You just lost the oportunity to join the Request network whitelist

You just lost the oportunity to join the Request network whitelist.

Bye bye sweet x10

Other urls found in this thread:

Glad i am a nice man and just got my "one" account, hehe

nope got 7 accounts

Was in the 1st 150 members of the slack. Didn't get any extra addresses in cause I'm not a scammer.

I'm waiting for the pink wojacks of the noobs

kek you don't need to be scamer - you can legitly sell some user account

I love how here the posts asking for info about these ICOs get saged to hell. Look at Cindicator

Can't wait for the gainz

Why would cindicator need the blockchain? What is the utility of the token? No need and none is the answer. The market team is great, the team is weak. If you are able to produce a hype, you may be able to flip this, but this is nothing long term.

The market cap is great, the team is weak*

You are wrong imho. It is a good medium term, the product looks great, and it will do a pump in mid november until end of the year. It looks like it needs a blockchain though, read the white paper.

Anyways, it will be shit if compared to Request Network

First I was like FUCK, missed something again. Then I remembered I joined the slack and shit ages ago, feels kinda comfy. Maybe i'll use my Kyber gainz for this.

Ahhhh, 5 accounts with KYC data prepared already, just like Kyber. Feels good man. Feels good.

If people missed the whitelist for the next x5 ICO, hook me up with an offer.

[email protected]

x10? This isn't going to have a 300MM marketcap anytime soon.


Yeah, it'll go to $400M at least.

I'm selling for usd 150


Lmao, imagine being this much of a Kike.

Oh no? Do you really think Amazon would accept crypto in a different way?

ahahaah I know right?

Selling for 149 USD, email me your best offer

French team

Not touching this even with gloves

First ICO backed by

Easy flip.
