Why is it so common on this board to post mentally stunted wojaks and other retarded historical figures...

Why is it so common on this board to post mentally stunted wojaks and other retarded historical figures? Is there a name for this kind of infatuation with mentally deranged history?


It´s le so funny memes.

people make fun of things they're not fond of whilst not having to present their claims because an image of retard wojak will do just fine.

It's called faggotry. And by that I don't mean gay, I mean being purposefully flamboyant to garner attention.

Veeky Forums is worse than /v/ at this point.

Every time I think this shit board couldn't get any worse somehow shitposters seem to dig a little deeper despite there already being next to no decent historical discussion. This board is a weeping cancerous lesion to rival the very worst of what Veeky Forums has to offer.

It's literally a non-argument

I blame the fagots who defend shitposting because “muh board culture” and the retard mods who agree with them

They literally get worse and worse to the point they become an anti-meme

t. brainlet

Am I the only one who gets grossed out by these wojaks?
I can watch gore .webms just fine but for some reason these weird caricatures with deformed heads and scalps really make my stomach churn. The ones where they're drooling with caved in craniums are the fucking worst, same with the one with a worm wrapping around his skull.

t. brainlet


Must See >>/qa/1689075 . Mods are completely complicit ineetting the frog-feels pseudocreativity complex put the nails in the coffin of this site.

No, you're not the only one, and that's why thousands and thousands of Veeky Forums veterans who have seen everything vicious under the sun have run from this site over the last several years. These new feels (don't pretend it has a name) variations were specifically designed by some worthless faggot to get into people's heads because they just look like something a mentally severely disabled person in an asylum drew. Everyone's not sick of it now, we've been sick of these two reddit garbage pictures being shoved down our throats for years by new users. Not even a huge number of users, despite the lie that this site is growing. Just a few pathetic redditors who spam the same shit everywhere and the mods kiss their ass. >>/qa/1689075

It's one /pol/tard who gets btfo in threads and then goes and makes a thread about it

It's the latest hotel new maymay so everyone unironically mindlessly spews it out, just like Sabaton posting a few months ago, or Stirner posting ages ago.


Interesting that autocorrect thinks I'm more likely to want to put hotel instead of hot...

It's actually a nice debate starter. OP of such thread claims that a specific history opinion is retarded, and then people discuss, trying to prove OP wrong or right.

We have a fuckload of redditors here who enjoy beating shitty dead memes into the ground.
They just don't understand our culture.

Veeky Forums needs active moderation.