*silently moons*


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It's not even 2x ICO yet, thank god.

I'm going to put another 5BTC in next week if it stays this cheap.


cmon this shit has been shilled and fud'd so much in the last week

>Programmed in Ruby


sell now to break even


Reported to the SEC

fuck yeah!!!


what this mean yo

COBOL is a shitty programming language used in software of pretty much every major financial institution.

Imagine the logistical nightmare that it would be to migrate all the software to something else or how long it would take.

ChainLink is built on Ruby which is a perfectly fine language, it allows banks the freedom to upgrade or keep their software as it is fully compatible with it.

why would ruby be "shitty" to start with? I dont program yet, so I dont know the distinction. Where does one go to find out this kind of information

It is a fucking meme.

People who program on C thinks Java is shitty, people who program on Java think Python is shitty etc etc etc

so these implied claims of ruby being an impediment to the functionality of chainlink hold no clout?

Pretty much. Just programmers circle jerking, basically.

duck typing is shit stfu

Sorry i meant to reply to this dude
ruby is shit because of duck typing

duck typing keeps the retards out.
i used to fight it but I realized Java is a containment zone

it does, ruby is a poor choice for financial software because of its weak typing, its prone to all kinds of race conditions, it also would not perform too well if objects are mutable the program cannot be threaded

financial stuff is best to stick to languages with strong types, and ideally something functional as everything would be immutable making its chances of being prone to race conditions low and very performant

kek you burgers still hold on to that shit? while you struggle with breadcrumb profits i made 6x on kyber.even If you bought on etherdelta You could have made 3x but "Muh Oracles" hold on to your shitcoin hahahah

duck typing is literally for retards
strong immutable types (functional programming) is the best choice for financial shit hands down

Wat? For every 2 shill topics there are 10 FUDs

Are we all in on this?

just off the top of my head would all be better choices

I sold my kyber at 4x and put it right back into chainlink. Don't expect a decentralized exchange to go past 350m market cap. Chainlink is an easy 10x and beyond. Discrediting a coin due to lack of early marketing is just retardation on your part.

yeah don't listen to this guy not all languages are equal

>t. polyglot

Nice coin how many should I buy and how high will it go lads

Well done user.