Hi everyone, we're saddened to hear that you're upset about not being included in our crowdsale

Wait. Hold the FUCK up user. STOP RIGHT THERE.

What's this bullshit I hear about you actually not holding any LINK in your portfolio?

My portfolio is all LINK.

I've traded crypto since 2016 and I liquidated 90% of my portfolio to max a 500 eth presale cap by myself

>mfw you are going to lambo land via the express lane

I did the same thing. 90% in and regret not going 100%

HOLY SHIT and you will have your own personal spaceship to the moon

Fucking BIG BOY

I am currently 90% LINK 10% FIAT. I will be using the fiat to buy LINK if it dips. I am all in. This project is the real deal.

It just hit $0.20 again, please moon again.

I've been trading crypto for over 15 years and this is the first time that I've taken out a second mortgage to go all in on a presale. I regret not selling a kidney to buy more.

Jesus, all this shilling is not a good sign.

I've been trading crypto since 1995 and I liquidated 200% of my portfolio and sold 3 of my children to max 10 500 eth presale caps by myself.

my life is all LINK

chainlink isn't a shitcoin r-right?

Where do you see this coin in 3 mounts? I can invest 3k but need to return it for sure in 3 mounts. What are the risks/gains?

Dude all the LINK bros are just fuckin around. It's banter m8, go buy some more LINK, grab a beer and enjoy the ride.

It's just a little on the desperate side, isn't it?

Only good can come of it due to what it represents in association with real world banking. Pay attention to the SIBOS conference October 17th. By the end of the year I see it going to $10 a token easy.

sure dude

there are no guarantees in anything, i wouldn't gamble with money you've borrowed or you owe back to someone. I fuck around with like ~$70k USD but I could lose it all and it wouldn't bother me much, I mean I'd be sad but I wouldn't be in debt or owe anyone anything or not be able to pay my bills. Don't invest money you can't afford to lose. That said I think LINK is going up 5-10x fairly soon, and maybe 50-400x in the very long term.

are you fucking kidding
this board was nothing but chainlink fud for 5 days straight

It's my farthers money. He said it himself. I alredy double from ico. And he was sad he didn't gave more. Now he says he wants to give 3k but asks back in 3 mounts.

It's all gamble. I already have 2k. With 3k more it will be 5k.

How can we fuck up 5k? Thats the question. If we fuck up 5k to 2.5k its okay. I mean give me the worst scenerio. Would it go %50 lower from this price?

>Now he says he wants to give 3k but asks back in 3 mounts.
So you take on all of the risk and don't get any of the reward. Woah, brilliant.

215K here. Should I keep getting more?

>he doesn't have AT LEAST 2 million
it's like you don't even want to have that mansion

Help me out bros, if I put a $1000USD into LINK, what returns could I be looking at when it moons?

I could go full madman. I would just have to dump my XBY bags and then I could put like $85G into LINK....hmmmmmm

10x, bare minimum

this. starting to make me doubt my decision to buy LINK. starting to feel like a dump is coming.

I wasn't the only one I guess. Liquidated 99.5% of portfolio for 400 ETH presale leaving myself some ETH for transaction purposes. Honestly, I think 150-200k LINK is sufficient for a quiet retirement, after 400k it's just overkill. Not selling for anything less than $2/LINK and I'm only selling a small portion.

do it, faggot. fucking do it. i want you to fucking dump all your FUCKING LINK. do it NOW

I feel this too.
But even if it goes down it won't become worthless without something else taking its place and that would take time.
Since we are getting in early our chances of losing big are minimal.


I missed the bitbean train, but I'm so glad I'm deep in LINK, the bantz are real and vibes are good. Also free money.

you should, you'll get a 4-5x soon, even more if you hodl longer

I knew it had to be more than just me. Liquidated 666% of portfolio for 21,000,000 BTC presale leaving myself some BTC for transaction purposes. Honestly, I think 0.0000150- 0.0000200 LINK is sufficient for a quiet retirement, after 0.00004 it's just overkill. Not selling for anything less than 2 BTC / LINK and I'm only selling a small portion.

Fuck it I'm doing it. I'll see you on the dark side of the moon user

I wouldn't sell for any less than 1 BTC per LINK.

4 BTC per LINK or no dice

lol u cucks. won't sell below 40 BTC per LINK