Reading about the historical origins of the Nazi party

>reading about the historical origins of the Nazi party
>read that Hitler kicked out the original members who were Occultists and Traditionalists because he didn't like those ideas
>tfw I realize that Hitler was actually acting upon desires of Modernity rendering my previous national socialist tendencies null
>tfw I realise that Nazi Germany had to fall because of a metaphysical contradiction between the Traditional elements of the regime and the spiritual nature of its leader Hitler (Modernity)

When did you realise this? When did you realise Hitler's fixation of Jews as a biological body rather than a spiritual one (Weininger) was an exemplification of his spiritual nature (Modernity)? By looking at Jews as a biological body from the Darwinian perspective that he did rather than the spiritual one, he was ultimately acting upon Scientism and Materialism.

Hitler was Modernity's 20th century great figure. He modernised the Traditional and destroyed Traditional Europe leading to seven decades of Modernity's complete control over our lives.

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You're not wrong at all OP. However, you underestimate Hitler's spiritual impulses too. Volkisch thought, German mysticism and messianic traditions were important in his thinking. But as you rightfully point out he did put a "modernist" on it. The autobahn was the modernist project par excellence, for example, but there were elements of volkisch though baked into it: the idea of linking the German volk back with the countryside in an industrialized, majority-urban civilization that was Germany in the 20th century. Critical is the point that Hitler made a point of building the roads less with a mind to getting a passenger from point A to B, but to build the roads to offer stunning vistas with plenty of waysides, so as to offer the dramatic landscapes to motorists. Same goes for Hitler's messianism. He often peppered his speeches with faux-religious rhetoric and often referred to himself in prophetic terms. His series of successes convinced him over time that he was the father of Germany's destiny. But clearly his manner of achieving this destiny was through a modernized military and wiping out other races on Biological rather than spiritual grounds.

Thank you for your educated response. This has added to my thinking.

you're insufferably self-important and by far not as intellectual as you think you are

Strange response.

>>tfw I realise that Nazi Germany had to fall because of a metaphysical contradiction between the Traditional elements of the regime and the spiritual nature of its leader Hitler (Modernity)

What? No, Germany failed because it set itself against powers far greater than herself economically, and also because Nazi top decision makers decided to ignore anything and everything that indicated that the war was lost since 1941. Philosophy unironically doesn't matter in this debate.

>accusing a spiritualist of not being intellectual
You have a lot to learn

Julius Evola pointed this out quite early on.

In which text?

It's like you don't know what Orgon energy is

>Legitimate historical discussion based on thoughtful analysis and connections.


This board sometimes...

Nah nigga it was industrial production, economics, strategy, and technology

In the end he was Materialistic indeed. But I would like to point out, that his Blood and Soil Materialism is still vastly different from the Cosmopolitan counterpart in terms of money.

>tfw you're starting to like Hitler after reading about nazism
what is happening to me

You haven't read enough

You have to hate him for being too progressive, that is ascended.

it wasnt because of the allied armies?