I just had the best idea ever. There are thousands of Veeky Forums users on here lurking in the shadows. We can all donate $1 to one person, and make that person a multi-thousandnaire. That person will buy Bitbean and stake for "x" period of time. He gives us our original $1 plus the profits he made. We go to a new person and continue doing this so all of us end up millionaires after a few months.
Get rich quick
I'd rob any of you faggots the first chance I'd get. Doggy dog world.
Post that crying frog again I dare you I DOUBLE DARE MOTHERFUCKER post that crying frog ONE MORE GODDAMN TOME
What now?
stopped reading there, fucktard
That's why we only pool $1 to a person so we don't get robbed. This system is based on integrity, so you scammers can fuck off.
Thx for the (You)
This. Just when I thought I couldn't be annoyed by anything more than fucking anime girls, this shit starts happening.
(You)'re welcome
fucking commie die
this is/will be illegal. reported
We did this with a group of friends eight of us would flip 50 bucks every week to the person whos turn is was.
Protip, you buy the beers at the bar bish. lol
Works for investing too though.. in ways
Great Idea!!
How many Bitbeans do I need to have friends?
I volunteer to be the pioneer
You mean...dog eat dog world
A doggy dog world sounds fantastic
trailer park boys reference
Veeky Forums is international, which means lots of non-whites who cannot be trusted to enact deals of goodwill like this. If they are the recipient of the money they will run with it, if they were to give it they would accuse the recipient of cheating them from day one, demand more of a share and then FUD the whole process.
it's called ARK delegate. Look it up.
dog eat dog you fucking idiot
There already a subreddit for this retard. r/millionairemakers
>There are thousands of Veeky Forums users on here lurking in the shadows.
What the fuck did you just say about my waifu?!