey and call it a CS degree, but some schools are legit. If you want to do CS, look at the curriculum and make sure they're not just training you to be some faggot working at Micrsoft for a few years before you get replaced by pajeet. And try to do graduate school if you can.

math, physics (signal high IQ as long as you are at a good school)

comp sci, accounting, finance, statistics, engineering (practical)

Go to an actual school. If I saw adegree from there the only idea that would come to mind is that you aren't a real Harvard graduate.

That's what I figured the perception would be even though it is the just as much as the real Harvard as the other 10 or however many schools, and is just as much a part of Faculty of Arts and Sciences as College is. Both schools are part of FAS and can cross-enroll in the same classes, if it's so easy why don't College students cheat the easy way out by enrolling in Extension classes then? They have the classes are the same and have the same standards.
Would you say that Kennedy is not the real Harvard? But I've seen that there are so many butmadd College students who spread huge amounts of disinfo about it around the internet that people think it's not the real thing and I've dug around on the internet and seen them posting huge amounts of flat wrong and incorrect information about it but the damage is done.

software engineer
CS seems like a meme. its like majoring in business administration

Accounting and finance can take you places too

LOL @ all the people pushing the statistics degree. When this big data/data science meme dies down, there will be hordes of jobless pajeets with Statistics degrees.

Imo the degree isn't worth worth doing if you aren't going for a PhD.

Why not just save yourself the embarassment, and do a Mathematics degree?

Btw, Econ & Math double major reporting in.

Not a meme, but you have to be proactive during your undergrad years.
> Try to get a 3.2 GPA or higher, as it will help you land your first internship
> Network with your peers, because some of them can help you find a job when all of you graduate
> Go to study hours so your [CS] professors and TAs know you
> Maybe look into doing research as well
> Make a GitHub account and try to contribute to other real projects out there that you are interested in
> Complete side projects and list them on your resume
> Attend hackathons, and it doesn't matter if you know how to program or not
> Go to your school's career fairs
> Apply to internships everywhere
If you're not autistic and have decent social skills, then you can make it easily.

>mechanical, electrical, and computer
literally everything else is too niche
do not do fucking mechatronics you morons

3 years into a Mech Engg degree feels good man

take the money you would spend on college and invest in crypto

You could do better mate.

she wants nothing but the money fampieskaloski

Literally the other way around pajeet

Even assuming crypto continues to be adopted and isn't banned or regulated into oblivion, why are you so sure it would be bitcoin and not some other crypto?

Mine is petroleum, a bona fide meme degree, and it still paid off in a down market.


Biggest bang for your buck/Most pay for smallest amount of effort

Note: When I say effort, I mean the job itself. You can get a great paying stupid ass software testing job. Getting the degree is hard as fuck.

does anyone know about buyiong a dagree im 17 and when I get out of highschool I just want toi be hired ad a doctor

simple. nothing in sociology. nothing in philosophy, not saying philosophy isnt something you should study. Actually the trades will make a good living if you are competent at your trade.

enjoy your ban underage

>when I get out of high school
"When" is a little ambitious son. Try "if".