Need help. Will give ETH

Hello Veeky Forums I am in quite the shit hole rn. I bought about $240 worth of ethereum when it was at around $14. I got about 17.759 ETH and willing to part with some of it if one of you fucks can help me out here. has switched to JAxx without telling me and now my link to my wallet says my password is invalid. I've contacted support for Jaxx to get my shit out because the word file I downloaded doesnt work for shit in passing my funds over. The document has cyphertext and cypherpharams. Im not smart with this shit. Do you think I should wait for the world's shittiest support team to get back to me? (I've emailed them numerous times and have gotten autoreplies, had to change the reason i was emailing to get a response from a human who hasnt answered me)

Or do you think one of you can salvage my shit and I can fork over some ETH for your help?

Or do you think im fucked and lost it all?

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If you don't own your private key you don't own your crypto

sorry mate

Just pretend you donated that $240 to charity in order to cope. Put in another $240 into LINK and you will live a happy life.

what wallet did you have when you obtained ETH

Shit, well even if I had my password theoretically Jaxx took my shit?

Email your files to [email protected] and I will take a look

copy paste the contents of the word file here and we'll work out something


HAHAHA I am retarded but not stupid.

did you email yourself or allow browser to save maybe you just have your capslock on

then email the file at [email protected]

i'll take a small 10% fee to get you your ETH

Put you don't have the private key?

have you searched every electronic device for your keystore

Trust me im putting the password in correctly that I can testify to.

damn bro, why didn't you just use myetherwallet instead?

feel your anxiety I have a bitcoin wallet on a HD IN THE BOTTOM OF A LANDFILL from 2011

the pain dulls with time

Thanks man I see that we share similar experiences in a way. Like it fucking sucks I lost it but im 20 and this isn't going to be the only fucking moonshot I miss. Its the one I fucking land that gets me to the moon. So does it suck? yes. Was it my money? Yes, dead dad can't say shit. Do I got more goin on for me? Yea but im not giving up on this shit that easy.

I was following some fuckin post on how to buy ethereum a long time ago. Soon to be 2 years ago I bought this shit.

The article is gone but it suggested which is now JAxx which now sucks my hairy nuts.

you have looked for the keystore file every hd , phone, flashdrive

if you remember your password/original link you may be able to save your money

if you open the console and type Wallet.fromJSON( 'password', 'json' ) replacing password with your password and json with the file you downloaded, you should get a decrypted wallet, check the address on etherscan to see if its yours.

do you hold ETH now?

If you actually want help, shoot me an email -- I'll see what I can do. I was able to recover my ARK password after 2 days of work. Saved myself from losing a few thousand dollars. Sounds like you have a different problem than passwords, but I can take a look if you want. [email protected]

keep searching for the lost wallet it will bring you to the brink of insanity. get some now and hold it is just starting to appear what Eth actually is you are still basement level I assure you

Please tell me more. I know the og link to get to the password page, I have the password and I got a document i downloaded that says address,




and some other words and numbers.
Do you think its salvageable with the info I got?

Also here is a photo of what it tells me although i got the right password

you a leaf ?

is it pub of private key on your doc

what is the file type you downloaded

.dat .config .json .txt .

I am with JAxx. It won't help you talking like this.
I will make sure your info will go up and let the developer decide about your case.

Mind you; I will make sure your insults will go along.

Fuck your fefe bunching. Fuck your rustled jimmies. Eat a frosty cock.

>hurr durr user I could help but instead fuck you

You must be a nigger

It downloaded as a txt and I put it into word along with my password.

Jokes on you fuckboi its actually ive been misspelling that shit cuz FUCK JAXX

It sounds like your password isn't the right one to unlock the wallet...

What you can try is calling "loadWalletFromEntropy("last30characters_of_wallet_link", false);" (try it with true at the end if that gives an error) from the javascript console (ctrl + shift + j) and that should prompt you to either enter your password or try to unlock it with a blank pw. but really i think the wallet is doing that for you , and is just waiting for the correct pw to unlock it

you can (and should) try to unlock it manually with the Wallet.fromJSON command I posted before, that may yield you a error that could take you somewhere interesting, at least.

Im trying and this happened. Im going to bed, gonna keep goin tomorrow.

instead of that string ur supposed to paste the stuff in your link eg. #dblahblahblah but strip the # and next character after that. should be 30 characters long. anyway im pretty sure it'll prompt you for a password, if you try the first command it might spit out a helpful error

This proves that cryptocurrency will never be viable in real life.

You weren't viable, but your mom chose against aborting.

What's your point?

Nigga lost his wallet worth thousands of $ because has switched to JAxx without telling him

Or it will need a UI layer that obscures what is happening underneath. Just about the only thing Blockcat was onto