I made $3k to $120k

Not trading yet: 10k on ICON, 2.5k on Cindicator, 4k on Enigma, 3k on Musiconomi, 3k on Maecenas. In 5 months I made $3k into $120k. Anyone want to learn my next ICO picks? I'll make a short write up if there is interest.

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Opinion on request and wanchain? That's my two hot boys.

yes money wizard hep me

What site is this?

op felt for the maynigger meme

cryptocompare.com portfolio

Fuck, I totally forgot about my Tezos bags. I was wondering where that money went, lmao.

post write-up here first please and will tell you if want

Wow, you bought 0x, and then it went 10x

This is called luck, user


fuckk, totally forgot about icon. ico sale is already over.

Aventus is worthy, just bad luck timing of token release when everything is went to shit. This price is not correct because there is no volume.

Okay fags here is the write up:
1st, BUY FUCKING KIN. Read this, you will understand: jobcoin.com/blogs/jobcoin-white-paper/why-kik-interactive-inc-is-the-next-100-billion-company
2: Request is the shit. Forget overpriced and overlaued omisego, go read their blog. This shit will be the future. medium.com/@request.network
3- Wanchain
4- Red pulse

:o wowie OP!

Where can I buy KIN?

Etherdelta or mercatox. Be quick before it's on polo, price won't stay

Y not on bittrex?

ICO was over yesterday. Might pop up on bittrex any day.

fuck u. nothing pops up in bittrex these days.

also KIN and wanchain are abosuletly worthless.
red pulse might do well.
completely agree with request network.

Did you read this yet? jobcoin.com/blogs/jobcoin-white-paper/why-kik-interactive-inc-is-the-next-100-billion-company KIN is one of the most promising shit ever.

Kin is fucking garbage, I worked at kik

They retain 90% of the tokens....

get rid of tezos, stox, cofoundit, aventus, and kin

max out as many request whitelists you can
same for wanchain and red pulse
try to get in storm ico as well

your portfolio will easily 3-5x overall

you can thank me by sending me eth here 0x45fAEc3fF94A56676C5CbBceb78bFAe55a7c147C once your portfolio reaches 300k+

Is this a shill attempt for KIN?

also buy more chainlink while it's still low

it went more 0.1x

?? Its 4x at the moment