Roman Empire owns the entire Mediterranean

>Roman Empire owns the entire Mediterranean
Seriously, I've asked this question maybe a dozen times and never once got a straightforward answer. Who the fuck did they trade with?

Other urls found in this thread:!/articles/1/essays/38/commerce-among-the-states


If I take a five dollar bill in my left hand, set it down, and pick it up with my right hand, have I made any money?

Oh, it\s this retard again.

Barbarians. Wine for slaves was big business.

the roman empire wasn't one person, and they had a concept of private property

Me in Tanais desu

You cannot trade with yourself, an outside source is required to increase wealth.

They traded food to increase pops to make their city connections more profitable, and traded production to rush income buildings.

what leads you to believe that increasing wealth via trade with outside sources necessary?

you trade to make money

>Who the fuck did they trade with?
The grey area


They fought with them.
They fought with Persians
They fought with Barbarians
so no trade with them happened

I guess you never heard of the silk road.

They fought with Persia so Persia probably blocked the Silk Road

Then how did the Roman youth popularize silk clothing? How did the Chinese get so much Roman glass?

limited trade

Also, don't act like the Persians didn't love the silk road, without it they would have been nothing. There seemed to be a huge effort on Persia's part to never allow the Romans and Chinese to meet, just so the silk road trade would go through them.

Gotta love constant trade tariffs.

>Persians block your path
>"Look friend, I am no Roman! I am Armenian, who is held under the yoke of the Roman dictatorship. Surely you would let me, my cart, and my ass pass through? I must trade spices and gold because the evil mean Romans have taken all my wealth!

Replace Persia and Armenian with any other combination of that time period and you have yourself a functioning trade network. The military =/= merchants

why is "making money" on a macroeconomic scale necessary though? if one entity ruled the entire world, would its economy just automatically collapse because it ran out of trading partners?

Of course i can.
People from the next province come to this county to buy pears for brandy.
They get fruit and rafined goods, we get money for slighty spoiled pears we don't need, or can't consume ourselves.
How is this not increasing wealth?

The USA also traded internally for much of its history. An economy isn't a zero sum game where you need to take from others to have any gain yourself, people moved passed that way of thinking in the middle ages.

private citizens traded with each other

Wealth gets produced retard.

>an outside source is required to increase wealth
Sooo,.... the goldmines don't increase the wealth of South Africa?

>you cannot produce wealth
why not? if I plant seeds and harvest crops, haven't I just produced wealth without trading with anyone?

That's bullshit, if money gets shipped from (we'll use your example) California to Texas, yeah Texas is richer but California is simultaneously poorer, so all you're doing is redistributing and not increasing wealth for the entire union. An outside source is required to increase wealth and as we've established

you cannot produce wealth retard. you need an outside source

So there was not Economic activity, resource extraction, agriculture, etc in the Roman Empire?


there was a chanel in egipt and you could get from sicily to india in a matter of a couple weeks sailing

>That's bullshit
But i've given you a direct example of how that can be done.

Suez Channel was built in 20th century

are you 12?

Is this the guy that argued Romans couldn't sail to Sardinia?

Wealth creation is not about moving money back and forth. It's about adding value in a production or service chain.

Buy seeds, grow crops. He presto: more wealth.

you're obviously not able to understand any basic concepts of economy which are necessary for a limited understanding of history.

you are either very young or very stupid

yes it was, whats your point?

Shut up assfucks, you're wrong. YOU CAN'T FUCKING TRADE WITH YOURSELF get that through your damned heads

Fucking niggers, at least get it right.

I think we are all taking the bait.

>all these retards who didn't read OP's filename
I swear to god Veeky Forums is easier to bait than /pol/ sometimes.

then explain why the world has collectively gotten richer thanks to global trade....!/articles/1/essays/38/commerce-among-the-states

that's kinda the joke

>you cannot produce wealth

Cornfather bless me with your MAIZE

never trade with anyone, not even yourself

>then explain why the world has collectively gotten richer thanks to global trade....
the world hasn't gotten richer you white subhuman black babies are starving in Africa

You are getting answers you're just a fucking moron, on par w that retard who didn't think ancient ships reach Corsica.

>children where starving everywhere a hundred years ago

They weren't when the TÜRKic man was in charge.

Not only do you not understand basic economics, you don't even know what sub-saharan means

Racist white boi, the blacks were being murdered while you were laughing. Not laughing now, huh?

I wasn't born in the 17th century when the Africa was busy enslaving itself, I so couldn't have been laughing as that happened.

Have you taken a single history class? Or is this bait?

>being this retard and don´t understand economy
>Implying economy works in a linear way like you cited

California trades Iron to Texas for example, gets money and invest to trade Oil from them, both of them experience grown in their areas and have their requirements meet.

Then they diversificate and create new ways to create more wealth and so on.

Then California exports to another state, they get money and the state gets iron and invest to create cars, then they will need oil, then we start having a net.

In Rome this is less complex but still exist

whom do earthlings trade with?

Keep lying, white boi.

BTW wealth is just a perception, have you ever heard of the invisible hand?

You can be a very rich state one day and in the next be so poor you can´t even feed your people.

The value of something is not static, you don´t have to make someone poor so you can be rich, the chain of work explicit is based on that, you are payed for your work force, and your work force is valued on the perception of how much your work worth.

Why would California conduct a trade that is harmful to it?

Well, at least you don´t pretend to be a different guy when spaming the same threads everyweek.

California constantly implements policies that negatively impact it.

Literally everywhere else

>Don´t know what concessions are

They do that to ensure better deals in other more profitable areas to them, it is not like there is some mayor there wakes up and say, lets waste money

That is why normies should not mess with economy, they don´t understand you have to accept to lose in a field to gain in another this is capitalism 101, it is impossible to win in all areas, if you only have deals who are good to you, no one will want to deal with you, unless you have a monopoly of a material.

>if I
Rome was a big guy though

Yes you can. If I take the five Dollars I have in my left hand and give it to my right hand which has a bunch of bananas and put the bananas in my left hand I've traded with myself.
That's how Internal trade functions.

Domestic trade and Arabians mostly.
>Rome had exactly one inhabitant